Jack, who was blown away, crawled out of the ruins and looked at his boss in confusion.

He was puzzled. Why did his boss protect the Straw Hat Pirates and beat him?

Jack was puzzled, and Doflamingo, who was completely suppressed by Fujitora and unable to move, was directly desperate.

The backer he found turned out to be the backer of the enemy.....How could he not despair?

Law was also puzzled. Although he had not been in contact with the Straw Hat Pirates for a long time, he had some understanding of them. They definitely had nothing to do with the Four Emperors.....

But looking at the current scene, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and the others are obviously very familiar with Kaido.

If Law knew that they actually met while sleeping, I wonder what he would think......

On the other side,

Kaido looked at several students in the dream and said,"It seems that you are the one who made me become a teacher?"

Kaido's words made several people look at Ike.

Ike smiled and said,"Teacher Kaido, you.......You are destined to be a teacher!"

"How about it? Do you want to build a school and be a teacher in reality?"

Kaido really fell into deep thought after hearing this.

After being a teacher in his dream for three months, Kaido felt that teaching was a very sacred and interesting job.

The most important thing is that it is very fulfilling to witness his students grow up little by little.

Seeing Kaido lost in thought, Ike said to himself,"Fuck! Kaido doesn't really want to build a school!"

Suddenly, Kaido laughed wildly.

"Hahaha....Okay! Then let's build a school and call it the School of Beasts!"

Jack was stunned when he heard what his boss said.

Build a school? What a joke, we are all ferocious pirates, why build a school? To train pirates?

Instead of building a school, it would be more reliable to build a zoo.....

Of course, Jack only dared to think so, and he certainly didn't dare to say it out loud, because he didn't want to be beaten again.......

Kaido is really planning to build a school.

There are as many students as he wants on the sea. As for teachers, Kaido believes that there are many talented people in their Beasts Pirates, and they are more than qualified to be teachers.

Three big names.

Flame Disaster Jin is calm, intelligent and brave, and is more than qualified to be a dean.

Plague Disaster Quinn, a former member of the scientific research team, has no problem being a chemistry teacher, and maybe he can even train a group of young scientists.

As for Drought Disaster Jack? His brain is not very good, and he can't teach students, but he can be a target! After students learn Haki, they will definitely need a target to practice, and Jack is a good choice.

Then select some suitable and capable people from the real fights to be teachers. Will this school be established soon!

"Well! Let's do it, build a school when we go back! Let's choose Wano Country as the location!"

Hearing that Kaido was going to build a school, Luffy expressed his support on behalf of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Just when the atmosphere here was getting better and better and everyone was having fun, Brook, Usopp, Chopper and other members of the Straw Hat Pirates rushed over here.

Before they got close, Chopper ate the Rumble Ball and turned into a super-large reindeer, and then punched Kaido on the head.

However, this punch on Kaido only made him take a half step back.

Kaido would naturally fight back after being beaten, but before he could make a move, Luffy stood in front of him and shouted at Chopper,"Hey! Chopper, what are you doing?"

"Hey? Luffy, didn't you fight with the Four Emperors? We are here to help you!"

Just then, Brook and Nami ran over.

When Nami came closer, she found that Luffy and the others had no intention of fighting, and knew that they might have been fooled.

Next, Luffy's words also confirmed Nami's thoughts.

"How could we possibly fight with Mr. Cornetto? Who told you that?"

"It was Kin'emon. He said you asked him and Momonosuke to go back to the ship for help! Then we came here!"

This time it was Usopp who spoke


As soon as Usopp finished speaking, Franky cursed inwardly and ran towards the Thousand Sunny. What did Kin'emon and Momonosuke want to do by transferring the Straw Hat Pirates away? What else could they do besides stealing the ship?

Sanji also thought that Kin'emon and the others were going to steal the ship, so he rushed out without saying a word.

But when everyone arrived at the port, Qi Nahao had disappeared.

As for why the bird cage disappeared? Of course, it was because Doflamingo was knocked down by Fujitora, and the bird cage had disappeared long ago........

Luffy was very angry when he saw his ship was stolen.

"That kid just now is called Momonosuke, right?"

At this moment, Kaido's voice sounded behind Luffy and the others.

"Hmm? Teacher, do you know him?"

Luffy asked curiously.

"hehe....I know them but I'm not familiar with them! If you want to chase them, you should be able to find them in Zou or Wano Country!"

"They can only go to these two places now!"

Having said this, Kaido looked at Luffy and said with a smile,"Do you need me to take you there?"

"No need, we can go there by ourselves, our own ship, we will take it back by ourselves!"

Luffy didn't want to trouble Kaido, after all, Kaido has helped them enough

"All right! I'll be waiting for you guys in Wano Country then!"

After saying that, Kaido grabbed Jack and turned into a giant dragon and flew into the distance.

As for Doflamingo? Artificial devil fruit? Kaido has given up because he already has a new goal, which is to build a school.

Then through the school, various talented people with brains will be trained, and then these talents will spread all over the world and gradually change the world.

Kaido, the young man who once slayed a dragon, turned into an evil dragon, but because he saw the true equality of all people in his dream, and because of the influence of the NPC students and NPC teachers in the dream, he found his childhood dream again and turned into a dragon slayer again.......

After Kaido left, the Straw Hat Pirates began to consider leaving Dressrosa by ship.

There were many ships in the Dressrosa port, including pirate ships and merchant ships, but there was one ship that caught the eyes of the entire Straw Hat Pirates.

Because the bow of the ship was actually Luffy himself.

Just as the Straw Hat Pirates were staring at the ship, Bartolomeo ran over with shining eyes.

"Luffy....Senior, please take my boat! My boat is absolutely reliable!"

"Oh? Is that really okay?"

"good....able...Can let Luffy..."Senior, it's my honor to be on my ship!"

After hearing this, Luffy discussed with his companions and boarded Bartolomeo's Go Forward Luffy-senpai.

Sabo, who had been investigating transaction records in the underground port, came over with a box containing the Flame-Flame Fruit.

Sabo handed the box to Luffy and asked,"Can Ace really be resurrected?"

Luffy did not answer but looked at Ike. Ike nodded, came to the Flame-Flame Fruit, and then took out the resurrection charm. He wanted to see if there was Ace's soul in the Flame-Flame Fruit. If so, then Ace of this world could be resurrected. The

Straw Hat Pirates had already learned the resurrection process from Ike, and they were a little nervous when they saw this scene.

Ace and Rouge also stepped forward and stared at the resurrection charm in Ike's hand.

Only Sabo looked at Ike with some curiosity, but he didn't say anything.

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