The flying squirrel's words were like invisible hammers, constantly hitting Gion and Kaji's hearts, shaking their minds and gradually turning pale. They had never thought that the densely populated and prosperous island in front of them was once the city of sin and lawlessness described by the flying squirrel. What they couldn't figure out was that all the peace and prosperity they saw before them was because Darren had supported two major mafia families. The heavy impact constantly challenged all the concepts and education they had received in the headquarters. "But...but...doesn't the income of the mafia family come from exploiting the common people?"

Gion murmured palely, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"Yes, that's true."

The flying squirrel frankly admitted:

"But compared to being shot every day, having your family and friends killed in gang fights, having your children gradually become bad because of the bad living environment, and finally joining gangs or going out to sea as pirates..."

"Compared to being scared day and night, not even daring to do business, being unemployed, and going bankrupt... civilians are more willing to pay a certain amount of protection fees to the mafia family in exchange for a relatively peaceful and stable living environment."

"This is the reality."

Gion took two steps back with weak legs and shook his head:

"But, but...if our navy takes action and eliminates all the mafia families, won't civilians not even have to pay protection fees?"

"Willn't their living standards be better?"

"Why do we have to leave two mafia families..."

The flying squirrel sighed again.

He couldn't count how many times he sighed.

"This is the brilliance of Colonel Darren."

He said slowly:

"If all the mafia families are eradicated, the final result will be the same as that of Major General Sakaski. In less than half a year or even a few months, countless mafia families of all sizes will emerge again in this place..."

"In order to seize territory, they will fight more fiercely, and in the end, only civilians will be hurt."

"Leave two mafia families and divide the territory for them... On the one hand, it can make them wary and hostile to each other and dare not deceive our navy. On the other hand, it is also convenient to shock Deterrence and management. "

"These two remaining mafia families will protect their own territories for their own interests, fight against pirates and other underground forces that come to plunder, and indirectly achieve the effect of "protecting civilians." "

"After all, for them who have stabilized their power, the better and richer the lives of civilians are, the higher the protection fees they can collect. "

"And with the deterrence of Colonel Darren, they dare not go too far. After all, they know deeply that everything they have is given to them by Colonel Darren. "

Gion was struck by lightning.

Using the power of the mafia and pirates to "protect" civilians...

She has never heard of such a thing.

"But...if our navy can obviously do more..."

"No," the flying squirrel shook his head, and his tone was also powerless.

"The navy can't do much."

"Because our navy is a military force under the command of the World Government in this sea, and because of geographical factors, our navy only has the right to enforce the law in various places, not the right to govern, and even less the right to station."

"In other words, no matter what happens, pirates' looting, gangsters' vendettas, mafia melees... our navy can often only investigate after the fact, or can only solve temporary needs."

"The navy is not allowed to station troops in independent countries and islands, so there is no way to permanently protect local civilians."

"This is The biggest problem of the Navy."

"Colonel Darren can achieve the effect of "governance" and "protection" to a certain extent in the local area by supporting the Mafia, thereby protecting the lives of civilians."

"This is a road that no one has ever walked, but at least it seems to be effective at the moment."

"And most importantly, through this method, Colonel Darren can easily grasp the situation in various places and can also focus most of his energy on dealing with truly dangerous pirates."

"Major Gion, Major Kake, do you understand now?"

The flying squirrel looked directly at Gion.

Gion and Kake spoke solemnly.

If the navy has the right to station troops, then there is no need to use such a complicated method, and it can be directly stationed in the local area for protection.

But the system does not allow it.

After all, if the navy has the right to station troops everywhere, it is not an independent military organization, but a warlord.

And this is something that neither the world government nor the major kingdoms allow to see.

"I know that you two have a lofty and firm belief in justice in your hearts. Both Colonel Darren and I respect this very much."

"Yes, you heard it right. I am very familiar with Colonel Darren. Although he seems unruly on the surface, it can be seen that he does not have much rejection of you."

Seeing the unbelieving expressions of Gion and the others, he added:

"Otherwise, you would never have discovered these things."

"Please believe me, with Colonel Darren's ability and means, if he wants to conceal it, you can't find anything at all."

Gion and Kake were silent after hearing this.

The flying squirrel said slowly:

"You two, I know you have some opinions about the style of our North Sea Navy, but this is the North Sea after all. The headquarters' approach simply does not work in this sea area."

"As far as the results are concerned, this... is the best era in the history of the North Sea."

His face was full of pride.

Seeing islands and towns, under the jurisdiction of the navy, continue to move towards peace and prosperity, this is itself a kind of greatest pride and pride.

It is also the best reward for one's military uniform.

Even if the means used in the process are not so glorious.

"You two, Colonel Darren is not convenient to tell you these words, and he is not willing to explain them to you."

Flying Squirrel continued:

"For him, other people's eyes and comments are insignificant. He has his own set of rules."

"But what I want to say is that Colonel Darren is not the kind of scum you two think."

Gion bit her red lips tightly with her pearly teeth and whispered:

"But no matter what, it is always wrong to take money from civilians from the mafia..."

Flying Squirrel smiled,

"It is indeed not good to take money, but the North Sea Navy is indeed short of money."

"And most importantly, Colonel Darren has a principle..."

He blinked,

"If he takes the money, he will do it."





The viewpoint of this book is not as idealistic as the previous one, and it is more realistic.

Seeking all support, seeking good reviews, grateful.

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