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"Girl, you don't have to worship me as your master, just call me Grandpa Nagli..."

Ina nodded slightly and agreed. The atmosphere gradually became cold. Nagli looked up at the sky and then said: You don't need to come tomorrow. I have nothing to teach you. You need to walk the rest of the way by yourself..."

Turning his eyes to Ina, he was full of emotion, "I have never seen such a strong talent. I hope one day I hope you can shine your light on the sea!"

Then he laughed, turned around and left with his hands behind his back. Ina collected her thoughts, bowed and shouted: "Thank you, Grandpa Nagli!"

Nagli did not Turning back, waving her hands with her back turned, everything was self-explanatory...

Ina stood there, watching Nagli's back turn into a small dot, sighed softly, and then left in the opposite direction...

Just left Entering the jungle, Ina's expression changed and she became impatient.

Suddenly, there was a sound of branches breaking from above, and a striped giant tiger pounced in front of Ina...

The giant tiger lowered its head and looked at the little one in front of it, with a ferocious expression, as if it was going to swallow it in one bite!

As soon as Ina raised her right hand, a voice came from behind her, "Run, I'll hold him back!"

As soon as the voice fell, a yellow-haired boy wearing a top hat and a blue windbreaker appeared. He jumped down, bent his waist and hit the tiger's nose with the steel pipe...

Then he started to fight with the tiger... Well... the word "fight" is not quite right, it should be said that he was ravaged by the tiger... But it did work. The tiger's attention was all on Sabo, and it had no time to pay attention to Ina's existence...

Sabo noticed from the corner of his eye that Ina didn't move, and thought that Ina was frightened, so he gritted his teeth and , and rushed straight to Ina...

Sabo passed by Ina, turned his head and glanced at her, and was stunned for a moment when he saw Ina's well-behaved appearance.

This resulted in not grabbing Ina's hand, but instead slapping Ina's elastic butt with a "smack!" sound as Ina looked at him in disbelief...

The two looked at each other and both looked Seeing the surprise in each other's eyes, Ina's face turned slightly red, her right fist clenched tightly, and she stared at Sabo speechlessly. She knew that Sabo was kind-hearted...

Of course, if it wasn't kind-hearted, Sabo would have been on the ground at this time. Inside!

A roar came from behind, bringing the two back to their senses. Sabo looked up at Ina, grabbed Ina's hand again, and ran with Ina!

I don't know how long they ran, but the giant tiger behind them gradually stopped making any sound, and Sabo brought Ina to a giant tree...

Sabo sat down with his back against the tree trunk, his chest heaving violently, breathing heavily, and saw Ina Looking at himself, he grinned...

The two of them forgot about the embarrassment at the same time...

Sabo took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, which calmed his violently beating heart a little. He grinned again and said, "My name is Sabo, what's your name? ? "

"Ina..." The meaning is concise, this is very Ina!

At the same time, a voice came from behind the tree, which startled both of them, "Sabo, how much have you done today!"

As he finished speaking, a figure appeared from behind the tree, and then he stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do. He took a few steps back in disbelief...

But he didn't notice the root behind him and tripped over it... His voice trembled, "You... why are you here..."

Seeing this, Ina turned her head and glanced at Ace , I couldn't help but think: Is my deterrent power so strong?

"I don't care about your treasures, and although I don't need them, thank you anyway..."

Then Ina disappeared directly under Sabo's horrified eyes, Only one sentence was left echoing in the air, "If there is anything you can't solve, you can come to me!"

When Ace saw Ina disappear, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and Sabo walked up and gently helped Ace up.

Ace stared at the direction where Ina left, and then asked softly: "Sabo, how did you get involved with her?"

"What happened to her?" Suddenly, a pink girl appeared in Sabo's mind. The erotic scene, his hands unconsciously scratched, as if he was recalling something...

Sabo suddenly woke up, his face flushed instantly, and he quickly shook his head to get rid of the beauty in his heart...

Ace stared at Sabo with a puzzled look on his face. At this moment, Sabo seemed As if possessed, Ace touched Sabo's forehead and said, "Are you having a fever?"

Sabo patted his arm away and responded, but he still thought of Ina's figure in his heart...

" Who is she? Judging from your reaction just now, do you recognize

"Do you know her?" Sabo asked softly.

"She is the sister of that annoying ghost, and she is very powerful! "Ace's voice was slightly resentful, and he was obviously not convinced.

Sabo was stunned when he heard this. What was the point of what he had just done...

After Ace's reminder, he suddenly thought of Ina's words before she left and her steady breathing from beginning to end...

Night fell again. At this time, Ina had returned to the small house, closed her eyes, and reviewed the moves that Nagli had given her one by one.

Luffy saw Ina meditating on the side, frowned, picked up a big piece of bone meat from the plate and walked forward, smiling: "Hehe, Ina, come and eat meat..."

Ina opened her eyes instantly when she heard this. Her state of mind was partially affected by Luffy's interruption of meditation, and her momentum gushed out, instantly filling the whole room!!

Luffy was very nervous and did not feel Ina's pressure at this time. Instead, he stared at this scene magically, then stared at Ina's eyes and said: "Ina, your eyes will glow! "

Ace was sweating profusely and couldn't help clenching his fists. Obviously, he didn't expect that the gap between his strength and Ina's was so huge!

Took a deep breath, expelled the breath, glanced at the big bone in Luffy's hand, and reached out to take it...

A month passed quickly

Ina put down the sewing items in her hand, let out a long breath, and stared at the dense needle holes on her little hand with helplessness... Yes, this is exactly the new job that Dadan found for Ina!

Without much effort, Ace and Luffy are responsible for hunting, and I·Sewing Machine·Na is online!

The sunset is about to fall, and the sunset spreads up. There are hurried footsteps outside the door. Ina heard the sound and looked over. It was Ace who broke in!

Ace took a deep breath, tried to make his breath more stable, and said: "I... Ina, Luffy was captured by pirates! ! "

Instantly! Ina's ears seemed to explode with thunder, and the scene in her mind flashed, showing Luffy being hung on the beam as a sandbag!

Her face instantly turned ugly, and anger surged in her heart. She kicked Ace, and Ina hurriedly grabbed Bai Luo, disappeared, and headed straight for the waste terminal!

It wasn't long before they arrived...

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