In the small garden.

The bonfire party has ended, and now it is the superpower party.

Many marines have 15 minutes of superpowers, or negative buffs.

Some marines fly freely in the sky of the small garden, while others turn into animals.

Some, like Mr. 5 before, turn into a pile of shit.

For example, their hair turns green, they have diabetes insipidus, and they lose their eyesight.....There are also many negative BUFFs like this......

Originally, Ike only wanted to use Mr. 5 and Mr. 3 to refresh the jelly beans, and to get the jelly beans that could cure Nami's illness as soon as possible.

Perhaps out of curiosity about the jelly beans, a navy wanted to try it.

Then it was out of control, and all the navy soldiers lined up to eat Ike's jelly beans.

Even Smoker ate one.

Smoker ate the ability to transform into a sword.

Naturally....He couldn't control the transformation into a sword, and had to wait fifteen minutes before he could transform back.

This made Dashiqi, the adjutant, excited. After all, this was his superior's transformation into a sword.

���Tashiki also gave the knife a name called"Famous Knife Smoker". During the fifteen minutes when Smoker could neither resist nor speak, Tashiki went to test the knife.....She can't resist the famous sword........

In this way, after refreshing hundreds of jelly beans, Ike finally got some jelly beans that he could give to Nami.

【Cure all diseases]

Ike feels that the refresh of jelly beans really depends on luck. Ike was really lucky the last two times. He refreshed dozens of times and got a useful ability. This time it took hundreds of times. Fortunately, he had the help of his navy brothers. If he relied on Mr. 5 and Mr. 3 alone, it would be too much........

After successfully shaking out the medicine, Ike turned his attention to Donli and Broki.

The two giants had returned to their original size. Because they had returned to their original size, they were now eating a lot to replenish their energy.

Seeing Ike looking over, Broki wiped the grease off his hands and said,"Ike, you promised me...."

Without waiting for Brockie to finish his words, Ike took out two round balls.

The balls were metallic in color and the size of basketballs. They looked inconspicuous at first glance, but...The function of this thing is very awesome.

The function is 3D special effects.

As long as you wear a sensor belt, the metal ball will always float above the user's head. If you want special effects, just shout and it will be OK!

Natural...The two giants can't wear this sensor belt, so they can only wear it on their fingers like a ring......

Next, Ike taught the two giants how to use 3D projection.

3D projection has a high technological content, and the two giants quickly learned how to operate it in a fool-proof way.

Moreover, the effect range of the 3D projection equipment has a radius of 100 meters, and the special effects are enough to cover the two giants......

After learning how to use it, Dongli was the first to activate one of the special effects.

This special effect is a huge stone door in front of him. When Dongli walked forward, the stone door shattered, and then a blue flame sprayed out of the door. Finally, Dongli walked out of the door with big strides.

This cool appearance directly made Luffy jump up excitedly, and then hung on Ike's neck to express that he also wanted to add special effects.

There are only two 3D projection devices at present.

After drawing this thing, Ike originally planned to use it to show off, and the various special effects inside were also show-off special effects.

However, since he promised to give Broki special effects, Ike will definitely not break his promise.

This thing is only a bronze-level item, and it should not be difficult to draw it again, and there may be better ones.

After taking Luffy away from him, Kaike said speechlessly,"There are only two. Wait until there is another one next time, I will give you one!"

Hearing that there are only two, Luffy was very disappointed.

At this time, Broki also turned on the special effects.

His special effect is that two huge stone dragons several tens of meters high appear in front of him, and then orange-red flames suddenly begin to burn, and then the stone dragons turn into real flying dragons. When the flying dragons separate on both sides, Broki walks out from behind.

As Broki walks out, volcanoes begin to erupt around him continuously, which is very spectacular......

Both Broki and Donli were very satisfied with the 3D projector given by Ike. In the future, they can also maximize their fighting style......

After the special effects were completed for the two, Ike took out the shrinking flashlight again and shone it on the two giants.

After the two became smaller again, Ike took out the private navy commission and handed it over.

""Two giant uncles, this is the letter of appointment for our private navy. Although it is not a regular navy, it is more free. As long as you sign here, you will be a private navy in the future!"

The two giants looked at each other in surprise at Ike's words, and then signed their names without hesitation.

The two were very confident in their own strength, and being cheated was impossible. Besides, they also had a good impression of the Straw Hat Pirates......

After the two signed, Luffy asked doubtfully,"Are we going to take the uncles with us to go out to sea?"

"Although I am happy that the uncles have become my companions!....Our Merry seems too small! Or do we have to keep using the miniaturized flashlight?"

After hearing Luffy's words, Ike shook his head and said,"Who said that to become a private navy, you must board our ship?"

"As for using the shrinking flashlight, it's even worse. The shrinking flashlight has a time limit, and we can't let the two uncles live in a shrunken form forever."

In fact, the most important thing is that the two giants will not leave here before the winner is decided, unless their Elbaf is in trouble.....

Thinking of this, Ike looked at Smoker and Tashigi and said with a smile,"How about you sign it too? If you sign, you will also be a member of the private navy!"

Hearing Ike's words, Smoker frowned a little, but Tashigi seemed very interested. It was just a signature. For Tashigi, it was just like playing house. She couldn't become a private navy after signing, and she would not be an orthodox navy!

Seeing that Smoker didn't reply, Ike continued,"If you defect from the navy one day, our private navy is also a way out!"

Hearing Ike say this, Smoker was really moved.

Smoker is not a joke to be called the problem child of the Navy Headquarters. There is true justice in his heart.

If one day he is dissatisfied with the style of the World Government, Smoker might really leave the navy.

Thinking of this, Smoker stepped forward and signed his name on the commission of the private navy.

After putting down the pen, Smoker looked at Ike and said,"I hope the private navy will always be a private navy. If you do evil, I will arrest you myself!"

Smoker's tone was very cold and hard, a real tough guy, but when he heard the discussion of the people behind Ike, his face suddenly turned red.

Nami: He is called a tsundere, right?

Usopp: Really! He has already signed it! He actually said such a thing.

Sanji: Girls are cuter when they are tsundere.

Luffy: What is a tsundere and can it be eaten?.......

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