The old man was sitting on the ground, and the old man was sitting on the ground.

Gion followed the navy absentmindedly, with confusion in his black eyes.

After learning the "truth" of Darren's governance of the North Sea from the flying squirrel, she always felt like she was dreaming about the prosperity and bustle in front of her.

In a trance, she suddenly remembered what the Warring States General and Sister Crane had said to her.

"Gion, as a navy, we are responsible for justice, but sometimes justice is quite powerless on this sea."

"But why? Isn't our navy the most powerful military organization in the world?"

"Indeed, but this sea is too vast, and the light of the seagull flag of justice cannot shine into all the dark, dirty and gloomy corners."

"You may not understand this truth now. This is a kind of luck, but also a kind of misfortune."


Gion became lost, and Kake next to him also looked weak, and even forgot to care for the people.

Soon they came to a magnificent mansion.

The mansion was obviously newly built, with blue roofs and white walls, and exquisite flower beds.

Outside the courtyard, a security line has been set up by poorly equipped militia, about hundreds of people.

"Damn trash! You can't even do such a small thing!!"

They heard a violent curse coming from the mansion, accompanied by the sound of things being thrown.

Soon, they saw the trembling militiamen kneeling down from the front row, their faces gradually turning pale.

As a figure wearing a white silk dress and a glass cover on his head walked out of the mansion, the wave of kneeling spread out like ripples.

Shields Saint was very angry.

He never thought that he would run into the madman Bondi Waldo during this enthusiastic tour.

What he didn't expect was that a mere pariah dared to attack the official ship of the World Government and his own ship!

Most of the CP members who accompanied him died in that terrible doomsday disaster, and then the arrival of the sea storm washed him to this island.

This was the most embarrassing moment since he was born.

"Damn it..."

The golden-haired Shields Saint gnashed his teeth and cursed.

He glanced at the two CP members in black suits behind him.

These are his last two guards.

"Get out of the way! Don't block my way!!"

He was in a bad mood and kicked down the militia kneeling on the ground in front of him. He looked up and saw a navy man in a snow-white cloak walking towards him.

"Saint Sirdes, I am Flying Squirrel, deputy base commander of the North Sea 321 Branch. I am here to protect your personal safety under the order of the Navy Headquarters."

Flying Squirrel walked over, raised his hand to salute, and said expressionlessly.

Sildes Saint glanced at him sideways, with an extremely arrogant attitude, and sneered contemptuously:

"Hey, my obedient navy puppy is here."

"Why is it just a deputy base commander? Where is your boss?"

The flying squirrel clenched his fists, then quickly loosened them, and said in a deep voice:

"The base commander is handing over the security task to the city government. Your safety will be taken care of by our Beihai Navy until the official ship of the CP department arrives."

"Tsk... I don't expect you, a bunch of good-for-nothings who can only be used to guard the house, to protect me. Anyway, the CP department will arrive in an hour or two anyway, so just use it."

Sildes Saint said casually, not caring about the ugly face of the flying squirrel at all, and turned his eyes to look elsewhere.

The moment he saw Gion, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The greed and vulgarity in his eyes made Gion frown, feeling uncomfortable all over, and subconsciously took a step back.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect that there would be such a beauty in the navy..."

Sildes Saint looked at Gion up and down, his eyes full of aggression, and he sighed.

The flying squirrel's face changed slightly.

Kaji's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but take a step forward.

They have heard about the bad habits of the Celestial Dragons. If he really set his eyes on Gion...

"It's a pity that you are too old... Almost, almost, you were favored by me, and then became my eighteenth wife! Hahahahaha!!"

Sildes Saint winked at Gion and laughed obscenely.

"Let's go, let's go out

Go for a walk and have some fun. I'm bored to death resting in this shabby place these days."

Under the ugly faces of the navy, Shields Saint walked out of the mansion.

"This damn bastard... dared to set his sights on you!"

Kaji whispered indignantly:

"Obviously, I am qualified to be your husband!"

Gion rolled his eyes and loosened his hand holding the hilt, but he was inexplicably relieved in his heart.

The world's noble Celestial Dragons have supreme power. If he is really targeted, it will probably bring a lot of trouble and pressure to Sister Crane and others.

"Let's go..."

At this time, the flying squirrel said with a gloomy face.

"Major Gion, stay away from him. "

Gion nodded, hoping that nothing would happen.

So everyone followed the navy soldiers and quickly followed the Celestial Dragon.

A large group of people, led by Celestial Dragon Shields Saint, walked on the commercial street of Batia Island.

Wherever they passed, the originally bustling streets suddenly became silent.

Civilians knelt on the ground in large groups, spreading out like waves, with terrified expressions, not daring to approach.

The World Government has ruled the world for eight hundred years like a behemoth. Facing the "God" who holds the greatest power in the world, the civilians are afraid. A deep awe filled my heart.

But at this moment,

A childish voice suddenly sounded, which sounded so harsh in this dead silent street where you could hear a pin drop.

Gion's face changed drastically.

Kake and Flying Squirrel's pupils contracted.

They looked and trembled unconsciously.

A little girl with black hair and a floral dress, carrying a large bouquet of flowers behind her.

Her face was filled with a sweet smile, and she looked innocently at the man in front of her wearing a glass cover, and her childish little hand raised a beautiful rose high.

"Uncle, do you want to buy flowers? "

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Under the desperate gaze of the people in Gion,

They saw that on the ugly face of Sildes Saint, which was covered with pockmarks, a smile of excitement and flushing gradually emerged.

In his eyes, there was a strong greed and possessiveness.

In that perverted obsession, there was an indescribable excitement.

It was like a naughty child seeing a fun toy.

Gion and Kaji's bodies suddenly tensed up and gritted their teeth.

Because they saw the ugly Celestial Dragon, slowly stretched out his fat fingers with gem rings, pointed at the innocent little girl in front of him, and grinned:

"I want her! ! "





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