Bao Pingan took out a star with letters on it from the props column.‘Z’He threw the black chocolate beans into his mouth and ate them.

He had already entered the [Fatigue] state, and his physical strength immediately recovered from 32% to 55.%

【Name: Superman Chocolate Beans】

【Type: Food supplements】

【Introduction: Justice League Candy Company! Dedicated to producing a variety of high-sugar candies that can quickly restore your health! Eat this sweet chocolate bean! You can immediately restore 10~30% of your physical strength!】

【Features: 'Harm of candy' Within 3 seconds of eating chocolate beans, the following three adverse conditions will appear randomly:

1. High blood sugar (will cause a temporary decrease in endurance and faster physical exhaustion);

2. Obesity (will cause weight gain and faster physical exhaustion);

3. Tooth decay (will cause toothache)】

【Note: Friendly reminder, the side effects of all candies from this company can be stacked ~ Don't buy them to play a prank on your teammates~]

This note... is almost suggesting that people do bad things!

Bao Pingan had thought about playing a prank on Luo Nan and Ma Shen'ao, but the candies of the Justice League Candy Company came from a certain superhero horror world copy with high combat power, so the quantity is relatively scarce. You really can't buy too many.

As a fund manager with considerable financial freedom, he is willing to recharge, but Midnight Nightmare is not a crappy web game that can be abused by spending money... He only bought 5 in total at the beginning, and he was not willing to use them to play a prank.

Now there are only 2 left.

After 2 seconds, Bao Pingan felt a sharp pain in the right big tooth, which made him frown.

"Hiss... Fortunately, the side effect is 'tooth decay', which is the best result……"

He rubbed his face and looked at the main task time.

"Game time, 18 minutes left……"

Bao Pingan thought for a moment as calmly as possible, and his sense of security increased a lot:

"The demon monk's endurance is not very good. After a series of battles, he should have little physical strength left.……"

"If he didn't have any supplements, it would be hard to catch up with him right away."

"Besides, I have the 'Shrinking Boots', a magical escape weapon.……"

Thinking of this, he squatted down and stretched out his hand to press on the side of the soap boots on his feet.

There was a Tai Chi mark there.

At this time, the talisman drawn with Tianmo Sand appeared on the upper of the shoe, shining brightly.

There was still one third of the talisman left.

This means that the"shrinking the earth into an inch" feature of this pair of shrinking boots will soon be exhausted and become a pair of ordinary shoes.

By then, he will not be able to sell the shrinking boots that he bought with 10,250 blood coins for 250 blood coins.

This kind of equipment is similar to the lambskin shoes of luxury brands in reality.

You can only wear it to walk around in shopping malls and hotels, and you can't go out on the street at all. Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, it will break after a few wears, and it will be thrown away when it breaks... Just like a disposable item. Only local tyrants like Bao Pingan can afford it.

"There is still one third left... It should be enough to use until the end of this game." He muttered to himself.

In fact, from the previous many chases, it can be seen that this pair of shrinking boots is really practical.

As long as he wants to escape, the demon monk will not be able to catch up.

Unless the opponent has more powerful equipment or acceleration skills...

However, at this point in the game, both sides have seen how many cards there are.

The equipment bar is so small, and the cards that should be played have been played.

Whether the last card in their hands is a big or small joker or a loose card, both sides know it in their hearts.

Bao Pingan silently warned himself a few words, never fight Ling Yichuan in close combat again, never block himself in a dead end, and always keep a safe distance.……

""I must!"

He encouraged himself and tried not to think about Ma Shen'ao's miserable condition. He focused on the map.

Then he followed the instructions on the map and walked towards the Sutra Library.

"I hope the items there are worthy of Mario's sacrifice.……"

"The Sutra Library is also a high place... It would be even better if we could find the last key.……"


"I hope the ghost of Mario and the prophet of Omaha will bless me……"

The Oracle of Omaha is Buffett.

The god of fund managers.

The footsteps are fading away


Ling Yichuan looked up at the sky, seemingly looking at the circling vultures, but in fact, he was looking anxiously at the timer for the main task.

【Main quest: Kill all escapees in Fanyin Temple within 3 hours. (Remaining time: 18 minutes)】

The time is not too short, but not too long.

If it is placed in a small and closed map like"Smelly Slaughterhouse", Ling Yichuan must be very sure to catch the last prey.

Even if it is"Luxi Street 13" and"St. John's Private Hospital", he is quite confident.

After all, he is the hunter himself.

Home advantage, familiarity!

But here, in 18 minutes, it is really a bit difficult to catch a Taoist player with mobile magic equipment.

The map of Fanyin Temple is too big!

It is open-air above, and there is no way to restrict movement.

The demon monk himself is not familiar with the tunnel below, and looking at the tunnel map, it seems to be a maze...

If he chases over, first rings the bell, and then goes down the tunnel, it will waste a lot of time. When he goes down, God knows where the Taoist has escaped to!

Even if the Taoist rests on the spot and recovers his strength!

But he can run!

Continuous flash! And it feels like there is almost no cooldown. It must not be a skill, but the boots that display glowing talismans when running!

Unless I can approach quietly, the Taoist player can use that pair of shoes that must be very expensive to sneak myself to death!

Even though Ling Yichuan already has a bonus to his endurance, he can't withstand such consumption.

He is not in good condition now.

The energy value is only 45%, but the physical value is only 12%.

【Moderate fatigue���

If he loses another 3 points, he will be [Severe Fatigue], which will further limit his pursuit ability!

(Different degrees of fatigue will weaken the basic attack and basic movement speed to different degrees, and even affect the recovery speed of energy value)

Hard pursuit will definitely not work.

Ling Yichuan is very clear about this.

So what about soft pursuit?

According to his previous strategy, can he fight with the soul-chasing flow?

There is a certain possibility.

The premise is that he must recover a certain degree of physical strength, and the opponent cannot have supplements to restore physical strength.

In this method, you can first use the"Great Joy Curse" to continuously confirm the position of the Taoist priest, and then use the"Semi-mechanical Bone Chain Claw" with a long attack distance to attack and harass.

To put it bluntly, it is to wear physical strength.

Your own physical strength consumption is low, and the opponent's physical strength consumption is high.

As long as it is repeated several times, the opponent's physical strength will be exhausted... Isn't it possible to do whatever you want?

Of course, Ling Yichuan is not very optimistic about whether this strategy can succeed.

Because at the beginning, he saw the titles of several fugitives.

He remembered that he had seen the title of Taoist priest on the head of editor Xia Beizhao.

Tyrant gold recharge title——‘Money never sleeps!

He must be a krypton gold player...

Krypton gold players rarely do not buy supplements.

Sighing, Ling Yichuan said to himself in his current feminine voice:

"Never mind... victory or defeat is determined by fate, it's a draw at best"

"I can only do my best and leave the rest to fate."

As soon as he finished speaking, he vaguely heard a muffled voice in the depths of his consciousness cursing:

"This androgynous bald guy is so fucking negative……"

It seems to be the voice of the Chainsaw Butcher?

Aren't these personalities dead? How can they speak in their own consciousness?

Ling Yichuan was a little puzzled, but he didn't take it seriously for the time being.

He first focused his attention on what he had to do at the moment.

What should I do next?

Ling Yichuan calculated the rest time he needed. He definitely couldn't run later, but he could walk.

When walking, the physical strength is still restored very quickly.

Where to go?

Where will the Taoist player go?

Before the tunnel map disappeared, Ling Yichuan had already seen the structure of the tunnel. The two routes of the tower and the bell tower would lead to the Sutra Pavilion.

If the Taoist player had normal thinking, he would definitely go there!

The name of the Sutra Pavilion sounds like it hides a lot of treasures!

From the fact that those parasitic monsters are still there, it can also be seen that the previous survivors did not explore that area.

Thinking of this, the probability that the Taoist will go there is even greater.

Ling Yichuan connected other clues in his mind.

Whether it is those mysterious parasitic little demons or the white lantern demon mentioned by the ugly thing, they have all appeared in that area.

That must be the place with the highest concentration of information.

Thinking of this, Ling Yichuan did not hesitate at all. He put away his helmet and chain claws, tried to reduce the weight on his body, and then walked towards the Sutra Library.

The Sutra Library and several important halls are on a vertical north-south central axis.

Ling Yichuan walked the shortest distance... passing through the Heavenly King Hall.

When he walked into the Heavenly King Hall, he saw the"remains" left by Master Fanyin again.

The black jade Buddha body, which is much smaller than that of an ordinary person, is sitting there quietly with his eyes closed. The Buddha's light behind him is gradually converging and slowly disappearing.

System prompts:

【This is a"living Buddha's body" without spiritual consciousness. You can think of it as a Buddha, or you can think of it as just a corpse.】

【But be careful! He has some of the remaining characteristics of the Great Black Buddha Mother. If you look at him for too long, you may fall into an uncontrollable horrific hallucination.……】

After a while, another sentence popped up:

【……Of course, you may also get some"knowledge"】


Ling Yichuan suddenly became interested:"Interesting, there is something here."

He stared at the black jade Buddha body and looked at it carefully for a few seconds.

The san value rose quickly, but he did not fall into any illusion.

He just felt more and more clearly... This motionless Buddha body is alive, has breath, heartbeat, like a vegetative person... uh, plant Buddha.

There is also the smell of the Great Black Buddha Mother.

After a few seconds, the system popped up a prompt:

【You gaze at this"living Buddha's body" and some strange knowledge enters your mind.……】

Then a long paragraph of text appeared in front of Ling Yichuan.

He couldn't help laughing.

After playing so far, Ling Yichuan is very sure that it is possible to gain some knowledge by staring at the real evil god... but it shouldn't be like this.

Previously, in the illusion, he saw part of the form of the Great Black Buddha Mother, and a lot of information was poured into his mind.

At that time, there was no such stiff text description to introduce what kind of existence the Great Black Buddha Mother was.

This shows that the plot point of the copy is here. This is specially arranged by the system, which can be regarded as a plot.

With a high san value, Ling Yichuan's thinking is like lightning, and he can read ten lines at a glance. He quickly finished reading the background of the plot described in this paragraph of text.

The content is as follows:

【……You saw some buried truths in the"living Buddha's flesh body".

It turns out that Master Fanyin was not forced to be influenced by the Great Black Buddha Mother. He actually took the initiative to pursue and pray to that great existence.

The Great Black Buddha Mother did not intend to borrow his flesh body to descend.

He did not have the capacity to carry the"Buddha spirit".

Two hundred years ago, Master Fanyin accidentally obtained an ancient book called"The Book of Life and Death of the Black Lotus Flesh Buddha in the Western Regions", and saw the"Secret Technique of Becoming a Buddha in the Flesh Body" recorded in it.

Knowing that his end was approaching, Master Fanyin began to try out the secret method in it.

He practiced the extremely indulgent"Joy Zen" method, which attracted the attention of the Great Black Buddha Mother. At the right time and place, he was extremely lucky to pray for a trace of the Buddha Mother's great power and incorporate it into his body.

Soon, the vortex of desire began to devour his consciousness.

According to the records in the secret technique, Master Fanyin separated his consciousness from his flesh body and temporarily stored it in the"Lingming Pearl" in the Bangxian Pond, and left a decree to the abbots of the Fanyin Temple of all generations, asking them to arrange it according to their own wishes.���To do it.

First of all, the flesh body he left behind was declared to be in Nirvana, but in fact, it was secretly made into an incorruptible mummy.

The power of the Great Black Buddha Mother will remain active in the mummy, and cultivate the original Dharma image... also called the small golden body.

This Dharma image can nourish itself by absorbing the incense and faith of pilgrims.

It will be completed in two hundred years at most.

The outer body will decay, and the inner body will become a Buddha!

At that time, the host will take out the Lingming Pearl under the Bangxian Pond, and the whole temple will work hard to cast a spell to send his consciousness back again and enter the Buddha's body.

In this way, a real living Buddha on the ground will appear in Fanyin Temple!

Of course... this weird method of becoming a Buddha that goes against the way of heaven is definitely not a true Buddha.

Moreover, although the small golden body without consciousness also has a certain amount of magic power and can unconsciously realize some of the desires of pilgrims... it also has a considerable impact on the monks in the temple.

The more suppressed the desire, the more it will be induced by the power of the Great Black Buddha Mother...

Not long after enshrining this"flesh-bodhisattva", Fanyin Temple became famous for being the most effective in delivering children.……】

After reading this, Ling Yichuan... or the demon monk Posha's mind was greatly shocked!

Is this true?

If it is true... then the host and those fellow disciples... were all influenced by the Great Black Buddha Mother?

That's why they became like that?! Then why were they not affected? ?

Deep in his consciousness, the Chainsaw Butcher sneered rudely:

‘Because you don't have a big dick, you bastard. '

The demon monk was instantly angry:"Get lost!"

Ling Yichuan was stunned for a moment, then reacted and pushed this inexplicably overactive Chainsaw Butcher personality deep into his consciousness.

He seemed to hear the reckless man roaring in anger. He calmed down and thought about it again.

Ling Yichuan had to admit that what the Chainsaw Butcher said made sense...

The demon monk was not affected, probably because he was born with a defect... He didn't have that job...

And who said he was not affected at all?

Without being affected, how could a mortal become a demon so easily? How could he have such a strong desire for abuse and self-abuse?

"It's actually like this... It's actually like this……"

Ling Yichuan shook his head and sighed.

If it weren't for his overclocked main personality, I'm afraid the demon monk, whose values have always been unstable, would suddenly collapse.

"It was an accident."

I don't know if he was comforting himself or the evil monk.

"This Master Fanyin deserves to be stabbed to death. His original plan has been shattered."

"I killed the abbot and all the monks, so he couldn't leave Bangxian Pond... I could only use such a despicable method to piece together a dirty body from the corpse.……"


Ling Yichuan raised his head and laughed!

At this time, the system popped up another task prompt:

【You have triggered the 'Hidden Execution Mission of the Demon Monk'! (Expand to view details)]

Ling Yichuan was stunned.


Hidden Execution Mission, how did I trigger it?

���I selected 'Expand' and saw another long paragraph of text. I quickly scanned it and then I realized what was going on.

"I see... I've already read the article 'The Secret of Becoming a Buddha in the Flesh'’!"

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