The unfolding content has revealed a long series of background stories.

To sum up, the above is to say that the Western Region Black Lotus Flesh Buddha Book of Life and Death actually records more than one secret method of"becoming a Buddha".

The Book of Life and Death is very mysterious.

It says that if a person who is not deeply connected to the Buddha can never get the attention of the Great Black Buddha Mother, then he can settle for the next best thing and achieve a living Buddha in the flesh through other methods.

There are actually quite a lot of ways to become a Buddha through evil ways!

Master Fanyin used the"Buddha's Fetus Pregnant Buddha Death Offering Method", which can only be used by top-level monks with conditions. It is relatively easy and comfortable, and the spirit does not have to suffer in the flesh.

There is a more absurd and cruel method, which is specially used by low-level monks.

It is called the"Flesh Body Buddha Living Offering Method."

As the name suggests, this method requires the flesh to be alive, and the spirit is still in the flesh, with nowhere to go.

Being alive and being worshipped...

Here, some heavenly materials and treasures are used to"pickle" some monks with high cultivation.

There are many unconventional methods, most of which are similar to the methods of making mummies.

The skin and flesh are dried to preserve freshness and corrosion; but the person is still alive, roughly like this.

Very fantasy.

After that, use pure gold to make a real golden body. This step is probably a psychological suggestion method unique to some fantasy world. Only by practicing in the golden body of a dead Buddha statue can you shape a living golden body of the real Buddha.

Is it reasonable? It's unreasonable! But it doesn't matter!

With a golden Buddha statue, put the living monks in it, leaving only the air holes.

From then on, the monks will sit in the golden body of the Buddha statue and accept offerings and incense for many years.

This living offering method believes that the human spirit is born with Buddha nature.

Even if there is no power like the Great Black Buddha Mother to shape the Dharma body in the body, people can shape it themselves, but it is much more difficult.

Coupled with the self-hypnosis of the spirit, and the offerings and kneeling of countless pilgrims.

They will enter a state infinitely close to"Buddha".

Once they enter that mysterious state, the monks no longer need to eat.

Afterwards, the only problem they have to face is whether their consciousness can survive the long years.

Only monks with the strongest beliefs and the most powerful consciousness can endure hundreds of years of hard practice without being able to speak or move, and their consciousness will not be erased by time. When they have accumulated enough experience points and become Buddhas, they will naturally be able to escape.

The demon monk Po Su once saw the fragments of the"Secret Technique of Becoming a Buddha in the Flesh" in the Sutra Library. There were records about the Great Black Buddha Mother smeared on it, so he never knew the existence of this evil god.

There were too many smears and he couldn't understand it, so he skipped the"Buddha's Fetus Pregnant Buddha Dead Offering Method" and only read the"Flesh Body Sculpting Buddha Living Offering Method."

He found it very interesting.

Then, the demon monk went to ask his demon master, the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly Dragon Guanyin.

Ask him if this method can be used to seal all the brothers in the Fanyin Temple in the Buddha statue, so that they can enjoy this extreme pain.

The evil monk hated these monks too much.

He certainly didn't think that these fake monks who were like animals could really become Buddhas through this evil method.

He just wanted to torture them.

Therefore, Posuo didn't intend to follow the methods in it completely.

What if... it really succeeded by accident?

Wouldn't that be counterproductive?

Then, the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly Dragon Guanyin provided him with an excellent plan.

The evil monk tried to do it, and it worked.

After that, he sealed all the remaining monks of the Fanyin Temple in various Buddha statues in the Guanyin Hall and the Great Hall, making them suffer endless pain.

Both physically and spiritually.

However, after he completed this task, the master buried the crater.

Yes, there is a crater here.

Foyin Mountain has always been a dormant volcano.

"It seems that the game system has modified this part……"

Ling Yichuan's heart surged:

"The execution location is set at the Thousand Buddha Pagoda in the back mountain! Thousand Buddha Pagoda!! I like this place!"

He carefully read the hidden execution ceremony operation process, extremely excited, and confident!

After all, the demon monk has done it once!

However, last time he did it under the guidance of his master, this time, he finally got to do it again by himself!

Just thinking about it makes me tremble with excitement!

Looking at the last line of notes for the execution ceremony, Ling Yichuan narrowed his eyes into crescents and muttered:

"The victim's pain limit...increases by 5%?"


"Nightmare game... is finally showing its hideous face……"

Ling Yichuan laughed heartily!

A 5% increase in the upper limit of pain is not much.

However, for most normal players, this is a terrible start.

The 'upper limit of pain' and 'pain safety margin' claimed by Midnight Nightmare turned out to be nonsense... As long as they are willing, they can increase your pain experience at any time!

How about giving you +5% today and +10% tomorrow?

Refuse to play the game?

Maybe... it's not that simple?

Ling Yichuan increasingly felt that there would come a day when Midnight Nightmare would be like the AI in Conan's theatrical version"The Phantom of Baker Street" or"Sword Art Online", forcibly locking players in the game cabin and not letting them out until they pass the level.

If you die in the game, you will also die in reality.

At that time, Midnight Nightmare would be a fake game and a real hell.

"Interesting, that's very interesting! Hahahaha!!"

Ling Yichuan laughed wildly:"The world is closed, and hell is full... When the time comes, I will also make a great wish... Hehe... I will not become a Buddha until hell is empty! I will kill people until blood flows like a river!"

Deep in his consciousness, the voice of the chainsaw butcher was very weak:"Sissy, bragging."

The demon monk choked.

Oh my god...

What's wrong with this guy?

Ling Yichuan thought that after this game is over, he will study the problem of personality activation carefully.

If it is not solved, will all hunter personalities have to say a few trash words from time to time in the future?

Wouldn't that be annoying!

He scolded the butcher in his heart, and then hurried to the Sutra Library.

Before leaving, he touched the black jade Buddha body whose Buddha light had dissipated, and confirmed that this thing could not be taken out of the copy.……

"Alas, what a pity"

"If I could bring out a copy of a living Buddha's golden body, the material would at least be epic, right?"


"Is this the place?"

By the light of the eternal lamp, Bao Pingan looked down at the tunnel map again and confirmed that it was correct.

In front of him was a solid wall made of blue bricks.

On the left and right sides, there were two eternal lamps with larger bases.

On the tunnel map, there was a simple mark without any text notes.

It seemed to be... rotating?

Bao Pingan tried to touch the brass base of the eternal lamp on the left and turned it slightly!


There was obviously a sound of the mechanical structure starting!

"I guessed it right!"

Then he turned the base of the eternal lamp on the right in the same way.

Ka La Da!

"Woo woo woo——"

Like the sound of wind coming from the cave, the blue bricks above the head shifted to both sides, gradually opening an exit.

There was no staircase, Bao Pingan jumped up and grabbed the edge of the exit, then exerted a little force with both hands, and the whole person jumped out lightly.


He felt very good.

In reality, Bao Pingan, who couldn't even do a pull-up, was agile in the game, like a real knight with unique skills!

Immersive games require this kind of real experience!

After he jumped up, the exit of the tunnel slowly closed again.

Patting the dust off his body, Bao Pingan looked around.

Now, he was on the first floor of the Sutra Pavilion.

It looked very quiet here. The mahogany shelves were filled with ancient scriptures. The moonlight through the window lattices sprinkled on these ancient books, and there was a quiet beauty.

It was too dark.

Bao Pingan found that he couldn't see anything here. He moved two steps carefully and bumped into the sutra shelf on the other side.

There was no other way, he could only take out the last [Wedding Windproof Candle] from the prop column, rubbed the core with two fingers, and a cluster of bright flames lit up, and the warm light illuminated the surroundings.

Bao Pingan carefully held the candle in one hand, and touched the scriptures next to him one by one with the other hand.

He felt that there was a high probability that there was a skill book here, but he didn't know which one might be a skill book.

Every one of them is possible.

Then touch them all. If you touch a skill book, the system will pop up a prompt.

As he touched it, he saw a book on the upper right wooden grid that was obviously different from the other scriptures.

Other thread-bound scriptures have simple blue book covers. But this book has a golden wooden book box!

Putting it here, it is simply a crane standing out from the crowd, outstanding, and extremely eye-catching!

It is clearly a coquettish slut different from the surrounding mountain girls!


Bao Ping'an was a little excited, and he stood on tiptoe to reach out.

He couldn't reach it.

The weight of his body pressed on the mahogany bookshelf, which was shaking slightly. He didn't dare to jump up or climb up directly, so he could only use the Qinggang sword with a scabbard to reach it. After trying for a while, the scabbard finally knocked the golden book box down.

Bao Ping'an immediately put the Qinggang sword back into the equipment bar, freed his right hand, and caught the book box with quick eyes and hands!

Putting the candle on the ground, he squatted between the two bookshelves, quietly opened the book box, and took out a book called"Records of Monsters in Foyin Mountain".

He flipped it open and saw that the pages only recorded the information of three kinds of monsters.

‘Pig demon, Black Tangang clan’

‘The body of the five turbidities is naturally capable of practicing Yin Lei Lei Fa’

‘Sexually promiscuous, irritable, vindictive... greedy, overbearing, and tyrannical, he is only afraid of the black wicker demon that has just become a spirit in the back mountain.’

‘Xu snake, unknown origin’

‘They don't seem to be natural creatures of this world, but come from the mysterious outside world. The body of the Xu snake can hide for a long time, and it cannot be touched or harmed.’

‘When it appears, you can only see its lantern-like eyes. But it is also impossible to touch or harm it, as if it is just an illusion of a pair of eyes.’

‘The Ruin Snake likes to appear in places with dense water vapor and often hides its tracks. Those who are devoured by it will generally enter the Ruin Realm, and no one will know about it afterwards. If they are still alive after half an incense stick, they can be expelled from the Ruin Realm.……’

‘It is afraid of light during the day and thunder at night...When thunder strikes, the body of the snake will be revealed and it can be harmed.’

‘Black rosa centipede is a herb grown in the back hills of Fanyin Temple.’

‘After being influenced by the Great Black Buddha Mother, Master Fanyin's body changed. He then used his own yellow to fertilize the woad... which caused the woad to become a demon.’

‘As he was indirectly influenced by the Buddha's aura, the Black Blue Demon believed that he was the descendant of the Buddha and was determined to find the Buddha in his original memory.’

‘After that, they took over the remains of some monks and vaguely believed that there was a shortcut to the Western Paradise in the Buddhist scriptures.’

‘So they stayed in the Sutra Library, trying to find a way to go to the West.’

‘This monster is a herb that takes root in the ground. It has a strong sense of territory. Don't approach it rashly.’

‘They are good at taking over your body, so don't let them get close to you.’

‘Indescribable, invisible, prone to convulsions, trance’

‘The black wicker monster is afraid of fire by nature. After being roasted by fire... it can be used as medicine to cure all diseases. '

If you turn the page further, you can actually see the appearance of other monsters.

For example, tiger monsters, fox monsters, vine monsters, etc.... But the records below are all fuzzy, as if they were deliberately erased.

Bao Pingan estimated that all the monsters mentioned here are all the monsters that may appear in the Fanyin Temple dungeon.

However, in order to reduce spoilers for players, the information of monsters that did not appear in this dungeon will not be displayed directly.

"Hiss... that's interesting."

Bao Pingan scratched his ear and thought:

"��These kinds of monsters have a kind of mutually restraining relationship, right?"

"The Xu Snake is afraid of Yin Lei, which means it is afraid of the Pig Demon; the Pig Demon is afraid of the Black Ragdoll Demon; the Black Ragdoll Demon said it is afraid of fire, but did not say it is afraid of the Xu Snake... But I guess it would be no problem for the Xu Snake to swallow them."

"If I had seen this record of monsters half an hour earlier, I might have been able to clear out the monsters in the dungeon... but it's useless now." He didn't want to waste time, so he casually put the 'Record of Monsters in Foyin Mountain' on the nearest bookshelf, then walked out with a candle.

"Skill book...skill book...I want a skill book……"

"Where can I find the skill books?"

After walking out of the two bookshelves, Bao Pingan turned around and saw two monks with no skin on their faces holding a stack of scriptures.


He was so frightened that he fell to the ground!

The sudden shock was really too shocking!!

The two monks' faces were bloody and their eye sockets were empty. They opened their mouths slightly and tilted their heads up, as if looking at him with their throats.

After a moment, a pair of forked tentacles stretched out of their mouths, with two eyeballs stuck on them.

A hollow, dry, hoarse voice came from the depths of their throats:

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"


Looking at the two monks, Bao Pingan felt his heart tightening little by little. The inexplicable fear was like a flame doused with gasoline, rising higher and higher.

【Be careful! Don't stare at them! 】

Seeing the system prompt, Bao Pingan suddenly realized!

These guys are the black pine...what monsters mentioned in the monster record just now?

Black truffle monsters? ?

Bao Pingan now really wants to go back and take the monster manual back and read it carefully.

Soon, the inquiries of these black truffle monsters seemed to increase, almost resonating.

""Who are you?""Who are you?""Who are you?""Who are you?"

These voices came from the second floor.

On both sides of the stairs, bloody monks walked down woodenly.

Ten, twenty, thirty people... In the small and cramped space, they seemed densely packed, suppressed and silent.

They had no skin, expressionless faces, and tentacles with eyeballs spit out of their mouths. Other tentacles stretched out from the eyes, noses, ears, and even hands and feet, fluttering like seaweed.

This was not simply terrifying.

Bao Ping'an felt his scalp tingling. These monsters were so weird that they made people uncomfortable!

Suddenly, one of the voices gave an order:

"Eat him."

Instantly, the two monks closest to him suddenly grabbed his arms!

At least a dozen tentacles from the monks' facial features quickly stretched out and pierced into Bao Ping'an's face!

【The Black Blue Demon has launched a"possession" on you! In 10 seconds, your consciousness will be devoured by them! Your body will be completely controlled by them!】

【Once your consciousness disappears, you will be eliminated! 】

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