The moment she was about to die, she was in great danger.

Due to this moment of stagnation, countless spatial turbulences instantly swallowed up Ina's body! !

At the same time...

BIG·MOM gasped for air, raised her arms to support her exhausted body and slowly stood up...

But the strange thing was that with her movements, the blow that almost penetrated her chest just now did not bleed.

Through the ripples in the space, you can vaguely see the location of her wound, which is covered by some inexplicable energy!

BIG·MOM's face was pale, and her standing body was also swaying...

"Mah, the new emperor...? It's really terrifying! Mah!"

"Although I used up five years of my own life! But there is no doubt that the winner of this battle! It is undoubtedly me! Mah!"

Accompanied by BIG·MOM's laughter, the black and red sky covered by the vast sky turned into scattered flames and dissipated in the sky...

The scene was also reflected in the eyes of everyone, and their expressions suddenly froze!

The figure they were looking forward to in their hearts disappeared...

Instead, BIG·MOM, who they never thought could survive, was laughing!

Shanks lowered his eyes, feeling the violent fluctuations in the space, and frowned...

This feeling is... a fox mask...?

With his eyes narrowed, his aura changed quietly, and he suddenly raised his arm and swung out...

Instantly, a dark red sword light burst out from the tip of Griffin's sword,

Instantly, BIG·MOM's laughter stopped abruptly, and he suddenly raised his eyes to look at the dark red slash...

Before it got close, it was covered by a firework, but this only stopped the slash for a moment!

Then he went straight to BIG·MOM, but without Ina's suppression, his two main forces all woke up... and blocked the slash one after another!

In the end, Prometheus resisted this attack at the cost of being split in half...

BIG·MOM raised her eyes and looked at Prometheus, and the depression accumulated in the battle just now quietly dissipated.

Laughing loudly, "Well, Prometheus, you are quite capable. Where did you go just now?!"

Prometheus raised his eyebrows, thinking back to the scene just now, his expression was extremely solemn!

Before he could speak, another slash came! The voice contained murderous intent and a little urgency.

"Where did she go?!"

BIG·MOM glanced at Shanks, who looked extremely ugly, and the smile on her lips became even wider.

"Mmmm, it's obvious that she was burned to ashes by Prometheus!!"

Shanks wanted to attack again, but the blue figure beside him woke up...

Jumping high, he swung the mace in his hand tightly and swung it at Shanks...

Shanks had to jump away, staring at the two people standing on the side, and the anger in his expression was hard to hide...

But he could do nothing...

After all, it was difficult for one person to resist two emperors, even if he was seriously injured...

BIG·MOM took a deep breath and looked at Shanks.

"Well, boy, we acknowledge your position as the emperor! If you retreat now, you will be the fourth emperor of the sea!!"

Shanks' eyes did not retreat at all, staring at the two figures in front of him. Suddenly, a figure fell from the sky...

The man held Kusugawa Kirei in his hand, his face was not shaken, and his eyes were fixed on the two scarred figures...

When BIG·MOM and Kaido saw the newcomer, their expressions changed quietly, and their bodies unconsciously stepped back a few steps...

"Whitebeard, what are you going to do...?"

BIG·MOM frowned, and her face became ugly as she appeared!

If the scales of victory had just tilted towards the two of them, now it was the opposite!

With the arrival of Whitebeard, the scales completely tilted towards Red Hair...

You know, although Whitebeard's strength has declined greatly, it is not something that one of the two of them can resist!

Add to that the red-haired man who was watching closely, and the situation at the moment... is self-evident!

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes, his voice was calm, but it was like the calm before the storm...

"Where is Ina...?"

BIG·MOM and Kaido frowned slightly, not knowing who to call...

Shanks held Griffin tightly and walked to his side.

"I don't know, Ina has covered the battlefield between her and BIG·MOM..."

Whitebeard looked unfriendly, glanced at the red-haired man, and snorted coldly.

Turned his eyes to BIG·MOM again, and waited quietly

His explanation...

BIG·MOM narrowed her eyes, horrified, and could not figure out the relationship between the birdman and Whitebeard...

"CP0, the fox, used his ability to open the void, and the bird... the man was sucked in..."

As soon as these words came out, Whitebeard lowered his eyes, sensing the space that had not yet completely calmed down, tightly grasping the naginata in his hand...

Raised his hand from his waist and took out a piece of paper, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was intact...

When BIG·MOM and Kaido saw the piece of paper that Whitebeard took out, their pupils suddenly contracted...

Swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the disbelief in the bottom of his eyes jumped out of his expression!

Could it be that the new emperor who has recently become famous... is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates? !

Thinking of this, BIG·MOM's expression suddenly became nervous. Whitebeard is famous for protecting his shortcomings on the sea!

He swallowed his saliva and explained hurriedly: "It has nothing to do with us. If you want revenge, go find those guys from CP!!"

Whitebeard lowered his eyes, grinned, and his voice was mixed with murderous intent!

"Oh, don't worry, they will go down to accompany you!"

After saying that, Kusunakiri waved in his palm!

The white light ball quietly spread from his palm to Kusunakiri!

BIG·MOM was extremely anxious. If she had known this, she would never come to this muddy water!

Her eyes flickered and she spoke very quickly, "Whitebeard, is there anything to discuss...? Wan Guo is willing to exchange half of the sea area!"

"And promise that you will never set foot in Whitebeard's sea area in this life!"

The voice was heavy, mixed with the desire for survival...

But everyone knew Whitebeard's character. For him, family is everything!

What's more, it involves his most beloved little daughter!

A cold snort sounded, "Anyone who bullies my daughter... must die!!"

The ears of the two people who heard this suddenly exploded. They never expected that Ina's gender was actually a girl...

They also didn't expect that her identity was Whitebeard's daughter!

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