The green barrier was so hard that it was difficult to get out.

Usopp also walked to the edge of the barrier curiously and knocked on the green barrier with his hand.

He sighed in his heart: "It's so hard! It's safe now!"

Kero raised his eyes with his palm and smiled cruelly at the little loli,

"Forget it, I'll deal with you first, and then find a way out!"

But what he was thinking in his heart was to take Li Xiang as a hostage and then take the opportunity to escape.

A glimpse of the whole leopard, now he no longer thinks he is Limru's opponent, and revenge needs to be considered in the long run.

Li Xiang looked at Clo and swallowed nervously. This was her first time fighting a stranger, so she was inevitably a little nervous.

"I'm the one who's going to finish you off?"

Rika took off her shoes and stood barefoot on the ground.

The battle began.

Cloe was light and tapped the ground with his footsteps continuously. This was his own unique skill, "Silent Step", an assassination technique that moves at high speed like a cat.

He was very fast and silent.

However, for Xiao Lixiang, who had the observation Haki, it was easy to see through his actions.

She smiled lightly, she manipulated the wind to push her body, and with the help of the ability of the slippery fruit, she elegantly dodged Cloe's attack.

Now Rika can already use the ability of the slippery fruit skillfully.

Cloe continued to chase, and Xiao Lixiang dodged the attack while carefully studying Cloe's "Silent Step".

Yes, Xiao Lixiang was learning Cloe's "Silent Step".

Although Limru had the training method of the Navy's Six Styles "Shave", "Shave" was not suitable for Xiao Lixiang.

‘Shaving’ is to stomp the ground dozens of times in a flash, and move at high speed by generating explosive reaction force.

But Xiao Lixiang is a smooth person who ate the slippery fruit. After taking off her shoes, her smooth little feet will slip away from the reaction force, resulting in failure to move.

Therefore, Limru suggested that she learn the steps of Cloro to find a more suitable fighting method.

As time went by, Cloro gradually realized Xiao Lixiang’s intention.

He stopped and frowned, "Why are you always dodging?"

Xiao Lixiang answered frankly, "Brother said that your "silent step" is very helpful to me, and I hope I won’t end the battle too quickly."

This is not Limru’s arrogance. Xiao Lixiang’s talent is S-level, which is already a talent of the emperor level.

Then Lixiang has the blessing of the system's "ten times the understanding", so it is easy to learn the "silent step" in battle.

At least after Lixiang puts on her shoes, she can probably use the "silent step". Now she is learning from the "silent step" and integrating it into a step that suits her.

Hearing what Li Xiang said, Kuro's anger was instantly ignited.

"Don't underestimate me, I'm Kuro of 'Hundred Strategies'!" He roared, and decided not to hold back.

"Now I'll show you my special move!"

As soon as the voice fell, Kuro's body began to sway with a strange rhythm.

Usopp widened his eyes, watching this scene, and couldn't help laughing:

"Haha, what's this special move?"

"Slap it to death!"

Kuro shouted and disappeared.

At least in Usopp's eyes, Kuro disappeared.

"Gone, did he run out?"

Usopp was startled and looked around in a hurry:

"Where did he go? Did he really run out?"

However, he did not find Kuro's trace, which made him relieved.

In the barrier, Xiao Li Xiang relied on the observation Haki to clearly capture every move of Kuro.

She saw Clo's left hand sweep across the ground, and the ground cracked.

He swung his right hand at the tree, and the tree fell to the ground.

He slashed at the barrier with both hands, and Clo was repelled into the "scoop death" state.

The scene became very quiet for a while.


Clo coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment.

"This is my ultimate move, "scoop death!" The speed is very fast, so fast that I don't even know what I will cut."

"If you don't want to be chopped into pieces, surrender as soon as possible! I don't want to kill you!"

This is not that Clo is soft on the little loli, but he wants to hold Li Xiang hostage and let Limru remove this damn barrier.

Clo thought that as long as there is no barrier, even if he is not Limru's opponent, he can easily escape with his speed.

However, Xiao Lixiang put her hands on her hips and said disdainfully:

"Hmph, you are bragging again, you are so weak!"

Kro raised his glasses, his tone revealed regret:

"What a pity, there will be another

One less genius!"

He shook and used the "scoop of death" again.

This time he learned to be smart. Whenever he was exposed by the barrier's backlash, he quickly adjusted his balance and continued to use the "scoop of death".

In the eyes of ordinary people, he often showed up at the edge of the barrier and then disappeared quickly.

In Limru's eyes, Cloe repeatedly chopped the barrier, lost his balance, and then adjusted his balance, which was very funny.

And Xiao Lixiang watched him adjust his balance over and over again, and fell into enlightenment.

Suddenly, five sharp blades rushed towards Xiao Lixiang's head. chopped, but Xiao Lixiang seemed not to notice.

In the critical moment, Limru flashed into the barrier, fully activated the thousand-fold perception, and was ready to rescue at any time.

However, just when the sharp blade was about to touch Lixiang, Lixiang disappeared.

Limru saw clearly that Lixiang floated behind Cloro at the moment of being attacked.

Yes, it was "floating".

Xiao Lixiang floated behind Cloro like a ghost.

Cloro was slashing wildly in front, and Lixiang floated behind him!

When the slash hit the barrier, the two People would pause for a moment in tacit understanding, and then one person would continue to chop while the other continued to float!

These strange scenes made Limru dumbfounded.

After careful observation, Limru found the reason:

The way Xiao Lixiang moved was to make the friction between the soles of her feet and the ground close to zero, and then manipulate the wind to push her body.

But there was a problem. Once Lixiang's speed was too fast, it would be difficult to maintain balance. She could only rely on manipulating the wind to forcibly maintain her body balance. This was the main reason that limited Lixiang's speed.

After Clo's counterattack After re-teaching, Lixiang's movement skills have greatly improved, and she can maintain balance better.

Lixiang calls this new pace "ghost step".

Ten minutes later,

Clo stopped, panting, obviously exhausted.

He looked at his masterpiece, a messy battlefield, and smiled with relief.

Clo turned around and was shocked. He didn't find her body, not even a drop of blood, and the people outside looked at him in amazement.

His face was a little ugly, and Nan Nan said to herself, "Did you go out early? "

This is being played like a monkey!

Suddenly, he felt as if someone behind him tapped him lightly with a finger.

Kloe turned around abruptly, but saw only an empty field.


Kloe breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was just an illusion.

However, there was a slight touch on his waist again.

Kloe felt horrified.

Turning around, still nothing.

Turning around again, still nothing!

Kloe looked up and saw that some people's eyes were focused on his back, and he thought of a possibility!

"Did the speed get crushed? And the sound too!"

Kloe looked very ugly, and the "speed" he had always been proud of was completely crushed by a little girl.

He recalled that after he used "scoop death", the enemy would often die in despair without being able to see the opponent.

Is it his turn now?

This unprecedented sense of frustration made him feel hopeless!

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