Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 176 Let me go crazy again! (please follow up on order)

Chapter 176 Let me go crazy again! (Please subscribe~)

"Damn it! Do you know who you're talking to!?"

The furious Saint Serentinia cursed loudly.

But at this moment...

boom! ! !

The sharp bullet suddenly came out of the barrel, and at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, it instantly penetrated Saint Serentinia's thigh.

"Who do you think you're talking to?!"

With a low voice, Bucky put the pistol directly against the Draconian's other thigh.

Then boom!

Directly penetrated Serentinia Saint's other leg.


Brilliant blood flowers bloomed in the air.

"you you……"

Saint Serentinia's eyes trembled, but the look in Bucky's eyes instantly became different.

At this moment, he felt fear in his heart for the first time in his life.

The funny red nose and clown costume were extremely terrifying and weird in the eyes of Saint Serentinia.

"It seems...you can calm down too!"

Bucky put away his musket and raised his eyes to signal to Mr. 3 beside him.

As a former member of the Roger Pirates, he will be wary of the power of the World Government and the Navy, but he will never be afraid of the identity of the Celestial Dragons.

And such a scene directly made all the pirates present harden.

Even the Bator Pirates were impressed by Bucky's handsome two spears!

"As expected of Captain Bucky, even the Celestial Dragons don't take him seriously!"

"This is the real sea man!"

"Woooooo~ I have no regrets in my life if I can follow such a man!!!"

"We will follow Captain Bucky to the death!!!"

"Is this the spirit of the Straw Hat Fleet!? Brother Bator, we will become like that in the future, right!?"



Cheers came one after another, allowing Bucky to gain a group of fans again.


A strong candle chain suddenly flew out, tying the Celestial Dragon's hands and feet tightly.

Then, in order to prevent this guy from yelling, Mr. 3 also made a ball ball prop and stuffed it into the Tianlongren's mouth.

Several pirates worked together to lift the dead pig-like Celestial Dragon, while others picked up the various gold and silver jewelry they had picked up before.

With a loud bang, Arrita waved the huge mace in her hand and smashed through the exit to the ground.

Then a group of Bucky Pirates members with iron claws on their hands immediately ran forward.

As a pirate group with a hodgepodge circus theme, the Buggy Pirates have a wide range of attributes.

And these guys are ground-type pirates equipped with burrowing skills.

A strong aura of the earth suddenly surged from the bodies of these people. When they placed their claws on the hard soil, it was like piercing tofu, and they easily dug out a channel leading to the ground.

It's a pity that their level is too low.

Otherwise, Bucky and the others could simply dig an underground passage and escape directly from the port.

After a while.

The ground outside the hotel suddenly became loose.

At this time, the movement inside the hotel had already spread to the outside world.

Many soldiers and guards in different clothes were hurriedly running towards the interior of the hotel, trying to save their Lord Tianlong.

At this moment, a clown's head with colorful hair and a big red nose suddenly popped out of the ground.

The clown looked around for a moment with a sly look on his face, and then fixed his eyes.

"Safe! Come up!"

As he spoke, a body with its upper and lower body separated suddenly jumped up from the hole.

Then one after another, strangely dressed figures jumped out of the cave.

Except for Arrita, who was behind the scenes and was delayed for some time because she was too fat, everyone escaped successfully.

Then Bucky ordered people to quickly fill in the hole.

"Let's go! Get away from here before the soldiers in the city react!"

Bucky waved his cloak, changed back into his Senryangdao costume again, and waved to the people behind him.

With various carnival banquets being held as a backdrop, Bucky and his group were dressed up like a stream blending into the sea, blending into the environment.

In this way, a group of people quickly disappeared into the colorful carnival city.

Soon after.

Rows of soldiers and guards hurried to the vicinity of the hotel and immediately sealed the place.

With the efforts of an extremely powerful city lord guard, the hard candle wall was finally penetrated.

Everyone filed in and followed the reins into the arena that had completely changed its appearance.


No matter how much they searched the entire arena, they still couldn't find half a Draco.

"damn it!!!"

After receiving the news, the Lord of Carnival City hurriedly rushed to the scene of the incident and slammed the wax steps hard, leaving an obvious fist mark on it.

Then he instantly ordered:

"Quick! Block all ports in Carnival City and locations that allow access to the sea!!!"

"Saint Serentinia must still be in Carnival City, we must not let anything happen to him!!!"

When he thought of the consequences after the Tianlong people happened in his jurisdiction, the city lord's eyes instantly turned scarlet.

Tianlong people, the top nobles in the world!

It is the supreme existence in any corner of the world...

If something happens to him, then their Carnival City seems to be facing disaster!

The city lord, who has gone through a lot to get to this position, knows very well how terrifying and cruel the Tianlong people can be if they go crazy!

Time passes slowly.

The commotion at the hotel quickly affected the entire Carnival City.

At this moment, both the Tianlong guards and the official forces of Carnival City were all in chaos!

He was so frightened that he lost half his life. The city lord of Carnival City ordered all the forces of Carnival City to be dispatched to find the missing Lord Tianlong!

Soon after, the entire city was put under strict lockdown.

Under the puzzled eyes of the people, this carnival city, which has always been famous for joy and celebration, suddenly became empty.

The celebration props blown by the wind on the streets add a sense of depression and weirdness to this empty city.

Grand Line, Naval Headquarters-Marinvandor.

In the office of Admiral Sengoku.

As the phone rang rapidly, Sengoku, who was studying the plan to encircle and suppress the Whitebeard Pirates, was suddenly stunned, and then picked up the phone with a puzzled expression.

Before Warring States could ask, an urgent voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Marshal Warring States, it's not good!"

"Someone had an accident on Carnival Island in the Grand Line."

"The world government requires us to send troops to solve it immediately!"

"Dragon people!?" The Warring States Marshal who received the call was suddenly startled, and then frowned and said:

"Why at this time!?"

He said to the phone bug: "I understand~"

He immediately put down the phone.

But the next second, Warring States suddenly let out a long breath, raised his eyes, and looked at Vice Admiral He who was holding hot tea opposite:

"What to do, Crane!?"

Suck it~

The calm Lieutenant General He took a sip of hot tea and then said calmly:

"According to the regulations of the World Government, if something happens to the Celestial Dragons, the navy must send out at least one admiral to show the sacred and inviolable status of the Celestial Dragons."

"So..." Sengoku's brows remained unabated, "Are we going to transfer people back from the New World at this time!?"

"It seems that the only one who can do this is Kizaru, right!?"

"Well, let's call Kizaru back first." A look of thought flashed through Lieutenant General He's eyes, "Anyway, Whitebeard and the others will arrive at the next island soon..."

"At that time, it will be difficult to hide some things any longer!"

"The next new world will definitely be rioting. It's better to slow down Aokiji and the others to prevent them from being affected by Whitebeard's counterattack."

"In addition, the defense issues of major naval bases must also be implemented!"

Warring States nodded and acknowledged:

"Well~ Garp has settled into the new world now."

"If we find anything unusual on Whitebeard's side then, just ask him to destroy the ship and head there!"

"Kapu~" Crane's eyes flickered, looking at his wrinkled hands, he couldn't help but murmur to himself: "We are all old..."

Soon, an urgent secret order mobilized Kizaru, who was far away in the New World, back to the New World.

The naval base located near Carnival City also quickly dispatched troops and rushed towards Carnival City.

Suddenly, the entire sea was filled with wind and clouds, as if even the sky had changed color.

Grand Line, Carnival Island.

In a vacant courtyard near the port.

Two pirate groups, Bucky and Bator, gathered here.

Ba Tuo sat on Tianlong's body carelessly and raised his head in confusion:

"What should we do, Bucky-senpai?"

"The port has been blocked by the army from the town, and our ships have been controlled."

"What did Master Chihong say!?"

"Don't panic!" Bucky said deeply: "Lord Chihong is already coming here~"

"We will be able to reach the port here soon."

"As long as we don't get caught by them, there won't be any problems!"

"Oh, really!?"

A flash of excitement suddenly flashed in Bato's eyes: "Finally, I can see the true selves of the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"By the way, Senior Bator, is Master Chihong really as mysterious as you said!?"

"Humph~ Of course!" Bucky glanced at Bator deeply, and then said: "If you don't come into contact with Lord Crimson in person, you will never understand how terrifying he is!"

"Hey hehe~ That's really exciting!" Batuo's eyes were shining with gold, and he was looking forward to the next meeting more and more.

But at this moment...

Suddenly, there was a burst of violent footsteps outside their door.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Is there anyone!? We need to check..."

"It's over! The pursuers are here to check!"

Mr.3 immediately became alert when he heard the noise.

All the pirates also picked up their weapons one after another, preparing for the next battle.

The voice outside the door came again:

"Get away!"

"What time has it been? And you're still knocking on the door!"

Peng! ! !

A Celestial Dragon guard wearing expensive armor kicked away the city lord's soldiers, and then smashed the courtyard door with a punch.


Instead, they saw a courtyard that was a bit messy but empty.

"Not here! Next one!"

The Tianlong guard immediately waved his hand, turned around and walked out of the door.

A burst of chaotic footsteps sounded again, but this time the sound gradually faded away.

At the same time, high in the sky in the courtyard.

A group of pirates who kidnapped the Celestial Dragons were suspended in mid-air, each of them showing expressions of extreme shock and confusion.

Bucky was the first to react, turning his head and looking at an uncle ronin next to him in shock.

"Yes...you helped us!?"

"who are you!?"

"Did Master Chihong send you here!?"

Bucky asked three questions with a look on his face, and his eyes were fixed on the blind swordsman in front of him.

Upon hearing his voice, the other pirates also raised their heads and looked at the blind swordsman.


Uncle Ronin, who had X scars on his eyes, said:

"It's true that I helped you!"

"I have eliminated the gravity on you, and now you can move freely in the air."

"Secondly...I am not a person, just a blind man passing by."

"Finally, I am not sent here by the 'Red' Lord as you say."

"But if possible, I hope that your Majesty can help me introduce him."

"I'm very curious about the 'Red Lord' you call him~"

"I really want to know... what a man who dares to target the Celestial Dragons looks like."

He raised his head with a smile.

Although his eyes were pale, Bucky inexplicably felt that a powerful gaze was falling on them.

In fact, he had just used his Haki to see clearly what Bucky and others were doing!

He knew very well that Bucky and the others were just a bunch of weird pirates, nothing more.

Originally, he planned not to care about this matter anymore.

After all, the relationship between pirates and the World Government is completely dog-eat-dog, and neither of them is a good person.


When Bucky fired those two shots at the Celestial Dragon's thighs without hesitation, his attitude towards these guys changed instantly!

After all, that was a Celestial Dragon that even he didn't dare to hurt!

But now, a little pirate who is not very powerful, after knowing clearly how powerful the Tianlong people are, still chooses to shoot without hesitation!

Something's wrong!

Something is definitely wrong!

With a smile, you can clearly see the fear in Bucky's heart when he fired!

But in his heart, there was always a stronger backing, supporting him to overcome his own fear.

Such emotions should not appear in an impulsive and arrogant pirate!

These pirates have secrets they don’t know about!

I just don’t know if this secret will allow me to be like Bucky...

Why not take action against the Celestial Dragons without hesitation?

Yixiao's heart began to be confused and shaken at this moment.

"Say it as if you can see it."

At this time, Bato, who had always only allowed the Straw Hats to show off with him, immediately said:

"Even without your help, we can easily defeat those trash!"

Obviously, Bato didn't really appreciate Yixiao's inexplicable help.

But Bucky suddenly took action and stopped him: "Bato! Don't be rude!"

What a joke! ?

Finally, someone is willing to help them, but they still want to provoke their benefactor! ?

Do you want to push such a mysterious strong man to the opposite side? ?

The ideological education level of this boy Ba Tuo needs to be improved~!

After teaching Bator a lesson, Bucky immediately pretended to be solemn:

"Senior, since you have already mentioned the Tianlong people, you must be able to understand what kind of existence you have helped!"

"I don't know what your purpose is!"

"But if you want to meet Master Chihong, then please help us to the end and send us to the port!"

"It's just that I hope you can understand that once you help us, you may be in the same desperate situation as us."


He grinned and agreed without hesitation:

"Is it irreversible!? It sounds exciting!"

"That's fine~"

"Even I, occasionally have crazy and strange thoughts~!"

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