Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 205 Sanji, the Chosen Worker (please follow up)

Chapter 205: The Chosen Worker·Sanji (Please read~)

"Superman type·Speed ​​Fruit."

"Effect: Increase the speed of body movement and greatly increase body agility."

Return to the Meili on the real sea again.

Having learned from the experience of storing fruits, this time Zoro did not comment on the fruit after reading the content on the front of the fruit illustration.

But then again...

After seeing the power of this fruit, Zoro really couldn't say anything negative.

Even he couldn't help but think about whether he should eat this fruit.

After all, speed is an extremely important attribute for any warrior.

For example, Kizaru, the Shining Fruit ability user they met not long ago, took the word "speed" to the extreme.

"The Speedy Fruit? It's similar to the Lili Fruit."

Chi Hong curiously took the fruit illustrated book from Zoro's hand, and then looked directly at the back of the illustrated book.

As expected, on the back of the illustration of the Susu Fruit, there is also a record of the power that this fruit has shown in the world.

But compared to the introduction of Warehouse Fruit, the introduction of Susu Fruit is extra short and monotonous.

simply put……

This fruit can greatly increase a person's speed!

Even if an ordinary person eats this fruit, he can immediately reach a speed comparable to the Six Style Shave, and move at a speed beyond the range of naked eye observation.

This is a powerful fruit that can make people stronger quickly in a short period of time!

"So...is this the thank you gift that Whitebeard really wants to give us?!"

Seeing the powerful introduction of Susu Fruit, Chihong suddenly realized.

Judging from the contents of the devil fruit illustrated book, anyone can see that the warehouse fruit is obviously not on the same level as the speed fruit.

Perhaps what Whitebeard really wants to give to the Straw Hats is this quick fruit.

As for the ordinary-looking warehouse fruit, it may be just a foil.


"Interesting~" Chihong pursed her lips and chuckled, looking at Usopp who had begun to sneak his consciousness into the warehouse inside his body to allocate living space to the bugs.

Whitebeard and his gang may never have imagined that their one small act would bring such a terrifying monster into the world.

"So this Speed ​​Fruit," Chihong held the strange-looking Devil Fruit in her hand. After looking between Zoro and Sanji, she finally handed it to Sanji without permission.

"Sanji, do you want to eat this devil fruit?"


Sanji was stunned, obviously not expecting Chihong to directly take the initiative and hand over the Devil Fruit to him.

He subconsciously turned his gaze to the green algae head next to him.

Judging from the effect of the fruit, the power of the Speedy Fruit is very useful to both him and Zoro.

Even Nami can use this fruit ability to improve her self-protection ability, thereby making herself a sensitive natural disaster mage.

But at this moment, Chihong seemed to have guessed Sanji's thoughts and said to him directly:

"Don't worry about Sauron."

"There are many fruit abilities suitable for Sauron in this world."

"In comparison, you and the Susu Fruit are the tallest."

"If you have plans to become a person with abilities, this fruit is definitely a choice not to be missed."

Speaking of this, a mysterious light suddenly flashed in his red eyes.

He continued:

"For those of you who fought Kizaru not long ago, you should know very well how important speed is in battle!"

"Sanji, what you need to know is..."

"No matter how fast the speed of light is, there is a limit!"

"But the simple concept of speed has no limit!!!"

"In other words, when your speed can exceed the speed of light, you will become truly invisible."

"Because there is no light in this world that can catch you!!!"


Sanji, who was still hesitating about becoming an esper, suddenly choked up when he heard these words.

I don't know if it's his imagination...

A piece of white mist suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Within the mist is a huge bathhouse.

The girls' laughter continued to come from behind the mist of the bathhouse.


"Why do you have a nosebleed?!"

Chopper's urgent voice of concern suddenly pulled Sanji back from the women's bathhouse.

Realizing that he had lost his composure, Sanji quickly wiped the nosebleed from his mouth, and under the gaze of Nami and Robin, he explained in a panic:

"No, it's nothing."

"Maybe he's a little angry."

"Hmph~" Zoro sneered contemptuously and said with a clear secret: "I don't think this guy heard Chihong say the word 'invisible' and started to fantasize about going to the women's bathhouse to peek at girls taking a bath. Bar!?"

"Is this really true, Sanji!!?"

Nami put her hands on her hips and questioned Sanji.

In exchange, Sanji had an embarrassed smile on his face: "How, how is it possible!?"

"Miss Nami, you have to believe me, how could I be that kind of person!"

"But then again..."

Sanji took the Speedy Fruit from Red's hand and immediately turned to look at Zoro:

"Green Algae Head, are you really not going to consider this fruit?"

"Tch~" Facing Sanji's question, Zoro still sneered: "Didn't you hear Chihong say that there will be more powerful fruit abilities waiting for me in the future!?"

"It's just a quick fruit, but it can't get into my eyes!"

"But it's more than enough for a perverted cook like you!"

"Asshole! What's more powerful!? What Chihong said is obviously a fruit that is more suitable for you!"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"When I eat this Devil Fruit, you will become my defeated enemy!"

"Just you!?"

"Just me!!!"



Not enough words to speculate!

What was clearly a show of respect and politeness between partners ended up inexplicably turning into a fight between Zoro and Sanji.

If Chi Hong hadn't finally intervened to stop the dispute between the two, they might have started fighting within minutes.

After the atmosphere became peaceful again, Sanji swallowed the Quick Fruit after much hesitation.


"For a chef to eat something like this is the ultimate insult."

Sanji, whose taste buds were brutally mutilated, covered his forehead in pain.

But as the Devil Fruit's power spread throughout his body, his attention was quickly drawn to something strange in his body.

"How's it going, Sanji!?"

"Show us what you're capable of!"

Luffy and Chopper's eyes flashed, and they immediately looked over with curious faces.

Others also showed curious eyes.

"It seems everyone is curious, right!?"

Sanji, who was gradually adapting to the power of the Speedy Fruit, grinned: "In that case, then you just have to wait and see!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before everyone could react consciously, a dark silhouette suddenly flashed in front of everyone.

The next second, Sanji disappeared directly!

"So fast!!!"

Luffy and Zoro were both shocked.

As the two most domineering people present, they almost didn't notice the trajectory of Sanji's departure just now.

In an instant, the two of them turned their gazes to the cabin in surprise.

But in just a few seconds, a dark silhouette flashed out of the cabin again.


Sanji, who was wearing a straight suit, suddenly came to Nami and Robin's side.

"Miss Nami, Miss Robin, this is a love drink specially prepared for you two, please enjoy~"


Nami and Robin were stunned for a moment, and then habitually picked up the drinks on the tray in Sanji's hand.

"It's... it's freshly squeezed juice!?"

As soon as they entered, the two of them showed expressions of wonder again, and then turned their shocked gazes to Sanji.

Being watched by his two beautiful companions, Sanji also raised the corners of his mouth in high spirits, and immediately explained to everyone:

"As Chi Hong said, there is no upper limit to the increase in speed!"

"With the ability of the Speedy Fruit, I can freely control the speed of my body's movement."

"It's just that the more times you increase, the greater your physical energy consumption will be."

"The specific details still need to be tested."

"Hiss gay~!!!"

Luffy and Chopper immediately showed excited expressions after hearing this.

Luffy said even more expectantly:

"In that case, Sanji, wouldn't it be possible for you to cook a large table of delicacies in an instant!!!"

“It’s so awesome!!!”

"Hey hey hey~ Is your focus wrong!?"

"My fruit power is not used to cook for you!!!"

Sanji, who was still proud of his powerful fruit ability, suddenly had a bad delusion.

However, his opposition had no effect.

He even received a round of cheers from the Straw Hat crowd.

In the end, Sanji, who couldn't defeat everyone, had to use the fruit's power to prepare a banquet-level meal for everyone at an extremely fast speed.

Looking at Sanji who was busy in the kitchen in countless incarnations, Chihong suddenly felt something:

"It's really the fruit of the talent of a chosen worker!"

"When you meet Vegapunk in the future, you must let him copy this fruit ability and use it on the soldiers in the abdominal world..."

"In this way, the production capacity of Usopp's factory can be greatly increased!"

The aroma of freshly squeezed juice exudes from the shaking red wine glass.

Seeing his friends becoming stronger day by day, a satisfied smile appeared on his red face.

On the deck of the Merry, the long-lost daily life ushered in.


While the Straw Hats were enjoying their peaceful daily lives, the outside world was thrown into turmoil and chaos because of their actions.

"Have you not found any trace of Whitebeard and the others yet!?"

Inside a makeshift office in the bankrupt Marine Vendôme.

Admiral Sengoku, whose arms and head were tied with gauze, focused his majestic eyes on the sea chart ahead.

But the admiral whom he asked bowed his head and sighed:

"Sorry, Marshal."

"The Whitebeard Pirates are suspected of possessing unique ship coating technology. I suspect that they may have returned to the New World through the deep sea below Mariejoia."


A deep look suddenly flashed in Warring States eyes!

"The direction Whitebeard and the others sailed when they left Marinevando was not the New World at all, but Gaya!"

"They are most likely going to pick up Fire Fist Ace..."

"In such a short period of time, it is impossible for them to complete the rescue and return to the new world!"

"So they must still be in the first half of the Grand Route!"


The reporting naval officer wanted to say something more.

But Warring States suddenly became furious: "There is no but!!!"

He has always been known for his resourcefulness, but now he clenched his fists, and his eyes were filled with impatience and anger.

Sengoku slammed his fist on the table:

"We must find Whitebeard's location... Otherwise, how will we explain it to the people in the world!?"

The unscrupulous Morgans had already spread the news to the whole world that Whitebeard had attacked the naval headquarters and then safely evacuated.

This time, both the World Government and the Navy have been truly disgraced!

What followed was that the Whitebeard Pirates' fame reached an unprecedented level all over the world!

Even countless people with lofty ideals or people who have been harmed by the Celestial Dragons are beginning to look for ways to repay or join the Whitebeard Pirates!

It is foreseeable that in the near future, the Whitebeard Pirates, who were just attacked by the navy and lost a lot of their members, will soon return to the top and become even stronger!

And for all this, Whitebeard only paid for two Devil Fruits, which can be said to have made a huge profit.

But Whitebeard was obviously aware of this, so he said that these two Devil Fruits were just preliminary gifts of thanks.

As for what kind of gifts there will be in the future, that is a matter for the future.

After all, the current Whitebeard Pirates have just suffered several battles and are not very wealthy.

And this is why the Warring States Period is so urgent.

Because he knew that this moment was the weakest moment for the entire Whitebeard Pirates!

If we cannot take this opportunity to deal a blow to the Whitebeard Pirates, the majesty of the World Government and the Navy will be difficult to restore!


"Warring States!"

At this moment, Lieutenant General He, who was on the edge of the temporary office, suddenly spoke up and stopped the angry Marshal Sengoku.

Immediately, He winked at the naval admiral who came to report and signaled him to leave, then slowly spoke to Sengoku:

"Let's forget about this matter..."


The friendship and trust accumulated over the years calmed the anger in Seng Guo's heart a little.

But the unwillingness on his face was evident.

But before Warring States could speak, He said directly:

"The navy can't stand the trouble anymore!"

"Marinfando is no longer suitable to be the naval headquarters. We need to find a new naval base!"

"Those naval soldiers and generals who were killed or injured in the battle also need to be comforted."


"The [Akatsuki] organization mentioned in Kizaru's intelligence is also a key point that cannot be ignored."

"It's really not a wise choice to provoke Whitebeard at this time!"

"What's more, the combined efforts of you and Garp didn't leave Whitebeard seriously injured..."

"If we send other people there, it will be difficult to achieve any good results, and it may even be counterproductive."

"Don't lose your wisdom, calm down and think about it."

A ray of breeze blew open the window sash of the temporary office, sending air-conditioning into the narrow room.

With the cold wind blowing on his face, Warring States stood there, clenching his hands into fists and remaining silent for a long time.

Finally, he suddenly took out a long breath slowly, took off his hat, turned around, and said in a complicated tone:


"When this incident is completely over, I will submit my resignation application to the World Government."

"When the time comes, it will be up to you to take command of the navy and use public opinion to put all the blame... on me."

At the same time, in the deep sea in the first half of the Grand Line.

On board the Moby Dick, which is sneaking under the sea.

Whitebeard clenched his fist hard, with an indescribable look of shock on his face.

Next to him, many cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates also gathered here, their eyes filled with surprise.

After a while, Whitebeard looked at Ace, the only one among the crowd who was smiling calmly, as if he had known that such a scene would happen. His eyes flashed and the corners of his mouth raised slightly:

"Gu la la la la~"

"I didn't expect that I would have a shameful day."

"Just two Devil Fruits...it's really a bit too petty~!"

"Gu la la la la~!!!"

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