Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 177 Usopp’s Small World (please subscribe)

Chapter 177 Usopp’s Small World (please subscribe~)


Powerful waves crash into Carnival City's harbor.

Soldiers wearing hard armor were like a thick wall, tightly surrounding the entire coastline.

As everyone knows...

At the moment when they were frightened and wary of any creature approaching the port, the target they were looking for had easily left the island through the clouds above their heads.

Since ancient times, CT has not looked up.

These guards could never imagine the target they were looking for.

The closest distance to them is less than 1,000 meters.

"Hey~ What a pity our pirate ship is!"

"That's the bow of Straw Hat Luffy's boss that we found carved by a world-famous artist at the last port!"

"It is precisely because of the shelter of that majestic bow that we can reach here smoothly!"

Bator, who was high in the sky, showed a depressed expression, crying while floating forward.

And his crew members all had the same sad and regretful expressions as him at this moment.

Although they have not been pirates for a long time, they have already developed feelings for their pirate ships.

Abandoning the pirate ship is as uncomfortable as abandoning your faith.

On the other hand, Bucky next to him saw this and immediately comforted him and said:

"Relax, Baator!"

"Their blockade won't last forever! We still have a chance to get our ship back then."

"Is it really okay~"

Mr.3 said grimly:

"Once Carnival City opens its port, will those who know that the Celestial Dragons are missing here will flee the island like crazy?"

"When the time comes, the guys from the World Government will see that only the ships of our two pirate groups have not left the entire port..."

"What do you think they will think?"


As soon as Mr. 3 finished speaking, Bucky was instantly frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

But before he could say anything, everyone in the Bucky Pirates responded first:

"Hmph~ Brother Galdino, do you think we, Boss Bucky, will be afraid of the World Government!?"

"That's it! If it weren't for the mission given by Master Chihong, we would have turned the world upside down!"

"Captain Bucky's power is unrivaled in the world!!!"

Even from the Bator Pirates there were echoes:

"That's right! Whether it's the World Government or the Navy, let's all come over!!!"

"We will never be afraid!"

"Hey! You bastards, please keep your voices down!?"

"Don't think we're safe once we leave Carnival City!"

Arrita waved her big stick and made a whistling sound to remind everyone.

For a moment, all the pirates were bustling with excitement, and there was no trace of the tension and panic that they had just done that could shock the world.

And their attitude also made Yixiao, who had come into close contact with pirates for the first time, curious.

"They are really a bunch of free guys."

He sighed slightly in his heart, and then turned his head to the corner of the crowd.

Under his perception, an emotion that was incompatible with other people was huddled in the corner.

It is different from the panic of Bucky, Mr. 3 and others, and also different from the joy of other ordinary pirates.

It was a very familiar feeling with a smile...

Dreams are shattered, life goals are lost, and the whole person feels lost and despairing, not knowing what to do next.

It was in this situation that he finally committed suicide in order to bid farewell to his past self.

Looking at the young man in front of him, he smiled as if he had seen his own past.

Curious, he controlled gravity and made the figure of the pink-haired boy fly to his side, and then said in a peaceful and calm elder's tone:

"Little brother, what are you confused about?"


Kerby, who was wearing a bear suit and holding a bear hood, raised his head in confusion.

After seeing that the person talking to him was smiling, his expression suddenly changed and he quickly became serious:

"...One, one smile, uncle!"

"What, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He smiled and sat down cross-legged.

Although a pair of pale eyes could not see the colors of the world, they looked at Kebi as if they could see through people's hearts.

"Are you confused?" he suddenly asked Kebi.


Kebi was stunned for a moment and was about to say something perfunctorily.

But the next second, under those pale and empty eyes, a strange emotion suddenly surged in his heart.

It's like finding a soulmate.

Kebi's lips trembled slightly, and after sorting out his thoughts, he slowly said:

"Uncle Yixiao, you must not be a pirate, right!?"

"Don't you feel bad after seeing how many people we killed?!"

"No!" Yixiao replied decisively: "Because you are killing the people who deserve to be killed, and they deserve to die!"

"But...it is life after all~"

Overflowing with the heart of the Holy Mother, Kebi inserted his fingers into his hair, causing his eyes to widen, as if he was going insane.

"Why, they are also living beings, but they can play with other people's lives wantonly!"

"Why...why would the Celestial Dragons build such an underground place!?"

"Why...the Navy wants to protect such Celestial Dragons!?"

"I don't understand... isn't the navy on the side of justice?"

"Why don't they stop the Celestial Dragons!?"

"What on earth is the justice of the navy!?"

Kebi, who originally thought that he had just fallen into the abyss temporarily and would escape from the sea of ​​misery sooner or later, at this moment, felt that there was darkness ahead of him.

The navy was not the navy he thought it was.

Justice is not what he thinks it is.

So what is his long-held dream? ?

"So you are confused about this."

Hearing the distress in Kebi's heart, he smiled and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and at the same time looked towards the sea in the distance.

And at this moment, he was even more sure that the boy beside him was indeed confused by similar questions as he once was.

"What is justice~"

He opened his mouth slowly with a smile, and the same look of sadness appeared on his wrinkled face.

"This is indeed a very intriguing topic."

"Unfortunately, I can't give you a good answer to this question now."

"After all, I am also working hard to find the answer."

"But if you want to know the answers to these questions, then what you should do is not torture yourself blindly, but understand the reality of this world."


Suddenly, Yixiao stood up again, and then stretched out an arm towards Kebi.

The bright sunshine shone on his back, outlining a kind golden light and shadow.

Yixiao smiled seriously:

"Come be my apprentice!"

"Although I can't tell you what the correct answer is, maybe through my experience, I can save you some detours."

"At least, you don't need to resist the world like me."

"Because in this world, there are always people like you and me who are looking for answers to questions!"

"It's just that...the pursuit of truth requires strength!"

"Let me... help you become stronger!"

Possessing a smile that is different from ordinary people's domineering aura, one can clearly feel that when Kebi's emotions just fluctuated violently, his whole body was also exuding a unique domineering aura.

There is a lot of power in this child.

And I... can just help him guide this power.

"Uncle with a smile."

Looking at the palms in front of him that were full of calluses for holding the sword, Kebi was at a loss for a moment.

It wasn't until a moment later that he raised his head in astonishment and met Yixiao's eyes.

After seeing the sincerity on the other person's face, although Kebi was a little confused, he finally stretched out his palm, put it together with Yixiao, and said in a frustrated tone:

"Master Yi... Yixiao!?"

"Hey!!! Master Chihong!!!"

Ten minutes later.

Chihong, who was using electromagnetic levitation to move forward at full speed, suddenly heard a cry.

He suddenly stopped sprinting and the picture in front of him became clear.

Soon he saw a group of colorful figures in the clouds high in the sky in the distance.

These figures were like painted stick figures, standing on a cloud like cotton candy, twisting their bodies vigorously and waving to Red.

"It's Bucky and the others!"

Having already contacted Bucky and knowing that they were being helped by a blind swordsman, Red immediately recognized their identities.

Just a blind swordsman...with the ability to fly...

Although Bucky forgot to mention Yixiao's name when he reported it, Chihong immediately guessed the identity of the blind swordsman.

Just why did this future admiral suddenly appear to help Bucky and the others...

This made Chihong very confused.

But now that the war is coming, they just need more helpers.

And this blind swordsman may be a good helper.

"If the target is a Celestial Dragon, with Fujitora's personality, he would be happy to help out, right?"

Although she had never met the admiral from the original timeline, at this moment, Chihong unexpectedly guessed the fundamental reason why Yixiao appeared here.


With a burst of space fluctuations.

Bucky and others, who passed through the red cave of another dimension, came directly to Rab's abdominal world in the deep sea in an instant.

"Is this Lord Chihong's method!? It's really amazing!!!"

As a little fan of the Straw Hats, Bato saw the magical interdimensional cave and immediately praised it without hesitation.

And a group of his subordinates also instantly had starry eyes, looking at Chihong with admiration.

Even though she had already prepared for the characters of Bator and others, Chihong still felt a little weird at this moment.

"What a bunch of weirdos~"

He chuckled and complained softly.

And at this moment, a figure riding a huge unicorn suddenly descended from the sky.

Astonishingly, it was Usopp who had already made the world of Rab's abdominal cavity his daily residence.

"Chihong, you are back!"

Usopp took off the goggles on his head and jumped off the large unicorn.

Behind him, two banana fan leaves suddenly appeared, imitating insect wings in the air, trembling at high speed, giving Usopp the ability to fly briefly.

"You're here just in time, Usopp!"

Seeing such a magical scene on Usopp, Chi Hong was already used to it.

Ever since he used simple genetic methods such as cross-breeding in the Kingdom of Alabasta to harvest a group of insects that could be used in combat, he seemed to have fallen in love with this feeling.

From then on, Usopp pestered Chopper every day and asked him, a master of medicine, to accompany him in cultivating various insects and plants.

In addition, little Chopper, who is very powerful, also has grass attributes.

The two of them work together to spawn various plants and make them grow and mutate in a targeted manner.

As a result, Usopp now has more and more fighting methods, even to the point of complexity.


Limited by the plants' own genes and Usopp's own abilities, the ultimate combat effectiveness of these insects and plants is still open to question.

But at least in terms of human sea tactics...

Usopp, who can control the insect swarm, will be invincible!

Red smiled slightly and introduced to Usopp:

"This is the member of the Straw Hat Fleet I told you before..."

"Baki, the captain of the Clown Pirates, and Bartolomeo, the captain of the Bartol Club."

"They have just completed the task of kidnapping the Celestial Dragons, and they are a little tired now. You can take them to have a good rest and visit the Celiac World."

"OK~! Leave it to me~!"

Usopp smiled and made a gesture, then put the gesture directly into his mouth and blew a sharp whistle.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound of flapping wings suddenly came from the other end of the abdominal world.

I saw a large number of unicorns that were slightly smaller than the unicorns Usopp was riding, but could carry one person, flying from a distance.

Then, under Usopp's arrangement, they stopped in front of the pirates.

"Come on~! Since you are all on your own, let me show you this magical world!"

Usopp laughed.

Although the time is not that long, because of the convenient skill of the red interdimensional hole, the material synthesis platform of Wapol, and the various plants created by Usopp...

Nowadays, Rab’s abdominal world has changed a lot!

Except for the passage built by Kurokas before, which has not changed, Rab's entire abdomen has been covered by several connected islands.

In the center of these islands, there is a huge metal pipe.

This tube is connected to Labu's mouth and is about the same size as his esophagus.

The main purpose is to help Labu send the food it eats daily directly into the gastric juice below the island, causing it to die and dissolve faster.

The surrounding islands above the gastric juice are covered by Wapol's special anti-gastric acid materials, which can effectively prevent the stomach acid surge caused by the Lab's exercise in seawater from harming the island.

Each island is now covered by a huge glass cover, which is also made of acid-proof material, but the cost is lower.

Like a vegetable greenhouse, each island is protected.

Among these islands are the bomb workshop controlled by Bomberman Jem, the material production workshop controlled by Wapol, and Usopp's insect experiment center and plant experiment center...

The entire abdominal world is in order under Usopp's management, and has now become a complete production line, constantly manufacturing various combat props.

To be honest, even Usopp at this time can no longer remember how much strategic reserves he has.

He only knows...

Safety only lies in the strength of troops, and truth only lies within the range of cannons~!

And what he has now is not enough! ! !

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