Seeing the Claws being beheaded by Crocodile, Cobra felt heartbroken.

These were his subjects. Although they did not believe him because of the dancing powder incident,....After finding out that he, the king, was in danger, he still rushed towards Crocodile without hesitation.

Seeing Cobra with tears in his eyes, Nico Robin was silent for a moment, then pulled out the nail stuck in his body.

Just when Crocodile was about to take Cobra and Nico Robin to the Alabasta Royal Tomb, a telekinetic force suddenly appeared and shattered half of Crocodile's body.

Crocodile turned his head and saw a non-human creature with two horns on his head, a long tail and golden armor standing in the air and looking down at him.

This non-human creature was none other than Mewtwo Sabo.

Crocodile looked at Sabo and said in a deep voice,"Are you the one who attacked my rainy land?"

Sabo did not answer Crocodile's question, but looked at Nico Robin and Cobra.

Seeing that the monster in front of him ignored him so much, Crocodile was immediately angry.

Crocodile raised his only hand, and a sandstorm began to gather in his hand. When the sandstorm gathered to a certain extent, he waved his hand lightly, and a huge sandstorm gradually grew larger and rolled towards Mewtwo Sabo. Just when Mewtwo Sabo wanted to use telekinesis to disperse the sandstorm, the sandstorm that was gradually growing suddenly disappeared. As the tornado dissipated, Ike also appeared in the air

"You go take King Cobra to a safe place, I'll take care of Crocodile!"

Sabo's voice rang in Ike's mind.

In Sabo's opinion, neither Luffy nor his companions had mastered Haki. Facing a natural fruit ability user, it was impossible without Haki!

After hearing Sabo's words, Ike did not refuse. There is an old saying that goes"Drive the troops without fighting."

It means that you don't have to fight, but drive others to fight....That's it.

After nodding, Ike rushed to Cobra and Nico Robin below, and then took them in each hand and flew towards the rainy land.

Crocodile saw this and without saying a word, several huge desert swords attacked Ike.

His plan had completely failed, so he absolutely could not lose Cobra and Nico Robin.

"Crocodile, your opponent is me!"

Sabo's voice rang in Crocodile's mind, and then his figure blocked several desert swords, his hands covered with armament color, and he crushed the desert swords in front of him into sand, and the remaining desert swords were all scattered by his tail covered with armament color. After shattering the desert swords, Mewtwo Sabo rushed towards Crocodile with telekinesis wrapped around his body.

The previous battle between Sabo and Crocodile was in the desert, and Crocodile could not defeat Sabo, but because the venue was in the desert, it was basically impossible for Sabo to defeat Crocodile.

But now it is different, the venue is now above the palace, there is no desert here, and because Sabo transformed into Mewtwo, his strength has increased a lot, and there is no suspense in defeating Crocodile.......

Seeing Sabo, who was wrapped in telekinesis, rushing towards him, Crocodile rolled on the ground in a panic to avoid him.

Previously, Sabo used telekinesis to shatter his body. Although it did not cause any damage to his body, it had a certain impact on his spirit. He did not want to be hit by the spirit again.

After avoiding Sabo's attack, Crocodile pressed one hand on the ground. Soon, the Royal Palace Square began to collapse with him as the center, and even began to turn into a desert in the end.

Crocodile could also feel that he was no match for the monster in front of him, so he had to create an environment that was favorable to him to defeat the opponent.

Sabo also saw Crocodile's thoughts and naturally would not do as he wished.

Sabo, who was originally standing in place, stomped his feet on the ground at a very fast speed, and then disappeared instantly with the reaction force of the continuous stomping on the ground. At this time, Sabo used the technique of shaving, one of the six styles of the navy.

Although flying with telekinesis is very convenient, it consumes a lot of physical strength, and the speed and burst of short distances are not as good as Sabo's shaving that he has honed for many years.

Sabo suddenly disappeared from the spot, and reappeared behind Crocodile, and the dragon claw covered with Armament Haki grabbed his neck.

Feeling the danger coming from his side, Crocodile waved his hand, and the desertified ground was directly controlled by him to block his side.

Crocodile also knew that the sand alone could not stop Sabo's attack, so he pressed his hand on the sand wall and strengthened the hardness of the sand wall with Haki.

But this was not enough, Crocodile controlled the sand under his feet and began to attack Sabo, intending to control him first. As long as he could touch the opponent and absorb the moisture from the opponent, Crocodile would win!

The idea was good, but the reality was indeed cruel.

The sand wall covered with Armament Haki was easily penetrated by Sabo, and then the dragon claw grabbed his neck.

Crocodile was not terrified at all when his neck was grabbed, even if his life was controlled by others, he still had to fight back.

Since he became a pirate, he had the awareness of dying in battle.

But before Crocodile could risk his life, Mewtwo Sabo used [Petrification] to freeze him in place.

Just after Crocodile was controlled, a group of Alabasta soldiers led a dozen marines into the palace square.

The marines led by them were none other than Smoker's adjutant, Tashigi.���After Smoker discovered that Sabo had disappeared, he knew that he must have gone after Crocodile first, so he used Den Den Mushi to contact Tashigi and asked her to come to the palace to protect King Cobra of Alabasta who was targeted by Crocodile.

Smoker guessed that the most likely reason for Crocodile to leave the rainy land was to find Cobra. After all, he had planned for so long just to get Alabasta, and if the plan failed, he would choose to make a last-ditch effort.......

When Tashigi saw Mewtwo Sabo and the immobile Crocodile, she immediately drew her long sword.

The navy soldiers behind her also raised their guns.

As for the soldiers of Alabasta, they were shocked by the scene in front of them. After all, lying on the ground were not only the strongest bird claw troops, but also the two guardians of Alabasta, the falcon Bell and the jackal Jaga, and finally the captain of their king's army, Ikarem.....

After the spear-wielding soldiers came to their senses, they raised their weapons and aimed at Mewtwo Sabo and Crocodile.

Seeing this, Sabo did not make any move, but the voice rang in the minds of everyone present.

"I am not an enemy, Crocodile has been controlled by me, but I still used seastone handcuffs to catch him!"

Hearing Sabo's voice in her mind, Tashigi did not relax her vigilance, but asked in a deep voice,"Where is King Cobra?"

"He is safe now!"

After he finished speaking, Mewtwo Sabo was surrounded by telekinesis and flew up.

The navy soldiers and Alabasta soldiers who had been very nervous saw Mewtwo Sabo's action and pulled the trigger one after another.

These ordinary bullets naturally had no effect on Mewtwo Sabo. Without paying any attention to these people, Sabo turned around and chased in the direction where Ike flew away before. It was impossible to know Crocodile's real purpose from his mouth, so he had to find Cobra and Nico Robin to learn Crocodile's purpose from them.

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