When Luffy found himself transformed, he was stunned for a moment, then he rushed to Sabo without saying a word, hugged his head and cried bitterly.

"Saab....You're still alive, it's great."

Sabo didn't struggle when Luffy jumped on him, but a smile appeared on his face. He didn't know why, but he couldn't refuse Luffy and Ace.

Ace also smiled when he saw Luffy, and recalled the days of his childhood adventures with Sabo and Luffy...........

Zoro was a little confused when he saw Luffy crying on a strange man. Seeing his puzzled look, Usopp told him what he had heard from Luffy about Sabo and Ace's two brothers.

Zoro was also confused when he learned that Ace and Sabo were Luffy's brothers.

He just heard from Smoker that one of the two young men in front of him was the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the other was a rising star of the Revolutionary Army.....

Although he didn't know much about the Revolutionary Army, seeing Smoker's serious look, he knew that the Revolutionary Army was a force of considerable strength.....Luffy's grandfather is a legendary figure, the Navy's hero Garp.....

Sudden.....Zoro thought of a sentence Ike once said.

"What kind of pirate is Luffy! He is just a super second-generation pirate who takes a boat for adventure! It is more convenient to call yourself a private navy when you go out in the future!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zoro finally understood why Ike said Luffy was a super second-generation pirate.......

In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg of what Zoro knows.

After all, Luffy's background is more than that!

The guide is the Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks, whose father is the most evil man-dragon recognized by the World Government. He still has a Nika fruit that has not awakened, and he is also a man who inherited the true will of D......

A variety of backgrounds, as long as one of them is taken out, it can make an ordinary person soar to the sky.

If he wants to become a marine, with the care of Garp and Sengoku, it is certain that he will become a future admiral.

If he wants to become a revolutionary army, with the care of his father, he can be regarded as second to none in the revolutionary army, and Luffy has great potential, and the revolutionary army will also do its best to train him.

Not to mention if he wants to become a pirate, several forces will take care of him. It is estimated that if Garp and Sengoku had not been behind him, a small pirate like Luffy would have been taken down long ago.

It can also be seen from the Battle of Marineford that except for Akainu, all the navy members showed mercy to Luffy, and even the Navy Marshal Sengoku took the lead in showing mercy........

Just when Sauron was deep in thought, he suddenly heard crying. He turned around and saw Xiao Fengfeng wiping her tears with a pink handkerchief.

"The brother who I thought was dead appeared in front of me. This scene of brothers reuniting is really touching....."

Maybe they were infected by Xiao Fengfeng, Usopp and Chopper also started crying.

This made Smoker, who was standing not far away, very embarrassed.

Luffy and his group are his own people, but Luffy is also a brother to those two criminals......This put him in a difficult position.

If it was the old him, he would definitely go up and fight first, no matter if he could win or not.

But now it’s different. After getting along with the Straw Hat Pirates, Smoker’s temperament has changed a little. He even has the idea of joining the Straw Hat Pirates, so he signed the appointment letter for the private navy. The purpose is that if one day, the navy really does something beyond his bottom line, there will be a place for him to continue to maintain justice.

Smoker is well aware of the corruption and darkness of the navy and the world government, but he cannot quit. If a navy like him with a true heart of justice quits.......That...This is the real irresponsibility to the whole world.

After thinking for a while, Smoker put his ten hands back behind his back and then sat down next to Zoro.

Seeing this, Zoro took out his wine gourd, took a sip and handed it to Smoker.

Smoker was not polite and did not dislike it because it was Zoro's wine gourd. He took the wine gourd and drank it in one gulp.

"What are your plans next?"

Smoker asked after returning the flagon.

"You have to ask the captain about this!"

Zoro looked at Luffy who had just gotten off Sabo.

"hehe....I think you should find a way to contact your vice-captain!"

Smoker's words also made Zoro nod his head. Luffy is indeed a little unreliable in some things. To be precise, he does not consider the consequences when doing things.

"Can't get in touch with them for now!" At this point, Zoro asked with some confusion,"Aren't you going to catch those two people?"

Smoker shook his head and said,"The biggest target now is Crocodile. It's not a good choice to provoke Ace and Sabo!"

At this moment, Usopp wiped his tears and sat next to the two of them and said,"Luffy's two brothers seem to be very strong. Why can't we cooperate with them?"

Usopp's words made Smoker fall into deep thought, and then he began to consider the possibility of cooperating with the two criminals!

After thinking for a while, Smoker said in a deep voice,"Cooperation is not impossible, but....We can't let them reveal their identities."

Just as Smoker finished speaking, a sunny voice sounded.

"We agree to cooperate and not reveal our identities!"

When they looked up, they saw Luffy, Ace, and Sabo, who had finished their conversation and were walking towards them.

Although Sabo had not recovered his memory at this time, he still recognized the fact that Luffy and Ace were his brothers.

At this time, Luffy came to the side of several companions and introduced the two brothers

"Ace, Sabo, this is Zoro, the swordsman on our ship"

"And he is the sniper Usopp on our ship"

"This reindeer-like raccoon cat is our ship's doctor."

"And this shemale is my good friend, Xiao Fengfeng."

After listening to Luffy's introduction, Ace and Sabo also greeted everyone one by one, and said that Luffy's partners are all very interesting people.

The next step is to discuss the issue of cooperation.

In fact, at the beginning, the Straw Hat Pirates and Smoker's plan was that the Straw Hat Pirates would enter the rainy land, and then Smoker would pretend to chase and kill them, and both sides would rush in to make trouble, smash and rob, and take advantage of the chaos to find a way to investigate Crocodile's criminal evidence.

Naturally, the project of investigation is definitely not Crocodile's plundering as a Shichibukai. After all, as a Shichibukai, all kinds of plundering and killing are legal. What really needs to be investigated is whether the incident in Alabasta was caused by Crocodile.

There is no need for a lot of evidence, just a little bit will do. As long as there is a little bit of evidence, Marshal Sengoku can continue to magnify the evidence, and then put a lot of false charges on Crocodile, so that he can successfully take down a Shichibukai who is a thorn in the eyes of the navy.......

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