The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"I'm here to end this war."

The navy captain's deep voice gradually echoed on the dead sea, making everyone's eyes widen.

On the deck of the warship, the navy of the North Sea looked at the domineering admiral on the bow, and their eyes were full of admiration. Many young female navy officers' eyes turned into hearts.

"Damn it! He's pretending again! Why can't I think of such a line!!"

Kaji glanced at the reactions of others, and then he cursed in a low voice, his face flushed.

Gion's eyes flashed slightly.

At this time, Vinsmoke Judge's furious voice came from the Germa Kingdom:

"Darren, what are you doing!? Do you want to attack me?"

"Germa is a member of the World Government, and a powerful country that is qualified to attend the World Conference... If you attack me, you are provoking the member countries!!"

"And your navy has no right to interfere in disputes between countries!"

Darren narrowed his eyes, and the cloak of justice behind him fluttered in the wind, sneering:

"Vinsmoke Judge, what are you doing? Gazhi ... The Kingdom of Jerma is the government's franchisee, but the kingdom of Yadis is also one of the members of the franchise. " "Is it a good army," "Northern navy, don't magnify here!" The Governor of Beihai was killed on the spot, and he would not be blamed by the world's government. And this could also release a signal and warning to the Navy's headquarters ... Even if their navy, they must not hinder Jorma's hegemony! "Tremble under the fire of Germa... Surrender!"

After the words fell,

Boom boom boom boom!!

The deafening sound of the gunfire broke the silence on the sea.

Everyone in the Kingdom of Yadis was horrified to see that

On the Germa warship,

countless flames were blooming and spitting out crazily.

As the fiery red light marks jumped into the sky, they only felt that the changing sky seemed to suddenly become gray, as if covered by a thick layer of dark clouds.


That was not a dark cloud.

It was almost countless shells and bullets, densely cutting the air like locusts, rubbing out sharp explosions, and drawing dense parabolas in the sky, covering the area where the warships were.

A large dark area formed a terrifying and oppressive death net!

There was no place to escape.

In an instant, a scorching wind blew from the sky above their heads. Hundreds of shells seemed to pour down like a torrential rain, and even the sea surface was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

It was even vaguely visible that the shape of the shells was not a regular sphere, but similar to rocket launchers and missiles!

This... is the powerful military technology that Germa 66 can use to dominate the North Sea! !

On the warship, Kaji and Gion's faces changed drastically.

"Damn it!! Germa 66 actually dared to attack the navy!"

"Is Vinsmoke Judge crazy!?"

Kaji was anxious, and a layer of fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Gion suddenly drew out the famous sword at his waist, but his face was extremely solemn.

This scale of intensive bombardment was enough to easily raze a small mountain to the ground in an instant, and they had no way of intercepting it.

The most important thing is that they are now in the middle of the sea.

Once the warship under their feet was sunk, even if they survived this terrible bombardment, they would not be able to resist the second round of bombardment after falling into the sea.

However, just when the two of them were extremely anxious, they were suddenly surprised to find that the other navy officers on the warship had a very strange expression on their faces.

Could it be...

Gion and Kake suddenly reacted and turned to look at Darren on the bow of the warship.

At this time, the highest military commander of the North Sea Navy... moved.

He raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, looked up at the rain of shells falling all over the sky, and slowly raised his hand.

Pushed gently in the void.

It felt like gently pushing the air.


A faint purple arc suddenly flashed in the void.

The invisible force field spread silently.

Kaji and Gion were stunned, their eyes gradually widened, as if they saw something incredible.

On the coastline, tens of thousands of soldiers of the Kingdom of Yadis, including the king, were even more dumbfounded, their eyes almost jumped out of their eyeballs.

I saw the dense fire net pouring down like locusts all over the sky,

Countless shells and bullets,

It seemed that they suddenly hit an invisible film,

The speed of falling suddenly dropped sharply,

Finally, it froze in the air strangely.

Densely packed shells,

silently suspended in the air five meters above the warship, motionless.

At such a close distance, even Kake and Gion could clearly see the patterns on the shells and smell the pungent smell of gunpowder.


The world suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

The extreme silence even gave everyone an illusion.

In the world in front of him, all the air seemed to be vibrating with a buzzing sound.

On the main battleship of Germa, Vinsmoke Judge looked at this strange scene with his eyes wide open, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

The whistling and falling shells...actually stopped in the air! ?

The whole world seemed to stop at this moment.

In the heart-pounding silence,

suddenly a slight sound was heard.


The lighter was lit.

On the bow of the warship,

The black-haired navy captain was blocking the cold sea breeze with one hand and holding a lighter with the other hand, lighting a cigar.

A bright or dim red light lit up.

"I'll give you one last chance, Vinsmoke Judge."

He said in a very calm tone.

As he spoke, the countless shells suspended in the air slowly turned under the traction of some invisible force, as if the cannon was adjusting its angle.

The rocket launchers that were spewing flames also turned in direction.

The target... was aimed at the direction of the Germa Kingdom! !

Vinsmoke Judge's face changed drastically.

Looking at the countless rocket launchers and missiles that had turned in different directions, a piercing chill immediately came out of his back.

The North Sea Admiral took a deep puff of his cigar, and the smoke he exhaled condensed into a snow-white flag in the air.

"Go back, I can pretend nothing happened."





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