Ike heard this and handed the compound bow to Vivi.

After Vivi took the compound bow, she pulled the bowstring a few times and then skillfully bent the bow and put the arrow on. She didn't aim at all and just let go of the bowstring.

Unlike Ike, Vivi easily hit the target. Although it was not the bull's eye, it was still amazing.

Luffy saw this and also had a try.

Luffy's situation was the same as Ike's, and he also missed the target....

As a sniper, Usopp also tried it.

Ike also wanted to see if Usopp was only good with the slingshot.

After Usopp took the compound bow, he first pulled it, then tried to aim, and then took out the arrow, drew the bowstring and began to aim at the target 20 meters away.

When Usopp drew the bowstring, his temperament was different.

Unlike slingshots, bows and arrows have been a weapon of killing since ancient times. The temperament of Usopp using bows and arrows and slingshots will naturally change.

Just as Usopp was aiming, the sea breeze suddenly became stronger, and with the change of the sea breeze, the waves suddenly surged.

Seeing this scene, Ike knew that Usopp should not be able to hit the target. The current waves are even about to submerge the target. How could he hit it?

But in this harsh environment, Usopp actually chose to loosen the bowstring and shoot the arrow.

With a"whoosh", the arrow broke through the waves and shot straight into the bull's eye.

Ike was also amazed at this.

Luffy stepped forward and patted Usopp on the shoulder and said,"You are worthy of being our sniper. You are amazing!"..."

Usopp didn't expect that he could actually hit the target. He was stunned for a moment, then boasted,"Hahahahaha!"....I’m the sniper king Usopp! Not to mention a target at 50 meters, I can hit it even at 500 meters!"

Upon hearing this, Ike immediately loosened the rope tied to the target, and it directly increased from 20 meters to 100 meters.

Ike pointed to the target that had become 100 meters and said,"Usopp, try again!"

Usopp wanted to give up when he saw this. After all, how could he hit the target at 100 meters plus the power of the waves?

The most important thing is that not only was the target up and down in the waves, but the Golden Merry was also shaking constantly.

Seeing that Usopp was a little unconfident, Ike took out a bamboo dragonfly and said,"Usopp, I don’t need you to hit the bull’s eye, but as long as you can hit the target, I’ll give you this bamboo dragonfly!"

Usopp's eyes lit up when he saw the bamboo dragonfly.

Luffy had used the bamboo dragonfly before, and Usopp envied the sight of it flying freely. The most important thing was that after Luffy used the bamboo dragonfly, it was taken back by Ike.

The reason was simple. If the bamboo dragonfly was in Luffy's hands, it might cause everyone to get lost!

Why didn't Luffy get lost, but other companions?

That's because in Luffy's mind, it was impossible for him to get lost. If he couldn't find his companions, it could only be his group of unreliable companions who got lost..........

After seeing the bamboo dragonfly, Usopp also wanted to give it a try.

Anyway, it wouldn't be a loss if he missed the target. At most, his lie would be exposed.

This time, Usopp pulled down the goggles on his head very seriously, and then began to draw the bow and aim carefully.

At this moment, Sanji, Zoro, and Nami also came over.

Seeing Usopp so serious, everyone was silent, and even suppressed the sound of breathing.

Usopp also entered a state of concentration. The only thing in his eyes was the target a hundred meters away.

He was calculating, calculating the ups and downs of the waves. When the waves rose and fell, he released the bowstring and the arrow flew out.

At this time, everyone focused their attention in the direction of the target.

Ike took out a telescope.

When he saw the arrow stuck in the center of the target, Ike shouted in his heart,"Usopp is awesome!"

It was also because of this arrow that Ike made a painful but reasonable decision......

Others also saw Usopp hit the target, and then they all began to praise Usopp's sniping ability.

At this time, Ike came to the side of the boat again and let out the rope a little longer.....It was extended from 100 meters to 500 meters.

This was what Usopp had boasted before.

Seeing this, Usopp asked in disbelief,"Ike, you don't want me to shoot at a target of 500 meters, do you?" Although Usopp has good eyesight ,

500 meters is still just a small black dot for him.....The range of a compound bow is not as far as 500 meters............

After hearing what Usopp said, Ike took off the cross bracelet on his wrist and handed it to Usopp, saying,"Use this to shoot!"

Usopp took the bracelet and was a little curious. This thing is just a bracelet. Can it be turned into a bow and arrow?

As if seeing Usopp's thoughts, Ike said to Usopp,"Wear it on your hand, and then imagine that you have a bow in your hand!"

Usopp knew that Ike could take out some magical items, so he also followed Ike's instructions and began to imagine that there was a bow and arrow in his hand.

Just as Usopp had this idea, a gorgeous longbow emitting blue light appeared in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Usopp was also surprised.

At this moment, Ike's voice came again.

"This longbow is called the Spirit Bow. It can condense arrows and increase the power of the original arrows. Its range is very long. As for how far? It depends on how the person using it controls it!"

At this moment, Nami recognized the longbow in Usopp's hand.

"Oh? This...Isn't this the bow that Ike used to flatten half of a mountain with one arrow last time?"

Everyone looked over when they heard Nami's words.

Nami saw this and recalled the last time when she helped the Millennium Dragon, Eric came to her, and then Eric took out his bow and arrow and accidentally flattened the distant mountain because he missed.

This can be regarded as Ike's black history.

After all.....Even the shots from less than ten meters away were off target. I can only say that Ike is really not suitable for long-range weapons such as bows and arrows.........

Hearing that the bow and arrow in his hand had such power, Usopp's eyes lit up.

Usopp has been a negative person since he was a child. Although it is not visible on the surface, he is full of drama in his heart......It is precisely because of this that Perona's negative spirits are useless to him.

With such a magical weapon, Usopp also wants to try whether he can hit the target of the waves 500 meters away.

PS: COD19 test is free, come and play!

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