The three of them were speechless for a moment.

Machima was observing, Altria was thinking, and Luo Zhen was brainstorming.

If you want to know why, of course, it is to find a way to keep the king by his side.

Although Luo Zhen can cancel the summons and send people back to their own world, but... the people who are sent back will be blacklisted by the system and will never be summoned again in this endless second dimension.

My king, this is one of my favorite characters in the last life.

Before meeting Machima, Luo Zhen had known her for a long time.

And if you want to keep her by your side properly, you must prepare her mentally. Luo Zhen is really thinking about how to speak.

Altria thought for a long time, and finally asked as expected: "Sir Luo Zhen, can you please send me back to my own world?"

Luo Zhen: "... King Arthur, are you entangled in your own fantasy? To save Camelot, to save the people of Britain?"

Altria immediately looked up, with hope in her eyes: "Yes, I must save my country no matter what! I must correct my mistakes!"

Emotions suddenly became excited.

Altria is like this, noble and glorious, a nearly perfect king, giving people the feeling of being trustworthy and admired.

However, during this period, as long as she touched on the problems of Britain, she would easily fall into self-blame, self-pity and excitement.

For her, the destruction of Britain was caused by her mistakes and her inadequate performance.

Rather than being a king who commands the people from a high position, it is better to say that she is an idol called the king who is bound to the throne.

She never really lived for herself, everything was for the continuation of Britain, and she was bound by the shackles of this responsibility until her death.

Luo Zhen's eyes softened when he looked at Artoria, with pity and regret, which made Artoria very confused.

Altria: "Sir Rozen?"

Rozen: "I know a little about the life stories of the summoned who can appear in this world.

Miss Altria, it is precisely because I know your past that I want to say that you should start a new life here without taking any responsibility for the history that will inevitably result.

Everything is an irreversible trend, and it is absolutely impossible for human power to reverse it."

When Altria heard this, she was a little skeptical for a moment, and her words were a little hurried: "No, as long as you pass the Holy Grail War! Get the omnipotent wish machine! Everything can be realized!"

Rozen shook his head slightly: "According to your original destiny, you will experience despair and rebirth in the next two Holy Grail Wars.

And in that final Holy Grail War, you will eventually let go. But now everything has changed... …”

Altria sat up suddenly from the ground and said loudly: "Why? Why can't you obey my will? Why! ? "

Rozen looked up and said earnestly: "The Holy Grail has been contaminated for a long time. If you try to use the Holy Grail to realize your wish, it will be achieved in the opposite form.

For example, you want to save the world?

Well, then the contaminated Holy Grail will be achieved in a very extreme opposite way! For example... destroy all life, then this world doesn't need to be saved? No fighting, no hunger, no death...

However, in fact, it is almost impossible to do such a thing for the Holy Grail, but the contaminated Holy Grail does have such a mechanism. This is a fact..."

Rozen's words made Altria's breath choke.

She instinctively wanted to refute loudly, but for some reason she couldn't speak.

The man's eyes told her that everything was true, and the power transmitted from it was absolutely resolute and unquestionable. King Arthur didn't know how to refute it for a while.

Altria stood there with a heavy face, the night wind blew, blowing her golden hair, and she was speechless for a moment.

Makima lowered her eyes slightly, thinking about the Holy Grail that Luo Zhen mentioned. The omnipotent wishing machine, what mechanism would the previously contaminated Holy Grail use to fulfill the wishes of the wisher.

This reminded her of her previous ideals.

Interesting world, interesting people...

Seeing that the beautiful young queen was so depressed, Makima's mouth corners slightly raised, and she actually showed a long-lost playful sneer.

Altria was silent for a long time


Luo Zhen kept staring at her.

Altria said in a deep voice: "...Even if you tell me this, how can I believe it? Just based on your own words? Are you going to deny my obsession!?"

Luo Zhen just looked at her, staring at her steadily.

An inexplicable sense of pressure swept over. Altria immediately calmed down. Even though she was a little irritated, if the man in front of her wanted to fight, she would never tolerate it.

However, would Luo Zhen teach Altria a lesson because of her stubbornness?


Out of respect, he would not use that method to correct Altria's stubborn thoughts.

(... In a way, it is ten or even nine times more crazy than Machima!)

Luo Zhen restrained his breath, folded his hands across his chest, and restored his calm posture.

Altria remained alert. Although the first impression of this man was subtly good, things have come to this point... I can only take it one step at a time.

Luo Zhen was silent for a moment, and changed his previous modesty. His tone became a little aggressive: "Altria, ask me, is it necessary for someone like me who can cross the dimension and bring you to this world to deceive you here?

Also, I must tell you that...even if you really realize your wish and reverse the past.

And when you return to Britain at that time, I tell you, that is the real destruction of Britain."

The man's words were so heavy that at this moment, Altria seemed to feel the man's firm will. Those unquestionable words have a magic that makes people want to believe.

Altria was a little absent-minded for a while, and she asked: "Why...?"

Luo Zhen: "When you really change history, the original destiny trajectory of the world will change dramatically, and the world will will take emergency measures for this change.

If you, Altria Pendragon, are not the king, then this history will form a singularity, that is, the Lostbelt, and the world will send guardians to conquer and destroy it!"

Cruel words.

Upon hearing this, Artoria was stunned: "What, what...!?"

Luo Zhen said coldly: "Because the wrong things should be corrected. The era of gods is fading, irreversible, and going against the will of heaven will only lead to more tragic destruction in the end."


Artoria lowered her head and fell into silence, and the man's determined eyes hit her heart fiercely.

Could it be true?

Should I believe what the man said?

But why did Alaya still want to have sex with me?

My regret, my obsession, my... fantasy?

Artoria sat heavily on the ground, her strength was draining away, her heart was empty and even a little depressed. Gao Jie's pretty face was gloomy, and her hands were clenched into fists in pain and entanglement.

What should I do?

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