Just as Ike handed the gravity bracelet to Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Luffy, he heard Vivi's exclamation from the cabin.

"Nami..."Nami, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Vivi's exclamation, Ike and Sanji immediately rushed to the cabin, and then saw Nami fainted on the ground, her face flushed, and her breathing heavy.

Ike knew that Nami was sick.

Sanji was also very anxious when he saw the sick Nami.

"Nami....How could Nami get sick?"

Sanji said that the food he usually prepared for Nami and Vivi was the most exquisite and freshest. As for those that were not so fresh, they were given to other people. He would never be careless about the food.

After Vivi helped Nami to bed, she measured her temperature, and then said with some concern,"We must find a doctor as soon as possible! Nami's temperature is already forty degrees! If she continues, her life may be in danger."

Ike did not expect that Nami would get sick so suddenly.

Just when Ike took out the candy bean that could cure all diseases, Nami woke up and handed a newspaper to Vivi.

The information in the newspaper was about the current situation in Alabasta. The Alabasta rebels have begun to gather and are expected to attack the royal capital soon.

After Vivi saw the information in the newspaper, her hands holding the newspaper turned white, and she began to struggle in her heart.

If she goes to find an island with a doctor, Nami may be in danger. If she doesn't go to find a doctor, then.......Alabasta.....

Seeing Vivi struggling, Ike didn't take out the jelly beans immediately, but just watched Vivi's choice quietly.

Not only Ike was looking at Vivi, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Ikarem were also looking at Vivi.

If Ikarem was asked to make a choice, he would definitely choose to rush to Alabasta as soon as possible, but....He couldn't say this, and could only wait and see what Princess Vivi would choose.

At this moment, Nami looked at Vivi and said weakly,"Vivi....I'm fine, I just have a fever, I can get through it!"

After hearing Nami say this, Vivi finally made a choice.

After this period of time, Vivi fell in love with the Straw Hat Pirates, so....She couldn't sacrifice her partner for herself.

"Nami...Don't say any more!"

As she spoke, Weiwei put down the newspaper in her hand and smiled,"We should find an island with a doctor as soon as possible, because....If we want to reach Alabasta as soon as possible, we need Nami!"

Luffy smiled when he heard this,"Of course....Nami is the most reliable and fastest!"

Ike was also relieved. Weiwei was still the Weiwei in the original book.

Others also showed appreciation for Weiwei's choice.

At this time, Ike secretly came to Nami and stuffed the candy bean that could cure all diseases into Nami's mouth.

In Ike's opinion, as long as Nami ate the candy bean, her disease should be cured.

But....When he took her temperature again, he found that Nami's temperature was still around 39 degrees, although it was one degree lower than before.....She was still in a feverish state.

However, Nami was in a much better state than before.

After finding out that Nami was not cured, Ike thought about it for a while and knew what was going on.

Tangdou's ability was to cure diseases, but was Nami sick? She started to have a fever after being bitten by some kind of insect.

She was probably infected with a virus or something. According to Tangdou's judgment, this might not be a disease.

"Damn....Is the power of this broken jelly bean so absolute? Can't you be flexible?"

A little embarrassed, Ike didn't tell the specific effect of the jelly bean in his hand. When Nami asked, he just said"It can relieve your pain!"

Nami felt it and found that her body was indeed not so uncomfortable.......

"It looks like we'll have to go to the Drum Kingdom to find a doctor....."Ike thought to himself. Ike's original plan was to rush to Alabasta quickly after curing Nami. If the speed was fast enough, maybe he could solve the problem of the rebels directly!

In this way, so many people would not die in Alabasta, and after saving Alabasta, he would also gain more justice points.

As for Chopper? Ike's idea was to go back and take Chopper with him after solving the problem in Alabasta.

With Chopper's personality, he can integrate well into the Straw Hat Pirates even if he doesn't fight side by side with Luffy.......

The next voyage had no clear direction, and the target was an inhabited island.

Soon, the Golden Merry entered a snowy sea.

Seeing this, Ike knew that it was not far from the Drum Island.

""Everyone, I see the island! It's in the north!"

At this moment, Usopp, who was on the observation deck and looking for the island with his clairvoyance, shouted to the people below.

After deciding to look for the island, Ike gave the second seed to Usopp and eight kitchen utensils to Sanji.

Sanji was still studying the kitchen utensils in the kitchen. He planned to use these magical kitchen utensils to make a warm meal for Nami.......

After obtaining the clairvoyance ability of the second child, Usopp also became the most powerful lookout.....The ability of clairvoyance still relies on physical strength. If you want to see farther, your physical strength must keep up.

At this time, Usopp has been using clairvoyance for too long, and his physical strength has been somewhat insufficient......

After knowing where the island was, Zoro manipulated the rudder and directed the ship to the north. Just as the Golden Merry was about to sail, a huge submarine emerged from the sea.....A group of soldiers emerged from the submarine, led by a short and fat man.

This man was the unqualified king of the Drum Kingdom, Valpo.

When Valpo arrived on the Golden Merry, his tone was very condescending.

"Hello....Little pirates,......."

Without waiting for Valpo to finish his words, Ike rushed in front of him, and blew him up to the sky with a roar of a dragon.

Before he was done blowing him up to the sky, Ike took out Lake Toya, and then he shook his arms and flew thousands of miles.

Without waiting for Valpo to fall from the sky, Ike rushed towards him. There was a hurricane wrapped around Lake Toya, and he slapped Valpo in the face without saying a word.

This blow directly made Valpo disappear under the sea level.

Ike's blow just now was so powerful that it could definitely smash his skull. If Valpo didn't have a physique like Usopp who could survive even if his skull was smashed, he would probably be dead.

Ike knew that this guy would eat everything, and he didn't want this foodie to harm the Golden Merry.

Moreover,....If we don't solve it completely, it will come back to cause trouble later!

When Walpo's men saw that their king was blown away, they stopped pretending and returned to the submarine to look for Walpo.

This farce did not affect the Straw Hat Pirates' itinerary. Not long after sailing, they saw the Drum Island.

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