The girl was born in a beautiful age, but she was still young.

Her skin was soft and white, she had golden hair and green eyes, and she looked pretty even without makeup.

Altria Pendragon is one of the heroines of the text adventure game "Fate/stay night" produced and released by TYPE-MOON. She also appeared in many other works produced by TYPE-MOON. She was the legendary King Arthur of ancient Britain.

I didn't expect that the person summoned this time would be such a heavyweight.

It seems that my expectations tonight were not wrong. I was really lucky.

Looking at the living King Arthur in front of me, Luo Zhenzhen felt like a dream come true.

This is Altria, the king. Who among those who love the second dimension doesn't know her name?

Wherever the sword of our king points, our hearts will follow.

In the past, Luo Zhen would occasionally type these words in the bullet screens of major video websites and online forums. Whenever this girl appeared, he would definitely pound the table and hit the stool.

The real person is more beautiful than the animation.

What a dreamlike life...

Not only did he summon Miss Machima, the ruling demon, but now even King Arthur has been summoned. Who will be the next one in the future?

It really makes people have infinite expectations. Who made this system? It's really awesome!

Luo Zhen adjusted his bow tie. He dressed up tonight to meet his new partner, and now this gorgeous dress finally came in handy.


Altria is now trapped in a spear and incredible confusion.

She had already signed a contract with Alaya, and even though she knew that she might be trapped in the suffering of eternal reincarnation, she never frowned, but now she found that the contract was broken.

What an incredible thing.

The connection with the Throne of Heroes was also cut off, and now she is actually in a living physical state! ?

Really alive!

(Unbelievable... Who can do this? Who is this person? Magic... No, only real magic can do this, right? But... That's the contract with Alaya, what on earth...)

Altria only felt that she was experiencing the most absurd thing in history, but her reason told her that everything had happened and she had to adjust her state immediately because someone was approaching.

Looking for the sound, she saw a man and a woman walking towards her.

The man had a glorious appearance like a god, and the aura he exuded was unfathomable. His presence was extremely huge, almost inhuman, and he could vaguely feel familiar and distant characteristics... Is it divinity?

The other red-haired woman was completely inhuman, with an angelic face and a graceful figure, but her aura made Artoria wary and even resistant. Especially her eyes, which were a symbol of absolute abnormality.

Devil? Or something close to that?

Artoria thought so in her heart, and her body had already entered a state of combat. The invisible sword twisted the air and appeared in her hand. Only under the moonlight could she vaguely feel that she seemed to be holding something.

For Luo Zhen, who knew her well, all these actions were reasonable.

Luo Zhen raised his hand to stop her, showing his friendly intentions.

"Please put down your sword, Knight King. No, Miss Altria. Let me explain everything."

Altria looked at Luo Zhen seriously. Her first impression of this man was surprisingly good. But the next second, when she faced Machima, she said seriously: "The breath of the abnormal is too strong, and those eyes... You are not human, right?"

Machima looked at this existence from outside this world with great interest. Beautiful, glorious, powerful, just, noble, and dressed in a knight's outfit.

Hmm, it feels like a righteous person who can't tolerate any sand in her eyes. The girl knight in the fantasy comics, facing evil things and giving them a blow.

(Mr. Luo Zhen is really...)

Machima sighed in her heart, but on the surface she still looked gentle and smiled, and chuckled: "It's a demon."

Altria's face sank: "It's actually a demon? Hmm..."

Then she looked at Luo Zhen, and her beautiful face was still serious and courageous.

"I am here because of you, right? Is this demon your partner? What is the purpose of a man who associates with demons?!"

Clear mind


Facing such a noble and beautiful king, people with low willpower are likely to be unable to lie in front of her, because the cost of deceiving the king is very high, and it is very embarrassing for such a charming king to question Is it difficult not to feel guilty?

In Artoria's world, the so-called Xingyue world, the king is an extremely special concept and consists of a group of extremely special people.

Because it is a magical worldview; it initially revolves around the Holy Grail War, summoning the famous heroes in history to an era and a war to fight to the death for the almighty wishing machine.

Among those heroes who possess great strength and military wisdom, the existence of kings is almost equivalent to that of gods. Some kings who have made great achievements in history have even been upgraded to miracles, possessing incredible power and special abilities. .

As the mythical King Arthur of ancient Britain, Artoria has a strong sense of miracle, especially her kingly charm. She is almost a perfect king and has the character and grace to make others surrender and worship her.

Facing Artoria like this, Luo Zhen was willing to take responsibility for it, whether it was out of personal appreciation or the initiator of her traveling across the world.

So Luo Zhen started storytelling mode.

After a long time...

Under the witness of the stars, Artoria, Luo Zhen and Makima sat around on the lawn.

"I see...there is such a thing."

Even with Arturia's knowledge, she felt that being able to do this was too much.

With the vastness and magic of Xingyue's worldview, it would be beyond the limits of fantasy to achieve such a grand summons across dimensions, but the man in front of him did it.

Parallel worlds and crossing timelines are already called miracles, but what about crossing dimensions?

(…It’s hard to describe in words.)

Arturia had mixed emotions, and a sad look appeared on her face.

"But, I still have my own wishes that I want to realize. My contract has just been signed, and I still want to save Britain..."

Arturia's soft words made Luo Zhen very concerned.

(Is it... the period when the contract with Alaya was just signed? In other words, the Holy Grail War has not yet been experienced?)

Luo Zhen thought so.

Similar to Machima, Arturia also harbors an extreme dream.

He wants to overturn history, travel back in time, change the timeline, and allow ancient Britain to continue. He even denies his own existence for this purpose and wants others to draw the sword to choose the king.

Well, in a sense.

This king is also quite crazy.

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