The Golden Merry entered the tributary of Magnetic Drum Island.

But before reaching the port, it was stopped by residents of the Magnetic Drum Island on both sides.

"Pirates....You leave as soon as possible, we don't welcome you on Drum Island!"

The leader, a strong man, said coldly to the Straw Hat Pirates on the deck.

""Uncle, you misunderstood, we are not pirates!"

At this time, Vivi stood up.

After such a long time of getting along, she naturally knew the nature of the Straw Hat Pirates.

When Vivi first heard about the private navy flying the skull flag, she was also a little surprised. However, it was precisely because of the skull flag that many people would misunderstand, so Vivi stood up from the beginning to say that she and others were not pirates.

The residents of the Drum Island above naturally did not believe Vivi's words.

In their view, pirates are despicable, shameless, dirty and evil.....The main reason is that they had just been invaded by the Blackbeard Pirates, and King Walpo had fled with all his troops.

"If you are not a pirate, why fly the skull flag?"

The speaker was an ordinary resident of Drum Island holding a spear. Since the appearance of the Golden Merry, these armed civilians have been pointing their guns at the Straw Hat Pirates on the ship.

Perhaps because of the shaking hands caused by excessive fear, the man accidentally fired a shot at Vivi's position while speaking.

After the shot, the man was also a little panicked. They were just civilians, and their goal was just to drive back the pirates who invaded Drum Island. They didn't think of shooting to anger the other party.

The next scene made the residents of Drum Island even more frightened.

Ike's arms trembled, and Wanli Feixiang appeared, directly fanning the flying bullets away.

"We are just here to find a doctor! We don't need to enter the island! We just need to call the doctor here to check on our companions!"

Ike's words made the surrounding residents of Magnetic Drum Island look at each other in bewilderment, and finally everyone looked at the sturdy man in the lead.

The sturdy man's name was Dalton. He used to be the captain of the guard of the king of Magnetic Drum Island. When King Walpo decided to abandon his people and leave Magnetic Drum Island, he became the backbone of the entire Magnetic Drum Island.

At this time, Dalton's eyes were always on Princess Vivi's face. After hearing what Ike said, he pondered for a moment and said,"There is only one doctor left in our Magnetic Drum Kingdom. If you want to see her, it will cost a lot."

Ike knew that Dalton was talking about Kuleha, Chopper's master.

And Ike guessed that Kuleha was actually the ship doctor of the Rocks Pirates.

First of all, she was probably a pirate, which can be seen from her personality.

Secondly, she knows D's will very well.

Finally, her strength. She is over 140 years old, but her body is still very strong, and her age is consistent with that of a strong man in Rocks' era.

It was precisely because of this speculation that Ike did not rush directly into the Drum Island.

If this eccentric old woman was angered, it would not be good if the Straw Hat Pirates were wiped out......

"Mr. Dalton, you just need to tell us the location of the doctor and we will find him ourselves!"

Dalton did not refuse, but for the safety of the islanders, he still planned to let the Straw Hat Pirates stay on his ship.

But before he could say anything, he was startled by a familiar figure.

That person was Ikarem.

Ikarem was the captain of the King's Guard like him, but....He was from the Drum Kingdom, and Ikareem was from Alabasta.

Both of them had followed their kings to attend the King's Conference, so they naturally knew each other.

At this time, he also remembered who Vivi was.

Vivi was the daughter of King Cobra of Alabasta. She was a very well-behaved and obedient girl with a great sense of the overall situation.

At the time of the King's Conference, Cobra and Valpo had a conflict, and because of this, Valpo slapped Princess Vivi who was passing by.

Princess Vivi knew that if she screamed in pain or even cried out, it might lead to hostility between the two countries, so she could only smile and say,"Sorry, my face blocked your hand!"

Just this one sentence prevented a conflict between countries, but after everyone left, Vivi burst into tears, because.......Valpo's slap was really merciless and hit very hard......

Thinking of the past, Dalton looked at Weiwei with a much gentler gaze, and at the same time he believed that the person in front of him was not a pirate....One is a royal princess, and the other is the captain of the royal guard. How could they become pirates?

After taking a deep look at Vivi and Ikalem, Dalton said to the Straw Hat Pirates below,"Come with me to the town! I will help you find the doctor!"

Many townspeople were surprised to hear Dalton's words.

"Mr. Dalton, they are pirates!"

"yes....let them....."

Before the townspeople could finish their words, Dalton interrupted them and said,"Leave them to me, don't worry!"

Seeing Dalton say this, the townspeople put away their weapons one after another.......

In this way, under the leadership of Dalton, the Straw Hat Pirates entered the Drum Kingdom.

Although it is called a kingdom, it is actually the size of a town with a small population.

On the way, Ikalem found Dalton and talked to him.

Dalton recognized Ikalem, and Ikalem naturally recognized Dalton as well......

After arriving at Dalton's house, Dalton began to tell the whereabouts of the witch doctor.

"The doctor you are looking for lives in the castle on the distant Magnetic Drum Mountain."

After hearing Dalton's words, everyone looked out the window.

Magnetic Drum Mountain is not only very high, but most importantly, it is very steep. The mountain wall is basically 90 degrees to the ground, and it is basically impossible for ordinary people to climb up.

Dalton naturally knew this, so he continued,"I will ask someone to help you keep an eye on whether the doctor has come down the mountain. When she comes down, you can take the patient to find her immediately!"

"No need, we can just take Nami up the mountain to find a doctor!"

Ike said with a smile.

Dalton frowned and said,"It's difficult to climb Drum Mountain, and....There are also snow rabbits Labang on the way, which are a group of very ferocious rabbits."

"Thank you for your kindness. Nami may not be able to wait that long, so...Let's take the initiative to find that doctor!"

While speaking, Ike opened the door of the cozy hut and put Nami in it. As long as Ike goes up the mountain and carries Nami out of the cozy hut, it will be fine.

"Hello....Ike, I want to go with you too."

At this time, Sanji stood up and said,"Nami must need enough nutrition, and it will be much more convenient to have a chef like me here."

"Well! Then Sanji, you come with me!"

Luffy heard this and said that he wanted to go too. The reason was very simple. He wanted to go to the Drum Mountain to take a look......Meet that witch doctor.

Seeing three men going together, Weiwei couldn't sit still.

"I'll follow you! You guys are too incapable of taking care of others!"

Usopp glanced at Ikalem and then said,"That....

Or I'll go too!".....Except for Zoro, Kalu Duck, Psyduck who were watching the ship, and Ikalem who was having a good chat with Dalton, the rest of the people decided to go to Drum Mountain together.

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