Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 204: One man becomes an army Usopp (please subscribe)

Chapter 204 One man becomes an army·Usopp (please subscribe~)


"I didn't expect Whitebeard and the others to be quite considerate!?"

Zoro came over curiously, took an illustration from Sanji's hand with interest, and read the contents of the Devil Fruit illustration for everyone:

"Superman type·warehouse fruit."

"Effect: Turn the inside of the user's body into a huge storage center. Any object or creature can be reduced in size and hidden in the body. The body can also be freely divided into different storage areas to store different items or creatures in different environments. biology."

"It doesn't sound like a powerful fruit power~"

Zoro, who was not very satisfied with the fruit's ability, turned around and compared the illustrated book in his hand with the devil fruit shaped like a small house, and gave it a not so positive evaluation.

However, at this moment, Usopp, who was not very interested in Devil Fruits, suddenly snatched the illustrated book from his hand.

"Wait a minute! Show me!"

After receiving the illustrated book, Usopp immediately began to read the contents in the illustrated book carefully.

As a Devil Fruit illustrated book that only the top powers are entitled to possess, there is certainly no such brief content recorded above it.

On the back of this piece of paper, there is a detailed record of the abilities displayed by the fruits that have appeared in history.

This storage fruit needs to be particularly detailed, because just above it is recorded a detailed research report from a former owner of the fruit's ability.

"Storage fruit...can you say...?"

At this time, Chihong also realized something, and suddenly made a gesture to his friends, indicating that everyone should give Usopp some time.

Immediately, a faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he waited quietly.

About two minutes later, Usopp suddenly excitedly pushed away the illustrated book in his hand, and then glanced around the Straw Hats with excitement.

"Everyone, can I eat this devil fruit?"

"What!? Usopp, are you going to eat a Devil Fruit too?!"

Luffy, who seemed to have heard something interesting, jumped over instantly, looking like he was watching the fun.

Usopp nodded vigorously: "That's right! I think the ability of this Devil Fruit is very suitable for me!"

"So, does anyone else among you also want this ability?!"

"Are you kidding!?"

Noticing Usopp's questioning gaze, Nami and the others, who had also not eaten the Devil Fruit, immediately showed disgusted expressions.

Nami shook her head and said, "I don't want to turn my body into a warehouse. That's really disgusting."

Zoro immediately echoed and said:

"I'm also not interested in fruit abilities that don't help in combat."

"And...are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

Obviously, Zoro is not very optimistic about this storage fruit.

Even he also guessed Usopp's idea of ​​​​taking a fancy to it.

Sanji, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, didn't express any opinions, but from the way he frowned and took a half step back, it seemed that he was not interested in this Devil Fruit either.

In the end, Usopp picked up the storage fruit and turned his attention to Red, but what he got was Red's mocking laughter.

"Look what I'm doing!?"

"Do you think I'm going to be short of a Devil Fruit!?"

Hong Hong flicked one hand, and a dazzling arc of electricity suddenly flashed in the air.

But then, he also persuaded Usopp:

"It's just Usopp, have you really decided to eat this Devil Fruit!?"

"You must have been attracted by its ability to store ammunition and insects, right?"

"Although this is indeed in line with your current fighting style, people change, and our exploration of the Pokémon world has just begun..."

"No one knows what will happen in the future."

"What's more, whether it's ammunition or insects, they are foreign objects after all."

"In fact, there are many fruit abilities in this world that are suitable for you, such as the Momo Fruit that can magnify and accelerate any object."

"Even if you want to store something in your body, there is a more powerful Fortress Fruit."

Although Chihong did not see the details on the back of the stored fruit, he could vaguely tell from those few words...

This warehouse fruit is most likely the lower fruit of Capone's Castle Fruit!

One can turn the body into an indestructible battle castle with various functions, but the other can only turn the body into a large warehouse.

Which one is strong and which one is weak is clear at a glance.

As for other fruit abilities, Chihong also knows who their ability users are. When the time comes, whether it is to use Vegapunk's fruit abilities to copy the technology, or to kill them and turn the abilities back into fruits...

It's not that difficult for the current Straw Hat Pirates.

However, in the face of Chi Hong's repeated advice, Usopp shook his head slightly, and then revealed his bright eyes.

"Thank you, Red."

"But I have learned about the ability to store fruits in detail, and I am convinced that it is the most suitable ability for me!"

"Is that so?"

Chihong nodded and said nothing more.

He chose to trust Usopp's decision.


"Now that you have made up your mind, go ahead and move forward bravely!"

Red smiled encouragingly and gently patted Usopp's shoulder with one hand.


Usopp nodded vigorously after taking the Devil Fruit. Looking at the strange devil lines above, he choked up even though he was determined.

But thinking about the power described in the illustrated book, he became cruel and bit into the Devil Fruit.

In an instant, his expression turned extremely ugly, and he expressed the truest feeling of every fruit ability user:

"This is too unpalatable!!!"

Usopp took a bite of the pulp with a grim look on his face. After chewing it roughly for a few times, he swallowed it wholeheartedly.

Usopp's evaluation of Devil Fruit immediately earned the sympathetic looks of several other ability users among the Straw Hats.

In order to avoid the possibility that the power might remain in the remaining pulp, even though Usopp knew that the Devil Fruit only needed one bite, he still suppressed the feeling of nausea and swallowed the entire Devil Fruit.

The next moment, in front of everyone's eyes, Usopp's body suddenly expanded.

The yellow plaid scarf on his head spread out directly and turned into a flat-top shape, and then his body became square.

In the blink of an eye, Usopp transformed into a strange and square shape, appearing in front of everyone like a large warehouse with arms and legs.

The eyes become transparent windows, and the mouth becomes a door to enter the warehouse.

And his iconic long nose is even more eye-catching, as if it has become a flagpole without a flag raised in the house.

"U...Usopp!? Are you okay!?"

Seeing this scene, Chopper immediately screamed in shock.

But at this time, Usopp, who had transformed into his ability form, stretched out two weird wooden hands from both sides of the warehouse and let out a dull laugh:

"Hehehe~ I feel more comfortable than ever before!"

"That's right~!"

Usopp suddenly squatted down, slowly opened his mouth, and said vaguely to everyone:

"Do you want to go inside my body and take a look!?"

"forget it!!!"

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately waved their hands and shook their heads in tacit agreement, and stepped back.

“What a disappointment~”

Usopp yelled helplessly, and immediately his body began to shrink and returned to his normal human form.

"So..." Robin asked curiously on behalf of everyone: "Usopp, is there any special reason why you chose this fruit?"

Judging from Usopp's bloated body just after his transformation, this is obviously not a Devil Fruit suitable for fighting.

Everyone's eyes widened instantly and they looked at Usopp curiously.

Feeling the attention of everyone and gaining new abilities, Usopp immediately became excited.

However, he did not explain to everyone. Instead, he smiled at Chihong and said:

"My power can't be shown here, Chihong, take us to Labu's abdominal world!"


Red, who was also very interested in the power of the fruit chosen by Usopp, directly waved his hand and summoned a huge interdimensional hole in front of the Merry.

In an instant, the forward-moving Meili disappeared directly into the sea, as if it had never appeared.

Half an hour later...

Inside Rab's abdominal world.

Everyone in the Straw Hats opened their eyes wide, watching in disbelief as the densely packed insects of different sizes in the sky continued to fly towards the deck of the Merry, only to disappear all of them!

"This...this fruit ability is a bit too scary, isn't it!?"

The stunned Zoro clicked his tongue, his eyes no longer had the previous contempt for the stored fruit, but instead were filled with a look of shock.

And the ultimate reason is because the scene in front of them has lasted for more than 20 minutes in front of them!

At this moment, the red eyes were also flashing with light. He looked at the illustration about the stored fruits in his hand and nodded in agreement:

"No wonder Usopp chose this fruit ability."

"Although I guessed that the name of warehousing may be related to the space system..."

"But with this terrifying storage capacity, even if the space is not infinite, the space range is still terrifyingly large!"

Because the pirate world also has swamp fruits and dark fruits with unlimited space, the effect of Usopp's warehouse fruits did not shock Chi Hong.


"Now, it's really hard to say who is better than the Fortress Fruit!"

Time passes slowly.

After about half an hour, the noisy abdominal world finally became quiet.

As the last bug queen, whose size was comparable to the Merry, was swallowed into Usopp's body, there was no sign of bug survival in the entire abdominal world.

"It's... so terrible!"

Everyone standing on the deck of the Merry once again marveled at Usopp's ability.

After doing all this, Usopp returned to his normal form again and explained to everyone with pride:

"The storage fruit can turn my body into a huge warehouse with nearly infinite space!"

"The items or creatures stored in my body will be preserved in my body in the best storage form."

"At the same time, I can also divide the storage space in the body into different areas, and freely set the temperature, humidity, air pressure and other environmental factors of each area."

"In this way, my body will become the most perfect breeding ground for bugs and plants!"

"With the power of this fruit, I can cultivate powerful insects and plants more specifically."

"And when I need to fight..."

Before he could finish his words, Usopp, with flashing eyes, suddenly waved his hand in front of the Merry.

In an instant!

The pores on his arms suddenly turned into the shape of hatches, and were opened instantly!

Countless densely packed black spots poured out from Usopp's arms. After leaving his body for ten centimeters, these strange black spots suddenly expanded and turned into an army of Zerg in the blink of an eye!

There was an ear-splitting roar, which stayed high in the sky in front of the Meili. The scene was extremely majestic and terrifying!

Seeing this scene, the corners of Usopp's mouth instantly raised proudly, as if he was talking to himself or to his friends:

"That's why I said...this will be the most suitable fruit ability for me!"

At this moment, Usopp, who had always been timid and had low self-esteem, seemed to have gained endless courage and courage, and his whole aura was slowly changing and sublimating!

"Usopp, you've become stronger."

Looking at Usopp's back, this thought flashed through the hearts of everyone in the Straw Hats.

The corner of Hong Hong's mouth raised slightly, and he picked up the illustrated book of stored fruits in his hand, but suddenly summoned a bolt of lightning to ignite it.

The content in this illustration has lost its meaning of existence.

Starting today, this devil fruit called the Warehouse Fruit will be re-recognized by the whole world because of Usopp's existence!

Maybe one day in the future, someone will even rename this devil fruit to give it a more resounding name...

Even more worthy of the title "Legend"! ! !

Of course, a Devil Fruit with such a powerful ability does not have no limitations.

The reason why this devil fruit is unknown in the world is because it has three limitations:

One is what the Straw Hats saw before...

The storage capacity of the warehouse fruit does not require instant movement, but requires that the object's ability to receive the fruit becomes smaller after it approaches Usopp, and enters Usopp's body along the "warehouse door".

And this will make it take a certain amount of time for the objects to enter the warehouse.

Although this is not eye-catching, it allows the object to completely enter Usopp's body, with a slight risk of being intercepted.

The second limitation is that the creatures that the warehouse can accommodate must be in two states: "active" or "unable to struggle."

In other words, even if someone touches Usopp's body during the battle, they will not be affected by his fruit ability and enter his warehouse space.

The last limitation is also the fundamental reason why this fruit's ability has not left a reputation in history...

That is, when using the fruit's ability to contain objects, the esper can only contain objects that he can lift, and this judgment has very clear requirements for the "integrity" of the object!

Even if the object is wrapped by a slight thin thread, the other end is wrapped around the object that cannot be lifted by the esper...

Then until the esper cuts the thin thread, he still cannot contain the object.


All these restrictions have no impact on Usopp!

In his hands, storage fruit is no longer a convenient ability to store objects!

Rather, it is a perfect biological breeding base, a true...

A place for warriors! ! !

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