Sabo looked at the four geese hugging his thighs and fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a while, Sabo took out Den Den Mushi again and dialed

"Hello....I probably won't be able to go back to the headquarters for the time being!"

The person on the other side of the Den Den Mushi was also stunned when he heard Sabo's words.

"Hmm? Is Crocodile pestering you?"

Sabo heard this, looked at the four geese, and then said,"It's not Crocodile, it's four geese!"

After hearing the four geese, the Den Den Mushi was silent for a few seconds, and then roared,"Sabo, are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding, these are four real geese. They are hugging my thighs and crying, and I don't know what's going on!"

At this point, Sabo smiled and said,"So, I won't go back for the time being. As for my appointment, it can be carried out even if I'm not here!"

In fact, Sabo's idea is very simple, that is, he wants to continue to stay in Alabasta to investigate what Crocodile is going to do!

As for the four geese, it's just his excuse, although this excuse is ridiculous.......

The person on the other end of the line heard Sabo's lame excuse and knew that he probably really didn't want to come back.

"Okay, you can stay in Alabasta, but....If the navy really attacks Crocodile, you must evacuate immediately!"

"hey-hey...."Master Long, thank you!"

After saying thank you, Sabo hung up the phone.......

After hanging up the phone, Sabo looked at the four geese again.

At this time, the four geese had let go of his thighs, but it seemed that they were not going to give up following him.....

"Hello....What on earth are you following me for? Are you hungry?"

After hearing Sabo's words, Luffy wanted to speak human language, but...He is now a big goose and can only make random calls like"quack quack"....

Sabo was helpless when he saw that he couldn't communicate, so he walked towards Rapeseed Town. He hadn't eaten for a day, and he had to eat before doing anything.

When he walked towards Rapeseed Town, the four geese followed him one by one.....Sabo didn't say anything, and just let the four geese follow him........

At the same time, under the leadership of Kalu Duck, Zoro and Kalu Duck and their two ducks also came to the Rapeseed Flower City.

"Where did Ike and the others go?"

Zoro wondered.

After arriving at the rapeseed flower, he began to look for Ike and the others. Unfortunately,....He searched for a while but couldn't find it.

"well....Did they get lost? Didn't they find the rapeseed flowers? How could they get lost in such an obvious town?....Idiot."

After saying that, Zoro felt a little hungry, and then he looked around and quickly found a restaurant.

After entering the restaurant, Zoro's eyes were immediately attracted by a back figure.

It was a young man with a naked upper body, and behind the young man was a tattoo of the symbol of the world's strongest man, the Whitebeard Pirates.

At this time, the young man's face was slapped in the rice in front of him, with one hand raised, and the fork in his hand was still stuck with a half-bitten piece of meat.

Many onlookers gathered around him, especially the boss, who was extremely nervous when he saw someone eating in his restaurant and then the food got cold.

"Could it be that this guy ate desert strawberries?"

"It could also be something like a desert watermelon. People who don't know much about the desert are likely to encounter unexpected dangers when they enter the desert.....".....

Listening to everyone's discussion, Zoro was also very curious about the back. After all, it was a bit strange that the man with the strongest man's mark would die like this.

Just when everyone was discussing what to do next, the man suddenly sat up.

Seeing this, everyone stepped back, thinking that he was faking his death......

After the man stood up, he wiped his face with the skirt of the woman next to him and said helplessly,"Alas!"...Why did you fall asleep again?...."

The one who fell asleep while eating was none other than Ace.

After hearing Ace's words, the people around him were stunned for a moment, and then collectively turned into big-faced monsters.

"asshole....Who can fall asleep while eating? We thought you were dead...."

Zoro was speechless when he saw this. Feeling hungry, Zoro no longer paid attention to Ace. He found a table and ordered a lot of food with Psyduck and Kalu Duck and started eating.

When the onlookers found out that Ace was fine, they dispersed. Ace continued to eat the food in front of him.

Just then, a man led four geese into the restaurant.

The man was Sabo. Sabo also found a table and put the four geese on the table.

The owner of the store was confused. Just now, a man brought two ducks to eat, and now another man brought four geese to eat.....

At this time, Zoro, who was facing Sabo's table, also noticed the four geese. Seeing the four geese, Zoro was also delighted.

"Luffy....Finally found you!"

As he spoke, Zoro took out the monkey charm that Ike had given him before he left. Maybe because he was too surprised, he just took the monkey charm out of his pocket, and his hand slipped, and it fell into Kalu Duck's pocket.

He was indeed very surprised. After all, his mission was to find Luffy without getting lost, bring Luffy back, and see what those bastards can say about him!

When they heard Luffy's name, Ace and Sabo were stunned.

Luffy is Ace's younger brother, and he came to Alabasta this time hoping to meet Luffy.

Sabo felt that the name Luffy was very familiar, but....But he just couldn't remember it.

Just when Ace turned around, he thought he would see Luffy, but he saw someone who shocked him even more [Sabo].

After seeing Sabo's face, Ace was stunned!

At this moment, the door of the restaurant was opened again, and then Smoker walked in with Tashigi.

The reason why he came here was because he heard that Zoro had entered this restaurant, and he followed Zoro.

The main purpose was to exchange information with the Straw Hat Pirates, and to stage a play, such as the Alabasta chase or something like that. It would be best to chase all the way to the rainy land, and then smash, loot and burn Crocodile's base.

Even if Crocodile can't be completely taken down this time, you can still collect some interest, right! However, after entering the restaurant, Smoker frowned.

The people in this restaurant are definitely big shots.

Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates. Dragon, the disciple of the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon, and Sabo, who is also a rising star of the Revolutionary Army.

In front of the two of them, Zoro is really a small figure.....

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