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Then, the old man put down the mallet, sat cross-legged on the ground, and said to himself, "Little girl, you are so talented, do you have a master? Do you want to be my disciple?"

"Who are you? ?", Ina looked alert, her body still tense...

"Haha, I'm just a defeated general..." The old man was very melancholy, his eyes were empty, and he turned to the sea...

Ina put away Bai Luo in her hand and stood still …

When the old man saw the sword in Ina's hand, his eyes froze for a moment, causing Ina's hair to stand on end unconsciously…

"Girl, where did you get this sword!"

"What does it have to do with you?"

The old man was stunned when he heard this He paused for a while, then let out a long breath, his voice was very light, with an inexplicable regret, "Yeah... What does it have to do with me..."

Then he laughed miserably, as if he was completely powerless, and collapsed on the ground... Ina Staring at the old man with a puzzled look on his face, the old man was full of flaws, this didn't seem like a posture he could take when facing an enemy...

"Girl, is this sword yours?"

"It's mine..."

"Then I'll give Tell me a story..."

The old man told the story in a vicissitudes of life voice...

Once upon a time, there was a young man who fell in love with a girl from a large family, but because of the girl's unique bloodline, her family did not allow the young man to marry...

"You get out I don't want to embarrass Yan'er..."

The boy wanted to persuade her again, but it didn't work out as he was kicked out before he could even open his mouth...

The boy was distraught and waited outside the door...

The girl was under house arrest, looking down at She stared at the token in her hand...

At the same time, a hostile faction in the family secretly released the girl and told the boy where to wait for her. The girl hurried over, but found herself in a trap!

It was too late for the boy to get the news. When he arrived, the girl had been beaten beyond recognition...

The boy threw himself on the girl, tears gushing out of his eyes, and held the girl's hands, which were covered with marks. She wanted to speak, but found that she couldn't utter a word...

The girl used her remaining strength to touch the boy's face, muttering something.

The boy leaned over and listened, only hearing the next three words, "...blood for Sword!"

Then, the girl's blood gathered towards the boy, and the sword on the boy's waist gradually lit up! The sword body quietly changed, emitting a strong chill...

After a while, in the boy's desperate eyes, the girl turned into starlight and gradually dissipated...

"You... must live well, I will always be with you..." As soon as the words fell, the girl's body, along with the blood on the ground, quietly disappeared, and the boy's sword slowly detached from his waist...

A clear blue light shone, illuminating the boy's body, and then the sword seemed to have a spirit. , and squeezed into the boy's arms...

"The girl's name is Liuying, and the boy's name is Bailuo. From now on, the supreme sword - Liuying Bailuo was born!"

Ina was listening to it with fascination. Consciously blurted out... "And then?"

The old man laughed, but his eyes were dull and his every move was filled with loneliness, "That's the story of Bai Luo's descendants..."

"Girl, can I see this sword?" The old man's voice was a little sad. Hearing this, Ina threw it out lightly. The old man caught it with both hands, tears in his eyes...

As for why Ina believed the old man's words... Ever since she became a natural sword body, a spell has existed in her mind, and the last three words of the spell are exactly the same as what the old man said just now...


The old man threw Bai Luo over lightly, and Ina caught it. "Girl, watch out! The essence of Liuying Bailuo!"

Lifting the mallet in his hand, he danced with the wind, "First move, Liuying!"

Then, the mallet, which was not a sword, was swung out in an instant, and the petals were unknown. It condensed at the same time, and flew straight to the bottom of the sea with the sword light...

The sea water had no resistance to this sword, and then, under Ina's shocked eyes, an underwater passage was constructed!

The sword energy was flowing, but it could not heal for a long time...

At this time, the old man lost his profound temperament, and quickly covered his lower back with his hands, and cried out in pain...

Seeing this, Ina couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckled...

"Crack" With a sound, the old man's waist returned to its original position, and then he stretched out a long breath...

"Girl, you should learn this move today, and I will teach you tomorrow..."

After saying that, he jumped and disappeared into the jungle...

Leaving alone Ina was alone, staring at Bai Luo in her hand in a trance...

Back to the small

Behind the house, Ina was still imitating the old man's sword in her mind, but no matter how she imitated, she always felt a little short...

Bai Luo seemed to feel Ina's entanglement, and then trembled in response. Ina's mind flashed, and at the same time, she held Bai Luo tightly, and her mind was immersed in the sword!

Yes, that's the feeling! !

She quickly climbed out of the window, closed her eyes, and swung the sword with a surge of momentum, petals fluttered, and the sword light rushed into the sky.

The momentum was much smaller than that of the old man, but it was taking shape!

The old man who was grilling meat in the jungle seemed to feel something. He jumped over the treetops and just saw a sword light rising into the sky, wrapped with cherry blossoms, which was extremely beautiful! !

Seeing this, the old man was stunned and almost fell to the ground... You know, he learned this sword for half a year!

In the following days, the old man came to the beach every day to show Ina new moves, and Ina waited with a student's etiquette!

At the same time, Ina's talent is like a bottomless pit. What she taught the day before is fully integrated the next day. Every time they meet, they will refresh the upper limit in the old man's heart!

In fact, all this is thanks to Bai Luo. Every time the old man demonstrates a move, Bai Luo will pass on the essence of this move to Ina in his own way!

Coupled with Ina's talent, it is naturally a matter of course!

On the seventh day, the old man stared at Ina with a gratified look, as if he was looking at an unformed gem!

Even without being carved, it is still dazzling!

"Girl, what's your name?"

Ina was a little stunned when she heard it, and then she remembered that she didn't know the old man's name...

"Ina! Monkey D. Ina!"

"Hahahaha, Garp's granddaughter? No wonder..." After sighing for a while, he said again: "My name is Nagli, and I am the descendant of Bai Luo in name..."

Ina had guessed Nagli's identity a long time ago, but she was still a little confused... What does... descendant in name mean...?

He tilted his head slightly and looked at Nagli...

Nagli seemed to see what Ina was thinking, and explained: "Bai Luo never married in his life. In his later years, he found my grandfather and passed Liuying Bai Luo to my grandfather, who passed it to my father. But my father did not agree with Bai Luo's honor, and finally sold it..."

At the end, only melancholy remained...

Then he turned his eyes to Ina, and the meaning in his eyes was clear. All this was fate...

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