The dead body was broken, but the dead body was broken.

He looked at Mr. 3's fallen body coldly, shook his head, and sighed in his heart:

"How could I forget this master of lock picking!"

Because seastone is precious, their handcuffs and chains are only made of ore with hardness comparable to diamond.

The death of their companions made the others fall into silence.

Pola broke the silence, she looked up at Limru, with a questioning look in her eyes:

"If we surrender to you, what do you need us to do?"

In this regard,

Limru had a plan, he said:

"I plan to build my own intelligence system, and I need talents!"

Not only them, Baroque Works still has hundreds of ordinary members, who are still alive!

With them, Limru can directly build an intelligence force!

In addition, Limru also plans to set up a newspaper to control public opinion.

He knows that the bird cannot be trusted, and it often fabricates false news to attract attention.

Mickey thought for a long time and nodded first:

"I agree! I am willing to join you!"

Then, others also agreed.

They have been working under Nico Robin, and they only have one night of friendship with Crocodile, so naturally they don't need to work hard for him.

Just pretend that night didn't exist, and the boss has always been "Limru"!

At this moment,

Mr.1's voice sounded resolutely,

"I don't want to!"

He took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with determination:

"From the first time I saw the Boss, I was deeply attracted to him.

At that moment, I vowed to follow him for the rest of my life."

Limru showed a faint sneer on his face,

"Really? Then I can only send you on your way."

Mr.1 snorted disdainfully. As a "fast cutter", he had never been hurt by any swordsman and had great disdain for swordsmen.

"Hmph, a mere swordsman, if you have the ability, let me out, and we will fight one-on-one!"

Limru shook his head lightly, his face full of disdain,

"Frog in the well."

But on second thought, this was just an opportunity to show his strength in front of his new subordinates, and it could also stabilize their minds.

So, he threw the key into the cell casually.

Limru looked around and finally walked to Robin, gently stretched out his hand and took a small section of hair from her hair.

Robin looked at the hair in his hand in confusion,

"Why did you do this?"

Limru smiled slightly and gently shook the hair in his hand,

"It's too unfair to use a sword on him, I will use this hair to compete with him."

Everyone was shocked,

and Mr. 1, who had just escaped from the handcuffs, was extremely angry,

"Asshole! There must be a limit to looking down on people!"

His whole body instantly turned into a blade, broke through the cell and attacked Limru fiercely.


Limru easily blocked his attack and smiled contemptuously:

"You have made a move, now you can go on your way with peace of mind."

As soon as the voice fell, he swung the hair in his hand, and a sword energy burst out, instantly splitting Mr. 1 in two.

Before Mr.1 lost consciousness, his heart was filled with astonishment and unwillingness.

"How is it possible that the world is so vast..."

This scene made everyone present widen their eyes.

Pola even covered her lips and exclaimed:

"A hair killed Mr.1?" As a partner, she knew Mr.1's strength very well.

Mr.5 guessed in horror:

"Is this some special devil fruit ability?"

He ate the Explosion Fruit himself, and his whole body could explode, so he had such an idea!

With the lessons of Mr.1 and Mr.3, everyone else chose to obey sincerely.

Seeing this scene, Limru nodded with satisfaction. Thinking,

Robin, Mickey and the little loli Golden Week must be formal crew members.

As for Pola,

Limru was really not flattering about her hairstyle, so she could only be a peripheral member for the time being.

He decided to let Pola lead the others to form an intelligence system. If she performs well in the future and changes her hairstyle, he will consider promoting her to a formal crew member.

As for the others,

To make the boss live more comfortably, work hard!

Before leaving, Limru borrowed Mr. 4's pet.

Not long after leaving the cell, a series of voices sounded in Limru's mind.

[Notice: The technology of eating non-living devil fruits has been obtained! ]

[Notice: The analysis of the wax wax fruit has been completed! Acquired skills, body

Body wax, wax mist. ]

[Information: The analysis of the Mimic Fruit is complete! Obtained the skill, universal transformation! ]

[Information: The analysis of the Sand-Sand Fruit is complete! Obtained the skills, sandification, water absorption, and withering. ]

[Development progress increased to 40%! ]

[Synchronize the unique skill "Hungry"! ]

[The unique skill "Predator" can be integrated with the "Hungry", do you want to integrate? ]

Hearing this voice, Limru's eyes immediately lit up,



[Information: Through the integration with the skill "Hungry", the unique skill "Predator" evolves into the unique skill "Gluttony"! ]

Because of the integration of similar abilities, "Predator" has evolved!

Limru couldn't wait to open the system interface, and his eyes fell on the "Gluttony" skill.

Glutton: (Predator, Stomach, Mimicry, Isolation, Corrosion, Acceptance, Supply)

Corrosion: can add corrosion effects to objects, and can also absorb corpses to gain skills.

Receive: Receive the abilities of monsters under the influence of "Glutton".

Supply: Grant some of your own abilities to monsters with soul connections.

Limru's mind was working rapidly.

The capacity of the stomach of the original ability of the predator has been increased by more than double.

As for its analytical ability, it was taken away by the great sage.

The new ability, [Corrosion], as the name suggests, is important. The ability of [Supply].

With this ability, Limru can share his abilities with Nami and others!

It is simply a great tool for quickly training subordinates.

As for [Receive], it is also very useful. Limru can also obtain skills from Nami and others.

"What abilities should I synchronize with them?" Limru thought in his heart.

[Notice: "Supply" has certain restrictions. If the object of granting cannot control the ability, the granting will fail! 】

"Is that so? That is to say, if I grant Nami and the others a certain skill, it depends on whether they have the ability to inherit this skill!"

Despite the restrictions, Limru can foresee that the strength of the girls can be strengthened.

"By the way, I should be a demon king!"

[Yes! ]

[The soul energy has accumulated 20,000 points, meeting the awakening conditions, whether to awaken! ]

Limru thought about it and finally refused.

Firstly, absorbing human souls to awaken made Limru somewhat uncomfortable. Anyway, he could awaken the demon king by synchronizing the progress.

Secondly, Nami and the others also need to awaken, so no matter how much soul energy they have, they don't have to worry.

Now Limru has not officially opposed the World Government, and the strength of the emperor level is enough, so there is no need to improve so quickly.


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