Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 203 Gift from Whitebeard (please subscribe)

Chapter 203 Gift from Whitebeard (please subscribe~)

"Chihong is also getting stronger~!"

After lying down, Sanji pursed his lips slightly.

Although the vice-captain always likes to stir up the atmosphere between him and the green algae head, and then let the two of them compete constantly, but no matter what...

Under the training of the deputy captain, his current strength is constantly improving at a terrifying speed.

Who would have thought…

Now he is good enough to serve under the admiral, but a few months ago he was just the sous chef of a restaurant in Donghai!

"The world of Pokémon... is such a magical place~"

With such emotion, Sanji slowly fell into sleep.

A night of silence.

In a blink of an eye, time came to the early morning of the next day.

The first ray of sunshine on the sea penetrated the mist on the horizon, spreading golden light on the calm sea. The sea breeze, with a hint of coolness and the breath of the ocean, blew over the face, refreshing people.

No longer needing to hide, the Meili returned to the surface of the sea again, driven by the waves, heading towards the City of Seven Waters.

And just when everyone is preparing to return to daily life and enjoy the adventure of the Grand Line...

The phone bug that everyone had been waiting for but had been silent for a long time finally rang again.

"Bulu Bulu~"

"Bulu Bulu~"

The busy "ringing" of the phone suddenly interrupted what everyone was doing.

Upon hearing this, Ace, who was boarding the Meili, hurriedly stepped forward to answer the phone.

"Hello!? Is it Marco!?"

Ace immediately asked into the phone.

At this moment, the phone bug's face suddenly became calm, and he looked directly at Ace with shining eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the phone bug opened his mouth and made a calm and authoritative voice:

"Ace, it's me."

After hearing this voice, Ace's eyes suddenly flashed for a moment, and then he immediately shouted in surprise:


"Great! Are you okay!"

"Gu la la la la~" The white beard on the other end of the phone suddenly let out a burst of heroic laughter: "What can I do?"

Then he said directly: "You have been playing outside for long enough, it is time to come back, right?"


Hearing this long-lost voice, Ace's eyes suddenly turned red.

He nodded vigorously.

Although he ultimately failed to kill Blackbeard, he didn't even see him.

But now that so many things have happened one after another, Ace has finally become mature and stable from a frizzy kid.

At least, the worst ending mentioned by Chihong did not happen.

"Dad, where are you now?" Ace asked the phone bug, "By the way, I got intelligence before that...Jingu Duo was captured by the navy!?"

"This time, with the help of Luffy and his friends, we captured hundreds of navy generals."

"We can just use these prisoners to trade with the navy and rescue our people."

"Luffy...is he the brother you talked about last time?" Whitebeard, who originally had a relaxed expression, suddenly focused his eyes after hearing these words.

"You also relied on your younger brother for help with your plan on Sky Island this time, right?"

"Ace, you really have a good brother."

"Thank him for me~"

Obviously, his heart is not as relaxed and natural as he appears.

After a while, he took a long breath and said deeply:

"According to the direction guidance of the life card, the Moby Dick should be in the waters near you now."

"Let your brother wait for a moment, we will be there soon."

The call was quickly hung up.

Although a lot of things happened during this period, Ace had a lot to say to Whitebeard, but in order to prevent the content of the call from being eavesdropped by the navy, they could only do this.

After putting down the phone, Ace immediately looked at Luffy and Red beside him.

But before he could speak, Chihong suddenly reached out and interrupted what he was about to say, and then laughed sincerely:

"It seems that our journey is coming to an end~ Ace."


Ace paused, but then looked at his silly brother with the same smile:

"I never thought that I would be taken care of by you one day, Luffy."

"Hehe~ It's all thanks to my friends!" Luffy responded with a smile.

Two hours later.

A heavy warship as huge as the island whale Rabu suddenly appeared on the calm sea.

Countless bugs flew out of the extra-dimensional hole above the battleship, sending the navy officers, who were tied into rice dumplings one after another, onto the deck of the Moby Dick.

Compared with the Yonko's vehicle, the Meili at this time was so small and exquisite.

At this time, on the deck of the Merry, everyone from the Straw Hats stood beside the ship's rail, watching Ace return to his friends.

Looking at the towering ship in front of him and the inexplicably shuddering aura ahead, Zoro held the knife with one hand and chuckled at the corner of his mouth:

"Is this the battleship of the Four Emperor Whitebeard?! It's really impressive!"

"Such a battleship will definitely be fun to chop down!"

"Hey, hey, calm down, Zoro!" After hearing this, Usopp waved his hands in a panic, but what he got in return was a "Do you think I look like an idiot?" Zoro rolled his eyes.

However, before Usopp could take a breath, a powerful and overbearing aura suddenly surged out from their side, pressing towards the Whitebeard Pirates opposite.

The unprepared Whitebeard Pirates instantly took over all of Luffy's domineering power, and some of the weaker guys fell down one after another.


At this moment, everyone from the Straw Hats to the Whitebeard Pirates all focused their attention on Luffy.

"Luffy, what are you..." Usopp looked confused, but quietly reached into his pocket, preparing for a fight that might break out soon.

The next second, Luffy jumped up, jumped directly onto the railing of the ship, slammed the straw hat on his head, pointed at the white beard on the Moby Dick and shouted:

"Hey! That big uncle, you must be Whitebeard, right!?"

"He actually has the same domineering aura as his father!"

"...Is that person...Is Ace's younger brother?"

The white-bearded captains who were welcoming Ace felt the domineering aura that moved them all, and their faces instantly showed a look of shock.

Whitebeard also turned his gaze, and with a slight smile on his lips, he smashed the naginata in his hand to the ground.

"Straw Hat, are you provoking me?!"

boom! ! !

In an instant, a mighty overlord-colored aura suddenly rose from the Moby Dick, and the turbulent aura soared into the sky, shattering all the clouds in the sky.

Then it rushed towards the direction of the Meili.

Suddenly, countless dark electric lights bloomed between the Merry and Moby Dick, tearing apart the air and the void.

The waves surged, pushing the two ships backward.

The strong men of the previous era showed their crushing power against the players of the new era at this moment.

Luffy's dominance only lasted for a few seconds before he was overpowered by Whitebeard's dominance, and he was retreating steadily.

But then Whitebeard's face showed a slight look of surprise.

Because when his domineering force passed over the Meili, not a single member of the Straw Hats was knocked unconscious.


More than just no coma!

Those bright eyes represent them...

He was not affected by the domineering spirit at all!

Of course, this does not mean that Usopp, Nami and others are not afraid of the Yonko-level domineering domineering force.

The reason why their expressions were so indifferent and their eyes were so determined was because at the moment Whitebeard's domineering pressure came over...

Robin, who was behind everyone, suddenly flashed a mysterious purple-pink color in his eyes.

The next second, she opened her mouth and shouted softly:

"Wow! Aura!!!"

boom! ! !

The aura transformed from the super power was instantly released from Robin's body, and part of it turned into a mental shock, confronting Whitebeard's domineering aura.

The other part is a move that forms a wall of light in the Pokémon world, which greatly weakens the intensity of the overwhelming domineering force and loses its original dominance and aloofness.

And Robin's joining is just the beginning!

Ouch~! ! !

A hazy and illusory dragon roar suddenly sounded on the deck of the Meili.

Sauron suddenly took a step forward, and a powerful aura suddenly erupted from his body.

Although compared to Luffy and Whitebeard, Zoro's domineering Haki still seemed very immature at this time, but his Haki successfully helped Luffy stabilize his figure and was not defeated by Whitebeard's Haki.

"There's really nothing I can do against you."

At the same time, Chi Hong couldn't help but shake his head slightly when he saw this scene.

After murmuring softly in his mouth, he immediately stepped forward and poured out all the super power in his body, turning it into pressure on the spiritual level and rushing towards Whitebeard.

With the addition of Chihong and others, Luffy's domineering power was instantly injected with a new power.

For a moment, he had a faint tendency to suppress Whitebeard's domineering power.

But soon, Whitebeard once again burst out with more powerful domineering aura, maintaining his majesty as "the strongest man in the world".

The domineering attitude of the two created a situation of conflict between the two.

The originally clear sky was split into two by the momentum of the two men, and the clouds were billowing.

Such a scene made many Whitebeard cadres look incredibly shocked on their faces.

At this time, Luffy leaned his head and said in a low voice: "Is this the power of the Four Emperors!? It's really far from it!"

But after the words fell, he raised his head again, clenched his fists, looked at Whitebeard firmly and shouted:

"Yonko Whitebeard!"

"As much as I hate to admit it, Ace rejected my invitation."

"He likes you very much!"

"So...you have to protect him for me!"

"He is an extremely important relative to me!!!"

"If you let Ace die, I won't be able to spare you!!!!"

Under Luffy's gaze, Whitebeard showed a crescent-shaped smile, but his eyes were extremely domineering.

I just heard him sneer and say:


"Kid! I can do it without you having to tell me!"

"I hope you can keep your word!"

Luffy responded with a serious look.

But the next moment, his momentum swept over him again.


I saw him taking a deep breath suddenly, and his body couldn't help but show some marks of the God of War that only appeared in the fourth gear state.

Luffy seemed to have exhausted all his strength and shouted loudly:

"I will become the Pirate King!!!"

"——It must be me!!!"


The deafening sound was like a hurricane, sweeping across the entire sea, causing huge ripples on the sea surface.

In a blink of an eye.

Luffy and Whitebeard both took back their domineering spirit.

At the same time, all the bugs on the Moby Dick that the two deliberately avoided entered the extra-dimensional hole and disappeared together with the extra-dimensional hole.

And this also indicates that all the "gifts" prepared by the Straw Hats for Whitebeard will be handed over to them.

At this moment, Whitebeard looked at Luffy with indescribable admiration in his eyes.

But he immediately turned his back and burst into laughter:

"It's better to wait until you arrive in the new world to say this!"

"Marco, give them the thank you gifts you prepared!"

"We have to rush back to the new world as soon as possible!"

"No problem, Dad~!"

Marco, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly waved his arms, transforming into a pair of cyan flame wings, and then flew over the Mellie.

"Straw Hats, thank you so much this time!"

"The contents in the box should be considered as part of the thank you gift for your help this time!"

"You should all have Ace's contact information!"

"If you need help in the future, just call Ace!"

"You will be the Whitebeard Pirates' forever friends!!!"

A wooden box with a gorgeous appearance suddenly fell from the sky and fell into Luffy's arms.

Immediately, Marco turned around in the air and flew back to the deck of the Moby Dick.

Although some people were stunned by Luffy's dominance, the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, were still stronger after all, and it did not affect the normal operation of the Moby Dick.

A huge bubble suddenly emerged from the Moby Dick ship, completely covering the entire large ship, and then sank to the depths of the ocean floor, quickly disappearing in front of the Straw Hats.

"Goodbye~ Ace!!!"

Luffy said goodbye to the calm sea on behalf of the Straw Hats, and was immediately pulled off the railing by the curious crowd.

"Luffy, Luffy, look what good things Whitebeard has given us!"

The curious Usopp moved his hand and opened the box directly before Luffy could let it out.

All of a sudden!

Two fruits with strange shapes and textures suddenly appeared in front of the Straw Hats.

One is dark green in color, looks like a house, and has strange three-dimensional lines on its skin.

The other one was even more strange, resembling the shape of a foot, which made people completely unappetizing.

There are only two small wings on both sides of the ankle, but it makes people curious about it again.

"It's a devil fruit!!!"

Seeing this scene, the already well-informed Straw Hats immediately exclaimed.

But then the expectation in their eyes suddenly disappeared.

"What, it turns out to be a Devil Fruit?!" Luffy sighed.

Devil Fruit is a precious thing, but it is really precious.

But the Straw Hats, whose horizons have long been enlightened by the power of Pokémon, find it difficult to appreciate ordinary Devil Fruit abilities.

For example, the previous Slippery Fruit and Shasha Fruit, both of which have powerful abilities, were still given to Kirby and Vivi by the Straw Hats without hesitation.

They even treat the fruits of knowledge like this.

How could they easily eat devil fruits with unknown abilities?

But at this moment, sharp-eyed Usopp suddenly stretched out his finger:

"Wait a moment!"

"There's something still at the bottom of the box."

As he spoke, he directly handed the two Devil Fruits to little Chopper next to him, and then took out two pieces of paper from the bottom of the box.

After seeing the content on the paper, Sanji's eyes suddenly flashed with light.

"This is..." He took a step forward and said with some surprise on his face:

"You can't go wrong! This is a page torn from the Devil Fruit Manual!"

"And it just so happens...that they correspond to these two Devil Fruits!!!"

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