The sword was broken, and the sword was broken.

Swish! !

The 100-meter-long flaming giant sword pierced through the entire island without any hindrance, and the tip of the sword pierced through the top of the island, blasting the rocks all over the sky.

The gloomy black ghost energy swirled around the huge blade of Yan Mo, blending with the flames, and finally derived a black and purple ghost fire flame.

The sword energy storm roared from the tip of the blade, smashing the heavy clouds in the sky into pieces and disintegrating them continuously.

Because of this sword, the momentum of the huge island's fall suddenly stagnated, as if it had fallen into stagnation.

The golden lion's grim smile instantly solidified on his face, and dense bloodshot instantly filled the area around his pupils, and his eyeballs almost popped out of his eye sockets.

This... is a knife that almost pierces the sky! !

Time also seemed to freeze at this moment.

On the land of Marinford, hundreds of thousands of civilians and sailors were stunned and shocked... They simply couldn't believe their eyes, couldn't believe what they saw.

That huge floating island that covered the sky... was actually pierced by this knife! ?

That purple-black giant sword that almost connected the sky and the earth, from a distance, looked like a pillar of heaven, guarding this holy land of justice!

Such a shocking picture is destined to be deeply imprinted in everyone's mind and will never be erased.

"What is this..."

Zeff stared at the huge long sword with a dull face, and couldn't help looking at the Warring States not far away.

But the latter also looked stunned, and clearly didn't know what was going on.

Darren had a demon sword from Wano Country in his hand, and he knew that.

Zhan Guo just thought that this was a gift from the mysterious woman Tian Yue Shi to Darren, so he didn't pay too much attention to it. He just felt that it was a bit of a waste for Darren, a guy who didn't know swordsmanship, to have this sword in his hands.

But even if it was a demon sword, it was just a special weapon.

It was obviously a dead thing without life, how could it suddenly have such a strange change?


Zhan Guo suddenly remembered another thing.

He remembered that not long ago, the Navy Science and Technology Department led by Borsalino seemed to have said that it had made some technological breakthroughs about devil fruits from Dr. Vegapunk, who was "500 years ahead of the times."

Borsalino also responsibly reported the relevant situation to himself, the admiral of the navy, saying that Dr. Vegapunk had cracked the ability conversion conditions of the devil fruit and developed a new technology.

- Let the "dead thing" eat the devil fruit and gain the ability of the devil fruit!

At that time, Zhan Guo was not impressed by this new technological breakthrough, and even sneered at it.

"What kind of bullshit technology is this..." These were his original words.

Of course, this does not exclude the fact that he had a preconceived impression of Borsalino, a guy who was not on the right track, as "unreliable".

Let a dead thing eat a devil fruit! ?

What a joke!

The devil fruit itself is extremely precious, and even the navy can't produce too many.

If there is a powerful devil fruit, wouldn't it be a better choice to let people eat it?

After all, people are alive, and as their strength increases, they can continuously develop the devil fruit to become more powerful.

But now...

Looking at the huge demon sword that pierces the island in front of him, Zhan Guo couldn't help but twitch his mouth, and the answer to the question was about to come out.


"What kind of ability is this!?"

"Is it the devil fruit ability of Commodore Darren?"

"No, it's not!"

"It seems to be the ability of the sword itself!"

"How is this possible!!"

The navy also quickly recovered from their shock at this time and looked at Darren in disbelief.

"This sword can actually grow bigger..."

Kuzan looked at the Yama that penetrated the sky and earth with shining eyes, turned his head, and said to Darren with stars in his eyes:

"Darren... This is so cool!!"

Sakaski also looked surprised.

Darren smiled, and his face looked weaker and weaker.

It was successful after all.

He found the best destination for the Momo Fruit.


If possible, it would be better to give the Momo Fruit to a powerful person.

But in the short term, Darren did not find a suitable candidate.

And he was already a magneto-magnetic fruit ability user, and it was impossible to eat two devil fruits at the same time.

——Until recently Borsalino came to me and brought an interesting


Vegapunk successfully cracked the conditions for the transmission of the devil fruit!

So an extremely bold, even crazy idea suddenly flashed through Darren's mind.

Let Yan Mo eat the Momo fruit! !

Similar to Spandam's knife that ate the Elephant Fruit in the original plot, Yan Mo who ate the Momo fruit will also have the ability to multiply! !

And the most important point is that this does not require Darren's physical strength!

It only takes a little physical strength to use the magnetic sword to shoot Yan Mo at a speed that breaks the sound barrier.

Yan Mo can rely on the power of the Momo fruit to instantly multiply its size and speed by dozens of times, reaching a terrifying power that can destroy a town or even penetrate an island with one blow!

Perhaps... this is the most ideal way to use the Momo fruit!

"Then... it's time to end."

Darren grinned at the golden lion.

"I'm sorry, you lost in the end."


A ray of blue electric arc flashed across the huge blade of Yan Mo.


In the eyes of the golden lion,

It was as if an invisible god swung the blade of doom heavily and slashed it down! !


Tear! !

The sound of the island tearing apart made people's scalps numb and spread throughout Marinford.

With a loud bang,

the world-famous peerless demon sword...suddenly shattered the floating island and the thick sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

The island split into two parts from the center, and then continued to disintegrate in the process of falling in the air...turned into fragments all over the sky, and continued to fall into the vast sea on both sides of the Marinford island.

Amid the rumbling vibration, a huge amount of seawater rushed up into the sky, setting off a tsunami over a hundred meters high, which kept surging and spreading, destroying the military port and the artillery, and was frozen by Kuzan who recovered in time.

The few island fragments fell on the land of Marinford like small meteorites, dragging fiery red flame tails, like meteors in the sky.

Buildings were constantly smashed to pieces, flames ignited in the city, and the sea of ​​fire spread.

But compared with the doomsday brought by the fall of the entire island, all this seemed insignificant.

After doing all this, Yan Mo quickly shrank and flew back to Darren's side.

The golden lion gritted his teeth and stared violently at the commodore on the ground who was looking at him defiantly.

But at the moment when he clenched his double swords and prepared to attack,

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Several figures appeared in front of Darren almost at the same time, protecting him firmly in the center like a group of stars surrounding the moon.

Sakaski, Kuzan, Borsalino, Zhan Guo, Zefa...

Golden Lion's movements suddenly froze.

Blood flowed from the corner of Darren's mouth, and he sneered at him disdainfully:

"What's wrong, do you need me to take you a ride?"

After the voice fell, Yan Mo beside him turned again, and the tip of the knife pointed at Golden Lion from a distance.

The latter's pupils shrank.


Golden Lion put the two swords back into the scabbard, and suddenly laughed sinisterly:

"I'll accompany you here today... Darren kid, we haven't settled our accounts yet!!"


He laughed loudly, his figure flew up, and soon disappeared behind the clouds.

Seeing Golden Lion leave, Zhan Guo and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The wind was fierce, and flames were burning on the ground.

The fragments of the island kept breaking through the sky, shining like meteors.

A golden dawn gradually bloomed from the sky cut off by Yan Mo, like a giant's golden finger, slowly reaching into the earth.

The warm sun was like golden sand, spreading on the devastated land, collapsed buildings and ruins of military fortresses, and also reflected on every scarred navy.

They clenched their fists, their hearts surging.

"We... protected our home."

Someone murmured.

The sun gradually became stronger.

Dawn fell.

The darkness dissipated.

Young faces bathed in the sun, although tired and hurt, they couldn't help but smile at each other.

Kuzan, Kaji, Gion, Huoshaoshan, Ghost Spider, Doberman, Dalmesia, Stoloberi... They supported their bodies and couldn't help looking at the tall figure.

The commodore stood in the center of the crowd and smiled at them.

It was dazzling.

Swish! !

Kuzan, whose face was flushed with excitement, could no longer hold back and suddenly raised his hand to salute the figure.

Following closely behind was Huoshaoshan.

The third,

the fourth,

The navy men saluted the figure from afar one after another without anyone's order.

"Tsk, he stole the limelight!" Kake wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth indignantly, and then glared at Gion fiercely.

At this moment, he shrunk his head and raised his hand to salute.

"This is really a touching scene..." Borsalino smiled.

Sakaski was silent for a while, and also raised his hand to salute.

Zefa and Sengoku looked at each other, with a relieved and proud smile on their faces, and took two steps back and saluted at the same time.

At this moment.

No one in the entire Navy Headquarters lowered their arms.

Except for that one person.

He stood on the top of a ruin, covered in blood, biting a long-burned cigarette in his mouth, but his body seemed to be bathed in a thousand brilliant suns.


In the 1493rd year of the Sea Circle Calendar, the legendary pirate "Flying Admiral" Golden Lion Shiki, on the premise that the Flying Fleet was annihilated, in order to retaliate against the Navy, joined forces with the great pirates Kaido and Charlotte Linlin to invade the Navy Headquarters Marinford.

With the power to destroy the world, the Golden Lion almost sank the Navy Headquarters into the sea.

This shocking battle resulted in the destruction of most of Marinford.

It is worth mentioning that due to the absence of the legendary navy, the young generation of navy trained by the former admiral "Black Arm" Zephyr played a pivotal role in this battle.

The unyielding will and strong strength they showed shone like stars in this era, and were as convincing and charming as gold.

Among the golden crowd, the brightest star was naturally the "King of the North Sea" named Rogers Darren.

After this battle, the combat power of the young generation of the navy grew rapidly and became the mainstay of the world's justice in the future.

Later historians called this group of navy with the tenacious belief of "golden will"...

"Golden Generation"!

——World Economic News Agency, President Morgans





The second volume "Golden Age" is finished.

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