The next day came.

The Straw Hat Pirates went hunting again.

After killing a few dinosaurs as food reserves, everyone planned to leave the small garden.

If the magnetic force is recorded in the small garden according to the recording pointer, in order for the recording pointer to point out the next island, it will take at least a hundred years to record in the small garden.

It is precisely because of such harsh recording conditions that the small garden has become an ancient island.

However, Ike and the others do not need a recording pointer, because Ikalem has a permanent pointer that leads directly to Alabasta.......

After returning to the Golden Merry, Ike handed Mr. 3, Mr. 5, Mr. Valentine, and Mr. Golden Week over to Smoker.

But while handing them over to Smoker, Ike still pleaded for the four.

After all, Mr. 3 and Mr. 5 had helped him.

And Smoker said that he would not lock them up in Impel Down. After all, they were not real pirates, and they still had a chance to reform and even join the navy. When this news came out, the four were very excited. As long as they didn't go to Impel Down, they could go anywhere.....

And expressed his willingness to join the civilian navy.....It is a private navy. They all have good abilities. The navy will definitely be eager to recruit them, but why not join? It is still because of freedom.

As an agent in Baroque Works, you just fight for bounties and complete tasks every day, and the rest is basically free activities.

But if you become a navy, it will be different.....There are too many restrictions.

In this way, although the four did not sign the commission, they still became non-staff members of the civilian navy and became Smoker's subordinates.

The reason why they were not allowed to sign was that there was no room on the commission.

In fact, there were not many places to sign on the commission, and there were still two or three places left. Ike still wanted Chopper, Robin, Franky and others to sign!

"Looks like....I'll have to ask Mr. Sengoku or Mr. Garp for a bigger letter of authorization someday!"......

Just like that, the navy ship and the Golden Merry left the small garden one after the other.

Just as the two ships had just left the tributary, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared not far away on the opposite side.....A goldfish that was bigger than the island emerged from the sea.

It was not a sea king, but....Its size is comparable to that of a giant sea king, and it can eat an island in one bite.

The Golden Merry and the warship are not as big as one of its teeth.

Seeing this scene, all the navy soldiers were terrified, and even Smoker was a little bit nervous.

After all....How can we deal with such a huge monster?

This is the first time for the Straw Hat Pirates to encounter such a huge monster.....

At this moment, two dazzling lights suddenly appeared at the edge of the small garden, accompanied by the two dazzling lights were naturally Dongli and Brocki with special effects.

"Wow hahahaha.....It’s actually an island-eating monster! I haven’t seen one in a long time!"

Dongli said with a smile as he looked at the island-eating monster in the distance.


Broki also laughed wildly and said,"Yeah! I haven't seen it for a long time! I still remember that we landed on an island without any hair on it. Later I found out that it was the poop of this island-eating monster....."

"It's time for us to give our friend a ride!"

Donli raised the sword in his hand and shouted to the two ships in the distance,"Everyone listen up, you just need to move forward straight! We will take care of this island-eating monster!"

After hearing Donli's words, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy and others who were about to take action were stunned.

As for how the three of them planned to defeat this giant goldfish? They didn't know, but they couldn't just sit there and surrender.

But now after hearing the words of the two giants, they were relieved. They had already seen how powerful the giants were, and they believed that they could deal with the goldfish that was as big as an island in front of them.

Not only Luffy and others believed it, but Smoker on the navy side also breathed a sigh of relief.......

The Gold Merry, which was originally walking behind, began to obey Donli's words and rushed straight towards the mouth of the island-eating monster, and soon rushed into the mouth of the giant goldfish.

Even so, Luffy and Usopp were still shouting"Go straight ahead."

In fact, Usopp was a little confused at this time, because....The giant goldfish that ate the island....How could he think of this scene as familiar?....But because of the fear, I could n't remember where I heard it. As for the navy ship? It was already paralyzed at this time, because no navy soldier could stand still after seeing the huge island-eating monster in front of them.

It was impossible to drive a ship just relying on Smoker and Tashigi.

So....Smoker could only watch quietly and see how the two giants would deal with this huge island-eating monster........ far away....

The two giants first activated their special effects, and various glare began to surround them.

A night sky appeared behind Dongli, and the light of the moon in the night sky shone on his body.

As for Broki, the sun was behind him, and the sun's light shone on his body.

After the two of them activated their special effects, they raised their weapons at the same time.

"Woohahaha....After this strike, it looks like I'll have to use my spear again!"

Broki said, glancing at the axe in his hand.

"I'm going to change back to my long sword too....."

As soon as the words fell, the two of them attacked at the same time. A stream of blue and red light gathered together, forming a laser cannon-like impact with a diameter of over 100 meters.

This was Elbaf's strongest spear.

The name of the move was [Hegemony].

Just this one strike directly penetrated the belly of the giant goldfish, and the sea level behind the giant goldfish was also split in two. The scene was extremely spectacular.

As for the Golden Merry in the belly of the fish, it did not suffer any damage at all, but there was���A strong wind swept the Golden Merry away into the distance.......

Seeing the true power of the two giants, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was shocked.

"this....Is this the power of Elbaf's strongest warrior?"

Usopp's admiration for Elbaf is endless.

And Luffy is thinking,"I must go to Elbaf, the hometown of the giants, to see it....."......

Ike came to the deck behind the Merry and looked at the two giants.

Actually, he originally wanted to learn some domineering skills from the two giants, but....Vivi was in a hurry, and Smoker was constantly urging him, so Ike had to give up the idea.

In fact, even if we can't learn here, at most we can take the entire Straw Hat Pirates to the Navy Headquarters for some inspection and study.

With Garp's relationship, it shouldn't be a problem to enter the Navy Headquarters to study. ps: I drank too much today, so I didn't do a thorough revision. If there are any mistakes, I will correct them tomorrow.

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