Usopp held the spirit bow in his hand, his eyes fixed on the target that was rising and falling in the waves 500 meters away.

"Can Usopp hit the target from such a distance?"

Nami knew that Usopp's sniping ability was not as good as that of a weak opponent.....But standing on the boat to attack a target 500 meters away was still too much of a stretch!

Zoro did not speak, but made a"hush" gesture, signaling Nami to stop talking and watch quietly.......

Ike also looked at Usopp quietly, then he opened his Sharingan and looked at the target 500 meters away.

After opening the Sharingan, the target was very clear, but no matter how clear it was, it was useless. Being able to see and being able to hit were two different concepts.

Ike decided that if Usopp could really hit a target 500 meters away, then....

Ike had given up on his archery skills.....He missed the target even at 20 meters. I can only say that Ike has no talent for archery.

Not only at 20 meters, but also before that when he was less than 10 meters away, Ike could still miss the target with his spirit bow. I can only say that archery is really not suitable for him.......

At the same time.

Usopp entered a state of concentration again.

He put on his goggles and began to adjust the focal length of the goggles so that he could see farther.

When he felt that he could see the farthest, he pulled the spirit bow.

As Usopp pulled the spirit bow, he felt that his physical strength was constantly being drawn by the spirit bow in his hand.

Because it was the first time to use the spirit bow, Usopp was not sure how much physical strength could be condensed to shoot an arrow as far as 500 meters, so he poured 90% of his physical strength into it without hesitation.

Usopp was not a physical monster. His 90% physical strength might not even be 10% of Luffy or Ike's physical strength.

But even so, the spirit bow still exuded an unparalleled blue light, and a transparent arrow appeared on the bowstring.

After aiming, Usopp held his breath for a while, stared at the target, and finally released his hand pulling the bowstring.

At the moment the arrow was shot, everyone present heard a sonic boom, and several people's hair was blown back.

After the sonic boom, what came into everyone's eyes was the split sea. At the same time, the target 500 meters away was directly pierced by the arrow, and then the ropes connecting the target rubber boat to the Merry broke.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened. They didn't expect that the power of Usopp's arrow would be so great.

Usopp was also shocked by the power of the spirit bow in his hand. Just when Usopp wanted to blow another wave, his legs softened and he fell to the ground.

"Hungry....I am starving...."

Usopp said to Sanji while holding his stomach.

Seeing this, Sanji said"wait a minute" and rushed into the kitchen to cook.

"Sanji...I want to eat too!"

Luffy also shouted at Sanji's back

"It will be ready soon!" Sanji responded and started to cook. He could see that Usopp was exhausted after shooting that arrow just now, so he wanted to make some food that could quickly replenish his energy........

Weiwei looked at the slowly calming sea and said,"The power of this bow and arrow is stronger than that of a cannon!"

Ikalem also agreed,"Yes!....The price of shooting the arrow seems to be a bit high!"

At this moment, Ike helped Usopp up and let him lean against the side of the boat, saying,"Usopp's control of the spirit bow is not very good. If he can control the spirit bow perfectly, it won't be like this!"

At this moment, Nami, who was holding a telescope, suddenly exclaimed

"Arrow shot by Usopp.....Hit a pirate ship several thousand meters away....."

After hearing Nami's words, Ike was also stunned. Then he received a system prompt that he had earned several hundred points of justice.

After seeing the system prompt, Ike only knew that Usopp's arrow had just destroyed a pirate ship.

Others were also surprised. After all,...That was a pirate ship thousands of meters away, but it was destroyed by Usopp's arrow.

Usopp opened his mouth wide, and finally looked at the cross bracelet on his wrist, and finally returned it to Ike reluctantly.

Usopp knew that such an awesome artifact was a pure waste for him.

After all....He only shot one arrow and was immediately exhausted. If it was given to Ike or Luffy, who are strong, I think they would have no problem shooting many arrows.

Seeing Usopp handing over the spirit bow, Ike shook his head and said,"You use this!"

Usopp was also stunned when he heard this.

"If you want to use it well, you have to exercise well to increase your physical strength. In addition, you have to learn to control the power of the spirit bow. Before you can use your physical strength at will, you can choose to use physical arrows, which will consume less physical strength."

Hearing Ike say this, Usopp knew that he really wanted to give this artifact to him.....

Looking at the bow in his hand, Usopp nodded solemnly and said,"Don't worry, Ike, I will train well and live up to it."

At this moment, Zoro touched his chin and looked at Usopp and said,"Do you want to train with me?"


"that...I'd better exercise on my own!"

Usopp knew that Zoro used a barbell weighing several tons to exercise every day. He was simply a muscular freak. Usopp believed that he could not bear it.......

At this moment, he suddenly took out a solar-powered treadmill and said to Usopp,"Zoro's exercise method is too abnormal. This treadmill is very suitable for you!"

Seeing the treadmill, Usopp looked at Ike with gratitude.

And Ike wanted to say, after you use this treadmill, you may not be grateful to me...........

Sanji prepared the food very quickly. It was lunch time, so everyone went to the kitchen to eat.

Usopp also increased his eating speed and even started to compete with Luffy for food.

While everyone was eating, Psyduck came out of the Poké Ball on Nami's waist again.

Seeing this, Sanji also prepared a set meal specifically for Psyduck.���

After all, Psyduck is a Pokémon, so it naturally eats something different from humans. Sanji spent several days researching before coming up with the Psyduck set.

The appearance of Psyduck immediately made Princess Vivi's Kalu Duck excited. After all, they are both ducks, and it feels like meeting a fellow creature.......

After the meal, Ike took the food that Sanji had prepared in advance and entered the cozy house.

He didn't forget that there were a few unlucky people imprisoned in the cozy house!

After arriving at the cozy house, Ike saw Mr. 5, the booger man, and Mr. Valentine playing the game console, while Mr. 13 and Mr. Friday were watching and shouting excitedly from time to time.

The games in the cozy house were purchased by Ike before, and they were all small games, such as Super Mario, Contra, etc.....

These games are common to Ike, but....People who are in contact with it for the first time can be deeply involved in it.

Seeing Ike enter the cozy cabin, the two who were playing games stopped what they were doing.

They also knew that they were prisoners, and playing games so blatantly was indeed a bit too arrogant and disrespectful to the kidnappers.

Seeing this, Ike didn't say anything. After putting down the food, he signaled that they could continue, and he left the cozy cabin directly.

The environment of the cozy cabin is good, but Ike still likes the cheerful atmosphere of playing and fighting on the Merry.

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