Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 175 Don’t move, Tianlong! (please follow up on order)



Hearing Kebi's question, Bucky, who was standing in front of the crowd, suddenly let out a laugh, then turned his eyes to Bartolomeo and glanced at him.

It was as if he was asking him, "Do you still have such naive subordinates?"

But then, Bucky grinned widely and turned around to look at Kerby in the teddy bear.

"Why do you think these Celestial Dragons can play with everything without restraint!?"

"Isn't it because the navy, the world's strongest armed force, is backing them!?"

"Let the Navy take care of it!? Have you ever seen someone hit himself in the face with his own fist?"

Bucky told the truth without mercy.

This is also something that, as a pirate, he extremely dislikes about the navy.

They are obviously just a group of hypocrites who rely on violence to occupy the world, but they keep preaching justice.

"Anyway... let's study how to get out of the arena first!"

Mr.3 interrupted Bucky's ridicule, but his eyes kept scanning around the arena.

I don’t know if the security here is sufficient, or if it’s because people who are too powerful will not be imprisoned here for duels...

Although the entire arena adopts a sunken design, which is a full 5 meters shorter than the auditorium, it does not have any guardrail design.

With Mr. 3's skills, he can create a candle staircase leading to the auditorium here in minutes.

It's not just him...

Bator's Barrier Fruit and Bucky's Split Flight both have similar abilities.

A mere arena can't trap these bastards.

"Oh, right!"

At this moment, Bucky suddenly tilted his head and smiled, asking the people behind him:

"If it's these guys, they shouldn't be considered good people, right!?"


Batuo, who was next to him, immediately nodded in agreement:

"These bastards who regard killing as fun are worse villains than us!"

"If you say so..."

A cruel smile suddenly appeared on Bucky's lips.

"Even if we cause massacres here, we won't be reprimanded by Master Chihong, right!?"

"Of course!"


Ba Tuo bumped his fists and said, "We can't escape from here without a fight anyway..."

"If that's the case, let's turn this place upside down!!!"

"Triple Attack·Special Bucky Bullet!"


As Bator finished speaking, Bucky took the lead and suddenly threw out three cannonballs with red bodies that looked like red noses.

A thunder blooms, a flame burns, and an ice crystal shines.

Amid cheers from the surrounding audience, three cannonballs quickly came to the audience area.

The speed of the cannonball thrown by Bucky was not too fast, but even if the big cannonball came in front of the audience, no one paid attention to it.

It was just a temporary resistance by a group of props, and they had already dismissed it.

Then the next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! !

The terrifying explosion swept through the entire audience like a storm, and the violent impact was like a heavy hammer hitting the audience.

The smoke and dust from the explosion instantly enveloped most of the auditorium.

Endless thunder, fire, and boulder energy sparkled and rioted among the smoke and dust.

Along with it, there were heart-rending wails and screams.

In an instant, the entire duel arena seemed to have turned into a purgatory on earth.

Hundreds of people were baptized head-on by the impact of the explosion. People within the inner radius of the explosion were directly blown into pieces, and human body fragments flew everywhere.

And those who escaped the impact of the explosion could not escape the fate of death.

Even compared to those guys who were killed directly, they were even more unlucky.

Anyone shrouded in smoke will be affected by the Pokémon energy contained in the smoke, and will be burned, struck by lightning, or pierced through ice...

Either dead or injured.

"Hey, hey, he is indeed senior Bucky! His actions are indeed extraordinary!"

Bato, who already had a sharp mouth and sharp teeth, looked at such a scene and instantly laughed like a devil.

He suddenly made a strange gesture with his fingers, and then conjured a barrier staircase from the arena to the auditorium out of thin air.

"Young men! This is our first battle as a member of the Straw Hat Fleet!"

"We can't let people look down on us!"

"Kill me!!!"

Following Bato's order, a large number of guys originally wearing circus costumes suddenly pulled their collars and transformed into colorful gangsters.


A group of killers, armed with scimitars and muskets, stepped on the barrier stairs and quickly rushed into the auditorium. Like wolves among sheep, they continued to kill the audience who were not affected by the shells.

Seeing this scene, Bucky was not to be outdone and shouted directly:



Mr. 3, who had an inexplicable tacit understanding, responded, and with a wave of his hands, a large amount of white liquid suddenly surged out, quickly solidifying in the air, directly covering the entire duel field, forming a series of hard stairs.


Bucky snorted and patted Bartolomeo's shoulder proudly.

"Put away your abilities, junior."

"In terms of means, you are still far behind!"

"Remember, combat is never an issue that our Straw Hat Fleet should consider."

"The Straw Hat Fleet needs comprehensive talents~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bucky's upper body suddenly flew up high, holding a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, and shouted loudly in mid-air:

"Young men, please don't let a group of juniors steal the spotlight!"

"Let the world see the power of our Bucky Pirates!!!"


Under Bucky's cheers, all the members of the Bucky Pirates immediately raised their arms and ran toward the audience like a swarm.

But what is different from the Shamats is...

After every pirate in the Bucky Pirates rushes into the audience, their bodies will immediately glow with a shimmer of different colors.

Immediately afterwards, various Pokémon moves such as blazing gunpowder, brilliant thunder, and powerful water pressure were released from their bodies one after another.

Make simple killing become colorful.

"What is going on!? All people with abilities!?"

Some spectators who were not affected by the explosion immediately opened their eyes in fear when they saw the scene before them. They were stunned by the scene before them.

Many people even got their crotches wet and were so frightened that they became incontinent.

But soon, the fishy smell was completely covered up by the smell of blood.

Whether it is the Buggy Pirates or the Bator Pirates, all their members are orthodox pirates.

Killing people and so on is just commonplace for them.

What's more, what they were killing right now was a group of scum that was so anti-human.

In addition, the members of the two pirate groups will also compete with each other, making their actions even faster.

The white knife goes in and the red knife comes out.

Suddenly, heads fell to the ground like rubber balls.

"Devils!!! They are a bunch of demons!!!"

"Bodyguard! Where is the bodyguard!?"

"Help!!! Someone help me! I have money!!! I can give you a lot of money!!!"



Cries for help sounded one after another in this dim underground arena, but no one could respond to them.

Because those bodyguards are also crossing the river as clay bodhisattvas at this moment - they cannot protect themselves.

After all, the Buggy Pirates, who are loaded with Pokémon moves, are already outclassed in strength.

Ordinary maritime forces will not be their opponents at all.

If he hadn't always followed Chihong's request not to bully the common people, and Bucky's own character that likes to live in seclusion...

They have already achieved a certain level of fame in the Grand Line.

But it doesn't matter.

I believe that after today, their reputation will be heard throughout the sea!

Mr. 3, who has quick eyesight and quick hands, has already used the power of wax wax fruit to block all escape exits.

Even the communication equipment here and other phone bugs were marked by him as the first target to attack.

The emergence of Mr. 3 successfully replaced Kabaki's position in the Buggy Pirates and became the most powerful brain among the pirates.

Even though he hasn't been a member for long, his methods have already convinced most of the Buggy Pirates.

at the same time.

Thanks to the fact that the underground arena is very secretive and has perfect sound insulation.

In addition, the communication equipment and personnel have been killed by Mr. 3.

So even if the two pirate groups of Bucky and Bator kill everyone, the place below has become a purgatory on earth...

But the hotel above the arena was still calm as usual, welcoming the return of the Celestial Dragons.

It was as if nothing had happened.

"Saint Serentinia, the bugs you found yesterday have now successfully entered the box."

"Now we just wait for your order, and we can put your pet Ronnie in the box and let him have a good meal!"


The Celestial Dragon Saint Serentinia nodded with satisfaction, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Well done!"

"Let's go over and have a look!"

"Yes! Saint Serentinia!!!"

The steward in charge of managing the arena immediately nodded and agreed.

Not all the guys among the Celestial Dragons are as idiots as Luffy encountered in the original plot.

In fact, the potential of the Celestial Dragons, who have inherited the blood of the 19th royal family, is far beyond that of ordinary people, both in mind and body.

It's just that some Tianlong people are used to being pampered and have become idiots.

But the vast majority of Tianlong people will actually intentionally exercise their own strength or arrange some industries they like.

Just like this underground arena.

Because the people who came and went were all famous merchants and nobles, the profits of this arena were quite high.

Including the income from gambling, alcohol, etc., the income is at least 100 billion Baileys a year.

This is almost half of the amount of Bailey allocated by the World Government to each Draco.

No one likes having more money.

Even the Celestial Dragons who already have almost everything.


With the efforts of two armored guards, the heavy and noble door was slowly opened.

The Celestial Dragon Saint Serentinia also stepped into the exclusive passage leading to the underground arena.

In the arena, there is an independent high platform several meters above the auditorium.

This is a viewing platform specially built for Saint Serentinia or other Draconians who come to visit.

At any time, the status of Tianlong people is higher than everyone else!

Even in this underground arena.


After Saint Serentinia reached out and threw away the bodyguard, he was about to enjoy the bloody and cruel pleasure alone...

His steps suddenly stopped.

A bloody smell was still clearly transmitted into his nasal cavity even though it was separated by a thick glass barrier.

Saint Serentinia curiously took two steps forward and came to the best viewing direction.

Immediately he saw...

The entire arena was in chaos at this time!

A pool of bright red blood trickled down, covering the entire arena, and flowing down the white candle steps.

Finally, they gathered into a white container in the center of the arena, as if they were playing some evil game.

And around the arena, there were even more corpses strewn on the ground.

The upper-class people who were originally arrogant and despised life were all turned into speechless and cheering corpses at this moment, which was extremely miserable.

"what's the situation!?"

Peng! ! !

Seeing this scene, Saint Serentinia slammed the window with an angry look on his face.

He was not frightened by the hellish scene below.

Instead, he was filled with boundless rage after seeing Bucky and others killing all his customers.

This is the Celestial Dragon!

They have grown up with silver spoons in their mouths and have never known what fear is!

But today is a very good opportunity.


The sound of the Celestial Dragon pounding on the window immediately attracted the attention of Bucky and others below.

Many pirates who were picking up gold and silver jewelry from the corpses instantly raised their heads and looked overhead.

Just in time to see the angry face of Saint Serentinia.

"That is……"

The well-informed Bucky's eyes narrowed slightly, and then suddenly widened:

"That outfit..."

"It can't be wrong! That guy is the Tianlong we are looking for!!!"


After hearing this, Bato, Mr. 3 and others immediately put down their "work".

Everyone looked up immediately.

The sharp-eyed Mr.3 quickly shouted:

"That should be an observation deck that only Tianlong people can enter!"


"Let's catch him while there's no one around!!!"

"give it to me!"

Baator, who had not performed well in the previous kill, immediately responded.

But before he could finish his words...


A special Bucky bomb suddenly turned into a red flash and flew towards the corridor of the observation deck!

In an instant, the rapid fire and deafening thunder resounded in the sky above the arena again.

The strong corridor specially built for the Tianlong people actually cracked in an instant under the power of Bucky bombs.

Then there was a cracking sound.

"not enough!"

Mr.3 shouted.

But Bato, who had already rushed down the corridor, shouted:

"Thank you Bucky-senpai for giving me the opportunity to perform!"

As he spoke, a piece of green barrier turned into a sky-high slice, suddenly thrusting towards the break in the corridor!

The barrier with regular-level defense capabilities was, at this moment, regarded by Bator as a broadsword that was more than ten meters long.

One knife cut off half of the corridor and the viewing platform of the Tianlong people.

The observation deck connected to the outside began to tremble violently, which finally alerted the guards guarding the outside to the anomalies occurring in the arena.

A group of guards swarmed into the corridor, but they could only watch the horrified Saint Serentinia fall downwards along with the observation deck.

"Lord Saint Serentinia!!!"

The guards ran forward anxiously, but they bumped into Baator's barrier one after another.

"Senior Galtino, the rest is up to you!"

Ba Tuo grinned a ferocious smile, and after shouting, he suddenly removed the absolute defensive barrier.

At this moment, Mr. 3, who was already standing on Arrita's mace, was suddenly lifted up by her strange power and flew into the air.

“Thick walls of candles!!!”

The condescending Mr. 3 flicked his hands and instantly released a large amount of candle solution, filling the corridor at an extremely fast speed without leaving any gaps.

Even many unlucky guards were directly poured into the wax liquid by him.

After all, it is the wax liquid that even Tori and Brocky, who are able to dominate the new world, cannot escape.

They were just some guards, how could they break through! ?

Suddenly, the entire underground arena was sealed again.

Only the pirates of the Straw Hat Fleet and the Celestial Dragons who had just climbed up from the broken observation deck were left.

Without waiting to admit it, the bloodline of the Celestial Dragons is indeed superior.

Even under such an impact, Saint Serentinia actually only suffered some superficial injuries.

"Damn guy!"

After climbing out of the observation deck, he immediately yelled angrily.

But at this moment, a gorgeous musket suddenly appeared in front of him.

The dark muzzle reached to the center of his eyebrows.

Bucky, who was holding a musket, looked gloomy, but he murmured inexplicably handsomely:

"If you don't want to die, I advise you not to act rashly..."

"Dragon people~!!!"

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