The two of them were very close.

Zhan Guo frowned, and after a moment of contemplation,

"This matter involves the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and I can't make the decision alone. I have to discuss it with the Five Elders."

He paused, changed the subject, and his eyes became sharp.

"However, I have a secret mission for you."

Tina raised her eyebrows slightly and asked:

"What mission?"

"I want you to try to join the Cute King Travel Group." Zhan Guo said slowly.

He thought to himself that Limru was too mysterious, and the navy knew very little about him. Hawkeye only told Zhan Guo that "he lost", and he didn't know how he lost.

In addition, the other members of the Cute King Travel Group seemed to have problems, and their figures had all changed a lot.

An uncontrollable force suddenly appeared on the sea, making Zhan Guo feel uneasy.

For Zhan Guo, the Meng Wang Travel Group is a big time bomb, and it is unknown when it will explode!

The Navy must have their intelligence!

Tina was stunned, her face full of disbelief:

"Tina is surprised, do you want me to be a spy?" She has never done this kind of mission.

Zhan Guo said seriously:

"Spy? No, I just hope you can get close to them, understand them, and guide them to the path of justice!"

Tina looked embarrassed,

"Tina is embarrassed, Tina doesn't know what to do!"

She sighed in her heart, can't such a professional thing be handed over to professionals?

A sly look flashed in Zhan Guo's eyes:

"You don't know how, I'll teach you!"

After a pause, he continued:

"First, you have to gain their trust, blah blah..."

Half an hour later,

Tina rubbed her temples and responded with a headache,

"Tina understands!"

Zhan Guo touched his beard and smiled in his heart: When people get old, they just love to nag and educate the younger generation.

He nodded and reminded again:

"The most important thing is not to make them suspicious.

Especially at the beginning, don't rush to contact the outside world just because you get some information, it's too easy to be exposed."

Tina nodded, but showed a confused expression,

"How can Tina join them?"

She complained in her heart that Zhan Guo talked about theory for a long time, but didn't mention the actual operation at all.

Zhan Guo was thoughtful,

"Let's try to get in touch slowly first. If Tashigi can join, it means they are not opposed to the navy, so it shouldn't be difficult to join them."

Speaking of this, Zhan Guo suddenly thought of a question,

If the World Government offers a bounty on them, can Tina still join them?

Damn! It seems that we have to protect them!

We must get their secrets!


The next morning,

In a cell,

Von Clay's voice echoed,

"Ah! Is there anyone here!

Xiao Niao-chan, Xiao Hua-er, I feel so lonely here!"

His voice sounded particularly desolate.

Suddenly, the silence was broken, and footsteps were heard getting closer and closer outside the cell.

Von Clay hurriedly looked at the cell door,

Two figures gradually appeared outside the cell door, they were Limru and Nico Robin.

Seeing Robin, Von Clay's eyes lit up and his face showed ecstasy.

"Miss. All Sunday, are you here to save me?"

Robin crossed her arms and looked at him calmly.

"It depends on what my new boss wants."

She tilted her head slightly and motioned Von Clay to look at Limru.

Von Clay turned his head along Robin's line of sight. When his eyes fell on Limru, the joy on his face froze instantly.

Replaced by astonishment and anger,

"You, you are Tashigi's captain?"

Limru looked at Von Clay calmly, and he had a good impression of this loyal character.

In the original work, Von Clay stepped forward twice and sacrificed himself for his friend Luffy.

Limru smiled and invited Von Clay:

"Crocodile is dead, are you willing to work for me?"

Von Clay angrily refused,

"Impossible! Xiao Niaochan and Xiao Huaer both died at Tashigi's hands. Even if I die, I will never work for you!" His eyes were firm and resolute.

Limru sighed softly, knowing that Von Clay's loyalty was only for his friends.

And he would obviously not be soft on his enemy.


Limru waved his hand, and a water blade passed through the air, instantly ending Von Clay's life.

"Great Sage, we will not take his soul.

" [Understood!] Limru led Robin to the next floor. All the chief commanders except Von Clay were locked up on this floor. As soon as they stepped into the next floor, they heard the voice of an irritable old woman: "Can anyone tell me what's going on? How come I'm in this damn place!" Mr. 3 rubbed his hazy eyes and looked around in confusion. "Who knows? I just woke up." Pola rubbed his head and frowned in thought. "We should have been given sleeping pills and lost consciousness." The irritable old woman shook the iron bars vigorously, cursing: "Are you all pigs? As the chief cadres, no one noticed that they were all taken away! "

The chief commanders of Baroque Works were separated into two cells facing each other, with men on one side and women on the other.

When Remuru and Robin came, the two cells suddenly became silent.

Rimuru stood in the middle of the cell with a playful smile on his face.

"It seems that everyone has just woken up and is in good spirits. Well, let me introduce myself first."

He paused and glanced at each prisoner.

"I am Remuru, the captain of the Cute King Travel Group."

Everyone changed color when they heard this. Obviously, they had heard of this name!

Mr.1 looked at Remuru for a few times, "Are you the new world's number one swordsman?"

He turned his head to look at Robin and asked calmly:

"Where is the Boss? Where is he!"

Robin looked back at him calmly, "Crocodile is dead."

"Impossible! "Mr.1 looked horrified. How could that man die?

Robin ignored Mr.1. Her eyes slowly swept over each of her former companions.

"As long as you are willing to follow Limru and serve him, you can live."

The chief commanders fell into silence.


Limru suddenly sighed,

"Alas! Why do people always want to die!"

Just then,

Mr.3 in the back suddenly jumped up and growled:

"Melt, melt, sculpture, sword!"

Then, two swords made of wax stabbed quickly at the backs of Limru and Robin.

Mr.3 had a sly smile on his face and was secretly proud of himself.

"Haha! My wax sword is as hard as iron, and it was a sudden sneak attack. Even the world's number one swordsman would be disappointed by this!"

However, Limru directly backhanded and cut Mr.3 and the wax sword in half.

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