The old man was very angry.

"What...what kind of ability is this..."

Kaji stared at the shells slowly turning in the sky above his head with a dull face, and even his words became stuttering.

"The ability to control...metal?"

Gion was also stunned.

The flying squirrel next to him crossed his arms and lit a cigarette with a smile.

Darren's ability to control magnetic fields is getting more and more accurate...

And in the distance,

On the Saint-Germain, Vinsmoke Judge looked at this oppressive scene with his pupils trembling, and first couldn't help but grit his teeth.

However, the words Darren said directly ignited his inner anger again.

This navy kid...what a big tone! !

Did he really think that he could fight against the "Evil Army" of the Germa Kingdom with the power of a devil fruit?

"Don't be ridiculous!! If I can't even deal with a brat like you, how can Germa 66 dominate the North Sea!?"

Vinsmoke Judge roared with red eyes:

"Everyone attack!! Come over to me!! Crash the warship!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Germa fleet rioted again. Under the drag of the giant snail, it was fully powered and rushed towards the warship where Darren was.

Darren didn't say anything.

He slowly raised his hand again.

His movements were so slow that they looked extremely awkward compared to the dozens of warships of Germa 66 roaring on the sea and charging with turbulent waves.

Even tens of thousands of people in the Kingdom of Yadis on the coastline could clearly see his movements.

His slender and powerful five fingers stretched gently in the air.


Clenched fist!

The next second,

Buzz buzz buzz...

A sharp, intense sonic boom sounded suddenly.

Everyone's eyes widened.

The dense shells in the air that seemed to cover the sky suddenly trembled violently.

An invisible storm seemed to emerge in the void.

Then the explosion of the air roared.

The rain of shells suspended in the air,

the death net that could easily flatten half a mountain,

actually accompanied the admiral's action, and rushed towards the battleships of Germa 66 at a speed twice as fast as the previous fall.

Vinsmoke Judge's eyes were instantly filled with bloodshot.

Boom boom boom! !

The torrential rain of shells fell madly into the war fortress built by dozens of battleships.

The earth-shattering explosions spread all over the land of the Germa Kingdom, and red mushroom clouds continued to bloom.

Under such a fierce bombardment, the clone soldiers had no time to react. They could only watch their cutting-edge technological weapons explode beside them, and then be ruthlessly swallowed and drowned by the flames and shock waves.

The raging flames shot up into the sky, and the Germa Kingdom, like an island, trembled under the bombardment.

The vast explosion stirred up horizontal air waves, which spread out in circles towards the sea in all directions, causing waves.

Thick black smoke rolled up into the sky, and the vibrations and waves from afar made the soldiers of the Yadis Kingdom on the coastline pale.

On the warships that were shaking due to the storm, all the navy, including Gion and Kake, held on to the masts and other fixed objects tightly to avoid being thrown out.

Gion and the other man couldn't help but look at the figure on the bow that stood still in the storm like a reef.

Against the backdrop of the sky-high explosion of the Germa Kingdom in the distance,

The North Sea Admiral smoked a cigar, and his usual calm smile was still on his lips.

The wide snow-white cloak behind him was as dazzling as blood under the light of the fire.

In a trance,

They finally realized that

Darren was able to manage the extremely chaotic North Sea so well and in an orderly manner, in addition to his strong and sophisticated political skills,

The most important thing was his monster-like strength!

Enough to easily destroy a country by one person! !


The continuous explosions lasted for a full minute before slowly ending.

When the cold sea breeze blew away the smoke, everyone could see the tragic situation of the Germa Kingdom, which was composed of dozens of warships, and they all gasped.

The land was scorched, with embers of fire and deep and shallow pits everywhere.


The towering artillery and fortress had collapsed and turned into charred ruins.

The bodies of clone soldiers were scattered all over the ruins, many of which had been blown to pieces, leaving only blurred limbs and arms.

On the main battleship Saint Germain, the "Cross Falcon" flag hanging at the highest point gradually turned into ashes in the flames.

- Most of the Germa Kingdom was razed to the ground.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this time, a violent cough suddenly sounded in the ruins somewhere.

"Damn navy kid... How dare you..."

With the charred rock walls and rocks falling, Vinsmoke Judge stood up from the ruins with difficulty.

At this time, he no longer had the arrogance at the beginning, his body was covered with blood and looked extremely embarrassed.

The cloak with the "66" logo behind him spread from his body like a living thing.

"It seems that you have developed the first generation of combat suits..."

Darren raised his eyebrows and murmured with interest.

The combat suit of Germa 66 is a high-tech product made by Vinsmoke Judge.

This powerful combat suit is made of special shape memory armor and is very strong.

Its cloak acts as a "shield", and even fire cannot burn it.

It is the defensive function of the cloak that helped him block the impact of the explosion.

"In this case... let me try the power of this combat suit..."

Darren murmured softly, with a gleam in his eyes.

He turned his head and said to the navy.

"Hold on."

Gion and Kaji were stunned.

But before they could react, they saw that the other navy, including the flying squirrel, were holding the railings on the hull tightly.

Without time to think, they also followed suit and held the fixed objects on the warship.


Darren took a deep breath.


As he took this breath, the cigar in his mouth burned visibly.

The naval captain looked at the Saint-Germain a hundred meters away with a disdainful look.

His knees were slightly bent,

his body sank,

his cloak fluttered behind him,

his muscles were tense, compressed like a spring,

his posture was like a cheetah ready to go!

"Hey, hey, hey... can't it be..." Kaji seemed to have guessed something, and his eyes twitched.

As if to confirm his thoughts,

Darren, whose whole body was tense and sinking, raised his mouth,

his body, compressed to the extreme like a spring, suddenly exerted force!

Boom! !

A dull roar came from the hull of the warship. Kaji and Gion felt that the world in front of them suddenly turned upside down. The terrifying centrifugal force surged out, and their bodies were almost thrown up.

The entire huge warship was tilted by Darren's kick.

The bow of the ship sank forward into the sea, the tail of the warship was raised high, and the tilt angle of the deck was almost 45 degrees!

Bang! !

Darren's feet burst out with unparalleled power, and the tilted huge warship moved sideways for several meters!

With the help of this recoil force, Darren's figure also shot out from the bow like a sharp arrow, and broke through the sound barrier in an instant, blasting the air with a sharp explosion.

His figure whistled parallel to the sea surface, and the speed was so fast... The air waves carried by him even plowed a long white wave groove on the sea surface.

··· ··· ··· ···

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