Seeing the navy, Ace had no intention of paying any attention to them. His mind was now on Sabo.

After ignoring Smoker, he came to Sabo who was staring at Smoker and hugged him, saying with tears and snot,"Sabo,....I didn't expect you were still alive."

Being hugged by Ace and seeing Ace's snot and tears, Sabo always felt a familiar illusion. Isn't this a replica of the goose hugging his thigh and crying!

The only difference is that before he was hugged by the goose, and now he is hugged by Ace, a human.

Luffy was very happy to see his two brothers gathered together. He immediately thought of the days when the three of them played and adventured together when they were young.

Thinking of this, Luffy also flapped his wings and jumped onto the heads of the two men.....

Feeling the weight on his head, Sabo came back to his senses and pushed Ace away, saying,"Sorry....I am indeed Sabo, but I also do not know you.....Did you recognize the wrong person?"

Sabo lost his memory of his childhood and his identity after being bombarded as a child. He only remembered that his name was Sabo.

Hearing Sabo's words, Ace was stunned for a moment, then said,"I won't recognize the wrong person, we are brothers! How could I recognize the wrong person?"

Hearing this, Sabo knew that Ace in front of him should know his identity, so he also planned to communicate with Ace.

But now is not the time to talk, because there is a Smoker at the door of the store with ten hands in his hands, staring at this side, as if he is ready to take action at any time.

Ace also knows that now is not the time to reminisce.

Ace looked at Smoker and said,"Navy, I'm in a good mood today, so I won't fight with you. Can you let me go?"

"hehe....I am a marine, you are a pirate, let me let you go?"

As he spoke, one of Smoker's hands turned into smoke.

Seeing this, Ace looked at the crowd around him, and then one of his hands turned into flames and said,"As both of you are natural-type people, you should know the extent of the impact of our fight, right?"

At this time, Smoker also noticed the ordinary people around him, and then gave up using his abilities, intending to fight hand-to-hand and take down the two people in front of him.

In fact, Smoker did not have the confidence to take down the two, but as a marine who upholds justice, he would never let the pirates go without doing anything, at least...It is also necessary to collect some information about the rising star of the Revolutionary Army and the captain of Whitebeard's Second Division.

Seeing the tense situation on both sides, Zoro, who is also a spectator, plans to take his four geese away.

Zoro's actions naturally attracted the attention of the three people.

Seeing this, Zoro smiled awkwardly and said,"You continue, I will take our geese away!"

After speaking, Zoro wanted to lead the four geese away.

Chopper, Usopp, and Little Fengfeng had wanted to run away when they saw that the atmosphere was not right, so they were naturally led away easily.

But Luffy is different. There are two people present who are his brothers........Even if he didn't participate in the battle, he would stand behind his two brothers.

Zoro naturally didn't know what Luffy was thinking, and he didn't understand what Luffy was yelling about.

Thinking of this, Zoro was also afraid that Smoker would accidentally hurt Luffy, so he winked at Smoker.

The meaning was, be careful not to hurt this goose.


Smoker misunderstood.....Zoro asked him to catch the goose.

Then Smoker began to think, why did Zoro ask him to catch the goose? What is the meaning of catching a goose?

There is only one reason, that is, this goose has a great relationship with Crocodile.

Now there are two choices, 1 is to catch the goose to deal with Crocodile, 2 is to fight with Sabo and Ace, naturally....This battle will definitely be fruitless, he has no confidence to defeat two strong men.

Thinking of this, Smoker had a plan in his heart.

Smoker nodded to Zoro, indicating that he understood.

Zoro was relieved to see that Smoker understood.

After all, he didn't know how much combat power Luffy still had after turning into a goose. It would be bad if he was accidentally injured by Smoker.

But Smoker's next move made Zoro's eyes widen, with a look of disbelief.

Smoker's whole body turned into an element, and then rushed to the big white goose standing next to Ace and Sabo.

Ace and Sabo thought Smoker was going to take action, and they attacked Smoker at the same time.

Both of them were domineering, so they could naturally hit Smoker, but Smoker did withstand two attacks, and he endured the pain and grabbed Luffy's goose neck, and then turned into smoke and flew back again.

Seeing that Smoker's operation was just to catch a goose, Ace and Sabo were stunned.

Zoro was even more speechless.

I told you not to hurt Luffy, why the hell did you catch him?.....

"Hello....Smoker...That guy is Luffy! You better be careful!"

As a last resort, Zoro could only reveal the identity of the big white goose.

Hearing that the big white goose was Luffy, Smoker and Ace were stunned, and then they all focused their attention on the big white goose, or to be more precise, on the small straw hat on the big white goose's head.

At this moment, Luffy's body fell down, and his neck stretched and became thinner like rubber, thus breaking free from Smoker's hand holding his neck.

Seeing Luffy's unique rubber ability, Smoker and Ace were stunned

"Is this really Luffy?"

"Is this really the Straw Hat Boy?"

"Quack quack....."

After Luffy broke free from Smoker's hand, he quacked at him, expressing that he was very unhappy about being grabbed by his neck.

Zoro was surprised to see how things turned out, so he stepped forward, picked up Luffy, and ran away with the three geese and two ducks.

Zoro's idea was very simple, you guys fight yours, and I take my geese away, is that okay?

Ace saw his brother being taken away, and chased after him decisively. Sabo saw Ace chasing after him, and he wanted to know his past from Ace, so he caught up with Ace.

Smoker was speechless, he always had a feeling that as long as he had anything to do with the Straw Hat Pirates, things would develop inexplicably.....

However, he still did not forget his mission, which was to pretend to catch the Straw Hat Pirates and then go directly into the rainy land to investigate Crocodile.....

Several waves of people chased all the way to the desert outside Rapeseed Town. Zoro then stopped with one hand on Luffy's neck and the other on his waist, then pointed at Ace and asked,"You...Why are you chasing me? The navy is behind us!"

Ace was also a little out of breath, pointing at Luffy who was held tightly by Zoro and rolled his eyes,"Put Luffy down!"

At this moment, Smoker also caught up. Tashigi and a group of navy soldiers who had been following Smoker had all fallen behind, and now only Smoker was left panting. Just like that, the four met again, and this was no longer a downtown area, so they had no scruples even if they were fighting with all their strength.

Seeing the tense look of Sabo, Ace, and Smoker, Zoro finally found the time to take out the monkey charm that fell into Kalu Duck's bag, and then transformed Luffy, Chopper, Usopp and Little Fengfeng back.

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