The sound of the explosion caused by the friction between the island and the air became more and more deafening, almost shattering the eardrums.

The heavy pressure of the air spread, and the ground of the Navy Headquarters even began to show signs of tearing.

The wind was bleak.

Everyone was still trying their best to attack, gritting their teeth, and the cannons and swords slashed like a rainstorm, falling madly on the bottom of the island.

But the harder they tried, the more despair in their eyes became, and the light in their pupils gradually dimmed.

The size of the island was too large, even if everyone gathered their strength, they could only break the bottom layer of rock, and could not stop it from falling.

What is most horrifying and despairing is that, due to the size of the island, its falling speed is not as amazing as that of a meteorite, but instead gives people a sense of tension that a storm is about to come.

This suffocating feeling of oppression, the powerlessness of knowing that one will die but cannot change the situation, is the most tormenting of human will.

A silent despair gradually spread across the land of Marinford.

"Damn... I haven't become an admiral yet... How can I... die here..."

Kuzan gritted his teeth and tried to stand up from the ground with difficulty, but he staggered and knelt on one knee again, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

He grew up much shorter than Sakaski and the others, and his physical strength and physical recovery ability were not as good as the latter, not to mention the "Ice Age" that he had not yet fully mastered during the previous battle...

With the heavy burden and serious injuries, his body had already reached its limit and was close to the edge of collapse.

On the other side, Zhan Guo had already transformed into a huge golden war Buddha.

The golden Buddha's palm was wrapped in a magnificent force, constantly blasting out vast shock waves in the air.

Each impact caused the air to explode and blasted a deep pit at least 100 meters below the island, but because of the distance, the power of his attack was weakened by half.

Even though Zhan Guo was the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, facing this scene, a deep sense of powerlessness could not help but emerge in his bloodshot eyes.

His devil fruit ability has never been good at covering a large area of ​​attack.

Although the animal-type mythical beast species itself can give the ability holder all kinds of incredible abilities, in the final analysis, it is still the animal type that enhances the ability of "flesh fighting"!

Close combat is Zhan Guo's strong point. Facing the rogue attack method of the golden lion, he is helpless!

"So... it seems that we will all die here this time..."

In the ruins of the collapsed building, Borsalino sat there and grinned without any manners.

He glanced at Sakaski, who was still blasting out magma fists not far away. The latter's face had become paler and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth. He smiled and shook his head, and finally set his eyes on Darren.

"So... do you have any solution?"

Darren, who had not spoken since the floating island appeared, paused.

He was silent for a while, and suddenly smiled:

"You don't look worried, Borsalino."

Borsalino shrugged, looking relaxed, and said with a smile:

"Although the Golden Lion's move is indeed terrible, I am a flash man... I can't die."

Darren laughed dumbly.

"Yes, you can't die."

The roar above his head became more and more violent, the sky seemed to be torn apart, and the ground was covered with violent winds.

"With your ability, if you want, you can leave at any time, and you can't die."

Borsalino said with a playful look in his eyes.

Darren fell silent again.

His military uniform was stained with blood and was tattered. His face was also covered with blood, and his body seemed to be crumbling.

He raised his hand tremblingly, took out a pack of wrinkled cigarettes from his arms, took out a cigarette from the cigarette box, bit it in his mouth and lit it.

The choking smoke hit his throat, constantly irritating his trachea and lungs.

Unconsciously, Darren's observation Haki perception had already opened and spread out.

Pictures flashed through his mind like photos.

He saw civilians kneeling in a pool of blood, screaming, wailing, and crying;

He saw familiar faces forcibly holding on and launching attacks;

He saw the Warring States General and Zefa teacher with eyes about to burst;

He saw Kake, Huoshaoshan, Ghost Spider...

He saw standing in the crowd with his hands clasped together, his eyes slightly red, looking at himself

Tianyue Shi in his direction;

"Darren!! If you have any ideas, use them now!!"

At this time, a shout from Zhan Guo suddenly interrupted Darren's thoughts.

He stared at the figure of the commodore with red eyes, and a hint of pleading flashed in his frosted eyes.

Facing such a desperate disaster, Zhan Guo racked his brains but couldn't think of any way to break the situation.

Although this sounds ridiculous, Zhan Guo always feels that if it is that brat Darren, he must have a way! !

Countless missions in the past have proved this point! !

Zhan Guo's voice instantly attracted the attention of others.

The navy turned their heads in unison, and their eyes focused on the commodore at the same time.

"Hahahaha!!! Stop kidding!!!"

Golden Lion naturally heard the voice of Zhan Guo, and couldn't help laughing sarcastically:

"This is the power to destroy the world!! No one can resist it!!"

"Just accept the reality!! Marinford... will sink into the sea today!!"

His face was full of twisted and crazy smiles.

There is nothing more intoxicating in this world than the picture in front of him.

Looking at these tens of thousands of elite navy, completely collapsed in despair and fear, and then buried in the sea... Just thinking about that picture, Golden Lion was so excited that he trembled all over.

"As for Darren the kid... I guess it's very difficult for him to stand?"

He stared at Darren with a playful face, and the blood on his arms dripped down the double swords.

"If he really had any method, he would have used it long ago, hahahaha!!"

Golden Lion's ghost-like voice fell, making all the navy feel like being struck by lightning.

They stared at the figure of the commodore with their eyes wide open, their movements gradually slowed down, and finally they even stopped attacking.

Is there really no way out?

Will all of us die here today?


However, at this moment, Darren suddenly exhaled a long stream of smoke from his mouth.

In the wind filled with smoke and blood, he suddenly smiled.

"I haven't moved, I just want to recover some physical strength."

When these words came out, the navy was stunned.

The Golden Lion was also stunned.

Darren turned his head to look at Borsalino and asked with a smile:

"So that experiment... is it finished?"

Borsalino flashed a glimmer of interest under his sunglasses:

"It should be almost done."

"Very good."

Darren looked up at the pirate in the sky, his expression was unexpectedly calm, and under his calm eyes was a rebellious and fiery madness.

"Yan Mo."

He raised his hand.


A sharp and strange black light broke out from the ground in the distance, and instantly came to Darren at an unimaginable speed.

The three-petal blade, the blade was cold black, and the blade was branded with purple-black flames.

The bloody smell spread out instantly.

Darren did not make any move, and this sharp sword slowly shifted, with the tip pointing directly at the huge island falling in the sky.


The golden lion narrowed his eyes, and then couldn't help but sneered:

"So you are trying to recover your strength, and you want to use that way of controlling metal to let this sword penetrate this island!? Hahahaha, it's so stupid!!"

He had seen Darren perform similar moves.

The power of that move was indeed good, but it was far from enough to completely defeat this island!

Darren did not speak.

He stood in the ruins of the raging wind and falling rubble, with the blood-stained cloak of justice fluttering behind him.

Boom! !

The magnetic field suddenly rioted and boiled, and Yan Mo suddenly shot out from the spot, breaking the sound barrier in an instant, blasting circles of white air waves.

Like a sharp black light, this world-famous demon sword... soared into the sky! !

"Hahahaha!! Impossible!! This kind of power is absolutely impossible-"

The grin of the golden lion stopped abruptly.

He seemed to sense something, his face suddenly changed, and his pupils contracted tightly.

Zhan Guo and Zefa were also stunned.

At this time, the indifferent voice of the commodore of the navy echoed on the battlefield.

"It is undeniable that you do have the power to destroy the world, Golden Lion."

A fierce arc appeared at the corner of Darren's mouth.


"Only the power to destroy the world can fight against you."

He clenched his fists and his eyes focused.

"Shoot it, Yan Mo!"

The words fell——

In the

Under the incredulous gazes of several navy soldiers,

Under the dumbfounded expression of the golden lion,

Yan Mo, which soared into the sky...instantly doubled in size by dozens of times!

Yan Mo, whose original sword was nearly two meters long, instantly became larger and longer...turned into a giant sword that was about five meters wide and a hundred meters long!!

What was even more incredible was that,

Yan Mo's speed of explosion also increased from several times the speed of dozens of times the speed of sound under the amplification of this magical force!!

"Momo·Fifty Times Slash·Island Fall!!"

Under the shocked and horrified eyes of everyone, Yan Mo, which had turned into a giant sword that could hold up the sky, rubbed against the air at high speed to produce amazing flames, like a flaming blade wielded by an invisible god, tearing the atmosphere...

suddenly penetrated the floating island that fell from the sky!!





Please everything, thank you very much.

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