The moonlight sprinkled on the ruins, and the breeze did not stagnate because of the tense atmosphere at the time...

A figure slowly walked out from the shore, and the big pot behind him had already revealed his identity...

Everyone was in doubt, and their eyes fell on the Sea King at the same time...

Whitebeard looked unfriendly and spoke first: "Boy! Do you want to stop me too?!"

At the same time, he put the Kusukome-chiri pestle on the ground, and the momentum around him surged, and the clothes and furs behind him moved without wind!

All of them crushed towards the Sea King!

The Sea King seemed to be oblivious to this, but Kaido obviously would not miss such a good opportunity!

With one foot on the stone, his body was like an arrow, waving the mace in his hand and attacking Whitebeard!

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes, sensing that Kaido did not have much fighting consciousness.

He uttered a light sigh, and his thoughts were clear at a glance...

He clenched his fists tightly, and in an instant, he was covered by a white light ball, and the veins between his arms emerged, and he suddenly smashed into the space!

"Crack... Crack..."

The sounds rang out one after another, and the already unstable space became worse. Like a chain reaction, broken cracks spread on it!

But a figure burning with red flames was faster than Whitebeard's movements!

Weevil's body was covered with red scales, and it fell from the sky and landed in front of him!

Whitebeard was stunned for a moment and retracted his ability into his body.

Weevil fully developed his own ability, with anger mixed in his eyebrows, staring at BIG MOM and Kaido!

I didn't know why just now. It may be because of the disorder in space, and Weibull vaguely heard part of the conversation of several people.

His forehead also changed with his anger, and two small cracks appeared in it...

A young red-gold dragon horn protruded from it, adding a bit of humor to it...

But the momentum around him was just the opposite. As his huge body moved, the flames surged up and down with his movements!

His pupils had already turned into vertical pupils, and they were painted scarlet by his murderous intent...

His voice was hoarse, accompanied by a hissing sound, "Where is my sister?!"

Kaido sneered at this, and above the sky, thunderclouds rolled into a vortex with lightning, and slammed down on the mace in Kaido's hand!

The azure lightning and dark red lightning intertwined into a ball, like the arrival of a prehistoric beast, smashing on Weibull's body!

Weibull raised his head proudly, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes. He did not use the naginata, but raised his palm with a bang, using extremely terrible brute force to take it!

At the same time, he raised his fist that had been clenched long ago, mixed with sparks, and swung out with a black fist, mixed with an irresistible force and smashed on Kaido's body...

BIG·MOM's eyes were fixed on Kaido's body, and the secret code given to her before the attack appeared in her mind!

While everyone's attention was on Kaido, her body was tense, and she quietly summoned Zeus, ready to jump up at any time!

Kaido breathed a sigh of relief, secretly lucky for Weeble's IQ!

If Whitebeard had taken this attack just now, he would have a 50% chance of staying here!

Kaido took advantage of the situation to fly back, and his body turned into a blue dragon in mid-air. When he was about to fly away, he found that his tail was pulling, making him unable to move!

When he looked at it suddenly, the space was deformed, and there were five extremely scary finger marks all over it!

It was Whitebeard, his arm veins bulged, and he was struggling to pull the space, making it unable to move!

Kaido's pupils contracted, and he struggled with all his strength without caring about the amazement in his heart!

The Sea King had a complicated expression, feeling the surging fluctuations in Whitebeard's body, and his expression was a little worried...

He stood beside Whitebeard and could clearly feel the decay in his body!

If his body was intact, it would be fine, but in this state, using such power again would undoubtedly burn his life!

Then he opened his mouth to dissuade: "Forget it, wait until Lady Ina comes back, let her deal with it herself!"

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings were silent again for a moment...

Whitebeard frowned slightly, and after listening to the Sea King's address to Ina, his movements paused slightly for a moment! But it was only a moment.

He shouted: "How can a father be indifferent when his daughter is bullied!"

In mid-air, Kaido struggled hard, feeling the pull of the surrounding space, and swallowed his saliva...

Wondering in his heart, is this Whitebeard...? ! Although his strength has declined greatly, he is still abnormally strong!

The Sea King frowned, and when he saw that Whitebeard did not listen to his advice, his eyebrows were slightly anxious...

"Lord Ina will definitely come back. You didn't expect that you would be gone by then!"

But how could a few words persuade the world's strongest man to make a decision!

"Gulala, Laozi! But it's Whitebeard!!"

He laughed loudly, and his arms suddenly exerted force, and Kaido's body was almost in front of him!

Seeing this, Shanks stepped on the space, picked up Griffin and ran straight to Kaido!

Kaido instinctively trembled, but his body was free at this moment!

Suddenly, he rolled and crawled into the sky!

Turning the spearhead, looking at the position where BIG·MOM was just now...

The figure also disappeared, turning into a small dot on the horizon, and the direction of departure was exactly the opposite of Kaido!

Shanks frowned, put Griffin into the scabbard, and looked back at Whitebeard...

Whitebeard's mouth was covered with blood, which was particularly bright red against the background of his complexion!

Whitebeard's face was pale, and he suppressed the injuries in his body by force. He snorted coldly, and looked at Shanks with a chill in his eyes...

Shanks smiled bitterly in his heart. He understood what Whitebeard meant by this look...

Just when he was about to leave with his head down, he found that a hand had been placed on his shoulder...

Shanks narrowed his eyes, his eyes were fierce, and he looked at the Sea King sideways!

His explanation came, "Long time... No, hello, Shanks, it's our first meeting, please take care of me!"

"Don't worry, Lady Ina will come back, and then, let Lady Ina handle it on her own!"

When Shanks heard his name for Ina, his expression eased a little, "Who are you...?"

Whitebeard's eyes also glanced over...

The Sea King was stunned. To be honest, he really didn't know how to describe himself in this time and space...


In the boundless void

A little light rain passed by his side, illuminating the extreme darkness here!

Among them, a figure flipped in it, and countless space turbulences passed by its side.

Black Ina's face was extremely ugly. This is... a boat capsized in the gutter! !

Gritting his teeth, he tore BIG·MOM into pieces thousands of times in his heart...

Ina in his heart noticed his emotions and laughed softly.

After hearing Ina's laughter, Black Ina's face became even worse than before... He quietly let go of the control of his body and silently huddled in his heart...

Ina had to take control of the body, but his eyebrows were frowned as he acted.

Sensing that there was not much oxygen in his body, his face was bitter...

Spreading his wings, he enveloped himself, and the flames lingering around him also dimmed...

Closed his eyes, reduced his energy consumption to a minimum, and his body turned into the original state!

Transformed into a giant egg with flashing red and gold patterns, sailing in the void!

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