Weiwei, Sanji and Nami were all confused when they heard the conversation between the two. What was this other world? What was this time travel?.....But what is certain is that this kid named Conan will be his companion in the future.

Perhaps because she was still a little uncomfortable seeing Conan, Nami stepped forward and touched his head to comfort him.

Seeing this, Ike was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of a person he hated very much [Momonosuke].

Thinking of this, Ike immediately said to Nami and Vivi,"Nami, Vivi, you don't have to comfort him. Although he is just a child, he is actually....He is about the same age as you! You must not even think about taking a shower with him!"

When Sanji heard what Ike said, he had no idea what he was imagining, and blood started flowing out of his nostrils.

After wiping the blood casually, Sanji pulled Ike aside and whispered,"Ike....Is there anything that can turn me into a child? Please...."

Although Sanji's voice was not loud, Nami still heard it. Then Nami burst out with her domineering aura and punched Sanji away.

"Idiot, even if he is a child, I will not take a bath with him!"

After hearing what Ike said, Conan thought of the scene of himself taking a bath with Xiaolan, and blood dripped from his nose.

Seeing this scene, Vivi smiled happily.

At this time, the big stone in Vivi's heart had been removed. The problem of the Revolutionary Army was solved. The next step was to completely solve Baroque Works, and all the crises in Alabasta were completely resolved........

Just as Ike and his men were playing around, a sandstorm hit the Revolutionary Army head-on.

The sandstorm blew tens of thousands of Revolutionary Army soldiers upside down, and soon half of them were buried in the yellow sand.

Ike, who was flying in the air, saw such a strange sandstorm and immediately thought of Crocodile.

However, Ike did not immediately look for Crocodile, but used the wind barrier to calm the sandstorm below.

Sandstorms are actually just wind blowing up the yellow sand. As long as there is no wind, the sandstorm will dissipate.

After the sandstorm dissipated, Ike began to look for Crocodile, but he couldn't find his trace after searching for a long time.

In fact, this sandstorm was just a casual act of Crocodile who passed by here, which also shows the gap between the strong and ordinary people.

In the world of pirates, the army can't compete with the real strong.

Just when Ike was about to land, he saw a stream of light flying by.

The stream of light wrapped a strange creature, which Ike was somewhat familiar with, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

After stroking his chin and thinking for a while, Ike finally thought,"This is...Is it Mewtwo? Or is it a dragon-type Mewtwo!"

"What the hell?...Are there other travelers in the Pirate World?"

Thinking of this, Ike flew in the direction of Mewtwo.......

Mewtwo is naturally Sabo.

After Sabo found evidence of Crocodile's crime, he chased him out of the rainy land.

Although he had already found the evidence that Smoker wanted,....

He still doesn't know Crocodile's true purpose.....Sabo felt that Mewtwo's ability was really useful, and the speed of this telekinetic flying was also very fast, which made him feel that it would be fine even if he didn't change back to his original appearance! The only drawback might be that it consumed too much energy when using the ability.

At this time, Ike caught up with Sabo

"Hello....You are Mewtwo, right?"

Just as Ike finished speaking, Sabo's voice rang in his mind,"No, I'm Sabo!"

"Sabo? ? ? ?"

Ike was even more confused when he heard the other party call himself Sabo! He didn't remember Sabo's existence in the Alabasta chapter.

But thinking about it carefully, it's not too much to say that Sabo has been to Alabasta. After all, there is a revolution here, and it's normal for the genuine revolutionary army to come to investigate. As for why there is no Sabo in the original book,...Of course, the original perspective is basically on the Straw Hat Pirates.....

"Are you Luffy's companion?"

Sabo's voice sounded again.

When Luffy was chatting with Sabo and Ace before, he described the appearance of his companions. Although the description was very abstract, Sabo still guessed Ike's identity.

"I am Luffy's companion! So, have you met Luffy?"

""Yes!" Sabo nodded and said,"Now is not the time to talk. I have to go and catch Crocodile first."

Just when Ike wanted to ask why Sabo turned into Mewtwo, Sabo accelerated and flew towards the direction of the capital.

He sensed that Crocodile was in the capital...........

At this time, several people were lying on the square above the capital, including Ikarem, the captain of the Kingdom Guard, Bell in the falcon form of the Bird-Bird Fruit, Gaga in the jackal form of the Dog-Dog Fruit, and several members of the Bird Claw Unit.

All of the strongest fighters of Alabasta were lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were dead or alive, while Cobra, the king of the Kingdom of Alabasta, was nailed to the wall by two long nails, unable to move.

Crocodile put one foot on Bell's head and said to Cobra,"King Cobra, take me to read the historical text, or...All of your men must die!"

"Oh, right....Those so-called revolutionary army are also your people, right? I have helped you solve most of them on the way here, you should thank me! After all, they are causing a revolution in your country!"

Cobra knew that the revolutionary army had at least tens of thousands of people, which meant that Crocodile had just wiped out tens of thousands of his people in one fell swoop.....How could Cobra not be angry?

But what can anger do?....Even he, the king, is now a prisoner at the mercy of others.

Cobra looked at Bell and others who were bullying him, and he was very conflicted.

If it was just Crocodile who wanted to read the historical essay, Cobra would not care, because he would not understand it even if he showed it to him.

But the problem now is....Next to Crocodile stands Nico Robin who can understand the historical text.....

Cobra knew what was recorded in the historical text. That was the location of Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons.....

Just when Cobra was struggling, Crocodile waved his hand impatiently, and the Desert Sword chopped off the head of one of the Claws.

""Aren't you going to tell me yet?"

As he spoke, Crocodile raised his hand again, and with another Desert Knife, he chopped off the head of the second member of the Bird Claw Force.

Seeing his confidants die one by one, Cobra finally couldn't hold it anymore!

"Don't...Kill him, and I’ll tell you! The historical text is in the tomb of the Nefertari royal family. I can take you there now!"

Crocodile, who was originally planning to continue taking action, smiled when he heard Cobra's words and said,"You should have said it earlier!"

After he finished speaking, Crocodile still waved his hand, and the head of the last member of the Bird Claw Force was chopped off.

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