After the battle, the two sides were in chaos.

What bad intentions could the little Lolita have?

She just thought it was fun!

Afterwards, Cloe used all his strength to break through the fastest speed in his life, trying to find Lixiang.

Still failed!

In the end, the little Lolita got tired of playing!

"Okay, let's end the battle!"

Xiao Lixiang used her strength + armed color domineering, and knocked Cloe away with one punch, hitting the barrier and slowly sliding down.

The battle was over, and Limru removed the barrier.

Cloe lay on the ground, his eyes lost their luster, and was crushed by a little Lolita, which made him lose his fighting faith.

Limru thought to himself, if Cloe could see a glimmer of hope for victory, could he do sit-ups repeatedly?

"Kaya, Cloe, what are you going to do?" Limru asked.

With the help of housekeeper Meli, Cloe walked in front of Cloe and looked down at him with complicated eyes.

"Krabatel, what is your conspiracy?"

Cloe did not answer Kaya, but stared at Limru with hatred, gritting his teeth and roaring:

"Damn it! You ruined everything I carefully arranged! My plan is about to be completed, and I can inherit all the wealth of the Cloe family."

"Why do you want to remove the hypnosis of 'Monka'! Zangao is also a waste, and he swore that there would be no problem with hypnosis."

"Why do you have to go against me? I just want to live a stable life! What did I do wrong!"

Three years.

In order to legitimately get the wealth of the Kaya family into his own hands, he worked as a butler here for three years, and he had been patiently smiling at a little girl, and the plan was about to end.

However, the appearance of Limru was like a boulder, shattering his dream.

This anger.

He wanted to grind Limru to ashes.

However, Limru remained expressionless in the face of his anger, and the anger of the weak was useless.

Meli on the side interrupted eagerly,

"Inherit the wealth of the Kaya family? Could it be that the death of the master and the lady is also related to you?"

Butler Meli suddenly remembered the death of Kaya's parents. They had always been healthy, but suddenly they fell ill and died.

Cloe sneered, his face full of disdain:

"Isn't this nonsense? If they are still alive, how can I get their wealth into my hands?

Kaya will also die in the hands of pirates as planned. Before she dies, I will let Zangao hypnotize her and make a will to transfer the property to me.

In this way, no one will be suspicious."

"I didn't expect that my parents were killed by the people I saved..." When Cloe heard the truth about her parents' death, her heart was struck by lightning.

She recalled the appearance of her parents. Before they died, they trusted Krabatel very much and asked her not to be willful and to listen to him.

Cloe clenched her fists and her body trembled with anger:

"Father is so good to you, don't you have any conscience?"

As time passed, Cloe gradually explained everything in the question and answer.

Including the details of this plan, how to implement this plan, the contact information of the Black Cat Pirates, etc.

Limru watched coldly from the sidelines, without saying a word, but silently turned off the "Seducer" skill at the end.

He just implanted an idea in Cloe's mind: Since he was going to die anyway, he might as well tell everything and let the world be shocked by his wisdom.

Cloe succeeded.

The others were shocked and wanted to dissect him, wanting to know what kind of heart he had to do these things!

Nami and the other girls came late, and after realizing that they had missed a good show, they were very upset.

They complained that Limru didn't wake them up and took Xiao Lixiang to do so many things!

But Xiao Lixiang was very happy and explained the whole story to them attentively.

Usopp saw this scene and felt that more people should know about Crabatel's affairs.


At noon, Xiluobu Village.

"Hey, have you heard about it?"

"I heard that Usopp's voice is so loud that the whole village can hear it!"

"It's unbelievable! At first I thought that guy was making up a lie again, after all, Crabatel usually looks so kind."

"You can't judge a person by his appearance!"

"That's right! It is said that he is eyeing Miss Kaya's property, and even Kaya's parents were secretly killed by that guy!"

"Damn pirates..."

Such a big thing happened in a small village, and it spread immediately.

At this time, inside the mansion


Kaya sat in a wheelchair. Despite Meli's dissuasion, she still smiled and sincerely thanked everyone who was enjoying lunch.

"Thank you very much. If you hadn't exposed Krabatel's conspiracy, I'm afraid I would still be in the dark. Please enjoy your lunch and let me know if you need anything."

"You're welcome. It's you, Kaya. You have such a high fever. Go back and rest!"

Limru looked at Kaya distressedly. Her face was red and her forehead was hot. It was obvious that she had a fever.

In the morning, after the execution of Clo, Kaya fell ill. Clo's affairs had a great impact on Kaya.

After Kaya's parents passed away, Clo took advantage of the opportunity to care for Kaya and love Kaya.

Kaya regarded him as her closest person. After being betrayed by her closest person, she fainted directly due to excessive emotions.

After the doctor gave her an injection and took medicine, Kaya's high fever improved a little.

However, Kaya's condition was not stable.

Dinner time,

The atmosphere was originally relaxed and comfortable.

Suddenly, Meli's panicked footsteps and shouts came from upstairs:

"Oh no! Miss Kaya's temperature has risen again!"

The exclamation broke the calm, and everyone went upstairs quickly.

"It's so hot!" Limru walked quickly to Kaya's bed and reached out to touch her forehead.

Kaya was lying on the bed, with messy hair and slightly frowned eyebrows, looking extremely haggard.

Limru looked at her and felt a little distressed.

"What should I do? The medicine didn't work, and the temperature just couldn't be lowered!" Meli was anxious.

"I want to think of a way!" Limru also wanted to help Kaya, but he was not a doctor. He only synchronized the ability of the cute king Rimuru, and did not synchronize the special medicine in his stomach.

"Got it!"

Limru thought of something and asked the Great Sage,

"Great Sage, if we use magic essence to warm up Kaya's body, will the fever go away?"

[Information: Magic essence is the source of life for monsters, and it will have a certain effect. ]

[However, the human body cannot adapt to magic essence, and using this method will cause hidden dangers! ]

"Hidden dangers? Then think of other methods!"

[This method is feasible, and the hidden dangers will not appear in the short term. ]

[After naming, her body will adapt to magic essence and the hidden dangers will be eliminated! ]

"That's great!"

After repeatedly confirming with the Great Sage, Limru told everyone the news.

"Remember, no one can come in and disturb me!" Limru said to everyone around him seriously and seriously.

This is a serious matter. Kaya's body cannot adapt to magic essence, and she must be careful when warming up, and there must be no disturbance.

Limru asked everyone else to leave.

Everyone watched Limru close the door and began to pray that things would go smoothly and Miss Kaya would get better.

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