The other people also saw the bounty and talked about it.

"They really look the same!"

"No wonder they made a mistake! It seems that Usopp and the others can't be blamed."

Kero raised his glasses with his palm to hide the emotional fluctuations in his eyes.

"There are so many people in the world who look alike. This person is dead. The bounty can't be faked!"

"But he is using my face to make sea garbage. It's really abominable!"

Limru chuckled and looked around.

"Let me tell you a story first. Three years ago, there was a marine named Monka who captured and executed the captain of the Black Cat Pirates, 'Hundred Strategies' Kero.

With this huge "For his great contribution, he was promoted to colonel."

Limuru paused and looked at Clo, with a hint of teasing in his smile,

"But, Monka's strength is very ordinary, and it is impossible for him to catch a pirate with 16 million Baileys.

In fact, Monka was hypnotized, he just thought he caught Clo, and the vice captain of the Black Cat Pirates, Zangao, was a hypnotist.

After I lifted his hypnosis, he revealed the whole truth. Clo, you still don't want to admit it? Do you need to confront him face to face?"

Clo's heart tightened, and he was about to explain, but was interrupted by Kaya's voice.

"Crabatel! Why are you doing this?" Kaya shouted loudly.

Crowe: "There must be a misunderstanding! Indeed, I look a bit like the pirate on the wanted poster..." Crowe still wanted to argue. He knew that Monka was in the town of Sheltz. Once he showed up, he would be exposed. But now the rest of the Black Cat Pirates have not arrived yet, so the plan cannot be implemented. As long as they can delay a little longer, the plan may still succeed. After that, they can get rid of Monka secretly. Seeing that Crowe still wanted to argue, Limru decided not to wait any longer, and a long sword slowly appeared in his palm. "I have a simple way!" "I will stab you with a sword. If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely not react and will not dodge, but 'Bai Ji' Crowe can." "Don't worry, I will stop." Usopp complained: "You have told me the plan! He will definitely not dodge." Limru shook his head, "As long as he is a smart person, he will definitely dodge." Not dodge? If he dares not to dodge, I dare to stab! Anyway, there are many ways to prove his identity, such as cat claws, Zangao, etc.

In order to let Cloe dodge, Limru deliberately suppressed his speed and stabbed Cloe's throat with a sword.

Cloe's face changed slightly, and he could feel Limru's killing intent.

But looking at this slow attack, his heart was full of disdain. He saw him slightly tilt his head and easily dodge the attack.

However, just as he was about to counterattack,

Limru pulled the sword horizontally, and the sword body slammed on Cloe's face.

There was a crisp sound.

Cloe was directly fanned out and fell to the ground.

He lay on the ground with a gloomy face.

"Forget it, although the plan has some accidents, there is no perfect thing in the world. I just want to kill..."

At this point, Cloe suddenly stopped, and he suddenly realized that his plan had failed.

The people at the Navy Headquarters should have received the news. In the case of "Cloe is not dead", it is useless even if Kaya's treasure is obtained.

From the beginning, this plan was not only for Kaya's treasure, but also required an identity, a rich identity.

Only with a reasonable rich identity can he escape the pursuit of the navy and the world government.

And now, Monka's matter has been exposed. As long as he still has this face, no matter how well he does, it will be useless.

Maybe he can have a full facelift?

I heard that there is a man named Ivankov who has very good skills.

Thinking of this, Clo stood up suddenly, pushed his glasses, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"You will all be killed by me." He decided to kill all these people to avenge his lost three years of youth.

Everyone trembled in their hearts, but Limru smiled and said:

"Do you have that ability? Don't say I bully you, go get your weapons, we'll wait for you outside."

After that, Limru took Xiao Lixiang and Kaya outside.

Others looked at Clo's gloomy face and hurriedly followed.

All this, Clo did not stop,

"Want to fight? I don't know how strong you are!"

Clo is also a pirate. He has not fought for three years, which makes him look forward to the next battle.

After a while,

Clo's body

Trembling slightly, eyes widened, face full of shock and anger,

"What did you say? You want her to fight me?" He pointed at the little loli opposite and roared at Limru.

Limru nodded calmly, motioned for little Lixiang to come forward, and said lightly:

"Lixiang is more than enough to deal with you!"

Usopp was so scared that he held his head with both hands, his feet trembling, "It's over! He must have chickened out!"

Kaya also looked at Limru in shock, unable to believe that such a young child would be a match for Clo.

Lixiang was very dissatisfied with others looking down on her,

"Please don't underestimate me, Lixiang is very strong!"

Clo ignored Lixiang's words. He was completely enraged by Limru's contempt and quickly pulled out his weapon from the box-the Ten Blades Cat Claw.

He moved, stepped on the silent step, and grabbed Limru's head.

Facing Clo's attack, Limru did not dodge or evade.

However, just when his cat claws were about to touch Limru, a small hand suddenly stretched out and tightly grasped his wrist.

It was Xiao Lixiang. She stood between the two of them without knowing when, pouting her little mouth and looking at Kuro with dissatisfaction:

"Pirate villain, your opponent is Lixiang!"

Everyone was shocked by Lixiang's speed:

"What just happened?"

"She can really be Kuro's opponent. She looks less than 10 years old!"

"I thought he was using the little loli to let Kuro relax his vigilance, and then sneak attack."

Kro was also stunned. When he was this age, he could only play with kittens.

At this moment, he felt the amazing grip from the little hand, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart.

What is this? Is this a demon?

Kuro's mind flashed a thought of escape.

"Okay, I'll open up a venue for you!"

Limru laughed, twisted his fingers lightly, and snapped his fingers crisply.

With this action, a green columnar barrier quickly rose up, covering both Cloro and Rika.

"This barrier can prevent outsiders from interfering with your battle!" Limru smiled,

"Just fight as much as you want!"

Cloro looked at the barrier that suddenly appeared. Although he didn't know what it was, he could roughly guess that it was used to trap him.

He walked to the edge of the barrier, swung his sharp cat claws, and slashed at the barrier fiercely.

The barrier did not move at all.

This surprised Cloro.

Limru said calmly:

"Don't think about it. You can't break this barrier with your strength. Just fight with peace of mind!"

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