Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 208 Join the glorious evolution! (please follow up on order)

Chapter 208 Join the glorious evolution! (Please subscribe~)

"Six...six moves..."

Bingshan's eyes trembled slightly, and he suddenly said:

"Wait...that's not..."

His voice suddenly paused.

Because at this moment, no matter whether Kalifa is using the "Six Styles" that she knows...

From the moment she was able to burst out with power that she had never known before, the direction of things had exceeded his expectations.

Bingshan's heart beat violently twice, and a bad thought arose in his heart.

And when he looked at Chihong again, his eyes had become extremely complicated.

After a moment, he sighed slowly.

Although he still couldn't figure out clearly what the identity and purpose of Chi Hong and the others were, judging from the fact that this young man directly controlled Kalifa as soon as he appeared...

If the other party wants to harm you, you won't have a chance to resist.

"Please, please move on to my office and discuss this in detail."

"No problem." Chi Hong smiled slightly and then gestured to the friends behind him.

The Meili moved slowly, following the waterway of the No. 1 dock and entering the interior of Careka Company.

After a while.

Carrera Company Headquarters, in the office of Mayor Bingshan.

Under Red's instructions, the hypnotized Kalifa skillfully served various high-end drinks to the Straw Hat crew under Bingshan's strange gaze.

Luffy and Chihong sat opposite the iceberg, facing each other across the table.

Chihong glanced at Luffy who had already started playing with the bubble drink, then turned his attention to Bingshan and said directly:

"Mayor Bingshan, I'll get right to the point."

"You must have already guessed it..."

"The World Government has already placed various agents around you."

"And the purpose is naturally the design drawing of the ancient weapon [Pluto] that was hidden by your master, the legendary boatman Tom!!!"

"You...why do you know this!?"

Bingshan's fingers trembled slightly, the shock in his eyes flashed, and then he immediately fell into deep thoughts.

As the mayor of the Seven Waters City, Bingshan considers himself to be well-informed.

Even when he found out that Kalifa might be an agent planted by the World Government, he didn't show too much panic.

But at this moment, he really didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Chi Hong did not make him suspicious too much, but simply said with a smile:

"Mr. Bingshan, rather than caring about why I know these secrets that you have concealed for decades..."

"Our purpose is more important to you, isn't it!?"

"You...what do you want?" Bingshan looked at Chihong, then at Luffy who was blowing bubbles for the soda drink, and finally raised his head with a complicated expression and asked Chihong.

"It's simple."

Red grinned, and then quietly poked Luffy's waist with her fingers.

"oh oh!……"

"Are you done talking!?"

Luffy, who received the red "hint", raised his head blankly, then looked at the iceberg in front of him, and smiled brightly as a captain.

Chihong continued:

"We want to make a deal with you!"

"We can help you deal with the dangers from the World Government, and we can even help you find the murderer of your master Tom, so that you can take revenge."

"And the price you need to pay is..."

"Help us modify a ship!!!"

"Let our Meili become the most powerful ship in the world!!!"

"...Wait a minute." After hearing Chi Hong's words, Bingshan was suddenly startled, "Did you just say...'you'!?"

"That's right~" Chihong pointed to the iceberg with a smile, "That's you!"

"You... and your junior brother, Franky, who is now a reformer!"

"As far as I know, he should be in the Capital of Seven Waters now, working as a dismantler and bounty hunter!"

"In addition, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I will reveal more content for Mr. Bingshan."

The corners of Hong Hong's mouth rose, and he suddenly summoned a different-dimensional hole beside him.

He reached out with his arm and suddenly took out an orange swirl mask.

Under the gaze of Bingshan's suddenly dilated pupils, Chihong threw the eye-exploding whirlpool mask directly in front of him.


Bingshan, who had quick eyes and quick hands, quickly picked up the file next to him and covered the mask.

"...W-why do you have this!?"

He raised his head with a trembling voice, and at the same time, a terrifying and shocking suspicion arose in his heart.

"It seems that you know the meaning of this mask very well, Mr. Bingshan." Chihong chuckled, but under his disbelieving gaze, he took out a frozen head again.

Although the ferocious face and broken cheekbones had made the head unrecognizable, Bingshan instantly recognized the identity of the head...

Celestial Dragon—Saint Serentinia! ! !

Although more than ten days have passed since that big event, Bingshan will never forget that scene.

At this moment, the identity of the Straw Hats is self-evident.

Bingshan slowly released the document pressed on the mask and slowly lifted it up, covering his red face, revealing a pair of dark and mysterious eyes.

At the same time, Chi Hong behind the mask suddenly grinned.

He said that the corpses of the Celestial Dragons would always be of some use.

It's not in vain that they dug it out of the ruins.


As the gorgeous door was pushed open by a pair of big, hairy hands, Franky, who looked puzzled, walked into Bingshan's office.

The vigilant Franky looked around the inside of the office curiously, and then walked into the room after making sure there were no outsiders.

"What's going on, Iceberg?"

"Why did you call me here suddenly?"

"You're here, Franky!?"

In the dim room, a faint yellow light shone on Bingshan's face.

Bingshan, who was checking the drawings, raised his head and did not explain immediately. Instead, he pushed the drawings in his hands forward.

"Come and see this ship..."

"Is there a way to expand it into a large ship without damaging its original basic structure!?"

"Huh? Just such a small thing!?"

Franky frowned.

Knowing that Bingshan would never come to him for such a trivial matter, he pulled over the chair, sat down and read the drawings.

But as soon as he got started, his eyes trembled instantly.

"This...this is..."

Franky slammed the drawing on the table and looked at the iceberg in surprise:

"Bingshan, are you serious!?"

As the keeper of the design drawings of the ancient weapon [Pluto], he could tell at a glance that the Bingshan drawing, which was not even one-third complete, was filled with designs similar to those of Pluto.

Even though they didn't know ancient writing and couldn't understand the content on Pluto's design, as excellent shipwrights, they still learned a lot from Pluto's design.

The power system currently used in Franky's body is based on Pluto's design.

And Bingshan, who also preserved Pluto's design drawings and whose shipbuilding skills were even higher than Franky's, naturally also mastered a lot of technology from Pluto.

"Let's take a look at the possibilities of this design first..."

Bingshan did not answer immediately. Instead, he clicked on key parts of the drawing more seriously.

Under Bingshan's attention, Franky did not ask any more questions, calmed down and slowly looked at the drawings.

But the more he looked, the deeper the doubts in his heart became.

Because no matter how you look at it, the ship prototype on the drawing is nothing more than an ordinary light sailing ship.

He even has the world's top shipbuilding skills. It can be seen at a glance that the design of this ship was definitely made by a newcomer.

It can be seen that the designer is serious about this ship, but that's all.

The whole ship is full of childishness and imperfections.

But under Bingshan's serious look, he still started studying seriously.

Half an hour later, Frankie photographed the drawing on the table again, rubbed his chin and said:

"The requirement is not to damage the main structure of the ship itself?"

"Although it is a bit strange, if you are willing to put some effort into the materials, it is not difficult to transform it into a large battleship."

"Even if we add some designs from... that, it won't be much trouble."

"So the iceberg..."

Franky focused his eyes and stared at the iceberg, "Can you tell me now why you called me here?"


Under the gaze of his junior brother, Bingshan suddenly asked:

"Have you ever thought about revenge for your teacher!?"

Franky:! ! !

Five steel-like fingers suddenly embedded into the solid wood tabletop, representing the owner's extremely nervous and angry mood.

Franky raised his head and said with a deep and serious expression:


After hearing this answer, Bingshan spoke again:

"Well Franky, what if I say there is a chance to avenge the teacher now."

"The price is to put yourself in danger and do something with unknown risks. Will you consider it!?"

"Stop being so pretentious!" The excited Franky punched the table and stared at the iceberg with gleaming eyes, "Just tell me what's going on!"

Revenge for the teacher or something like that is simply what he dreams of doing!

It's just that their enemy is too powerful.

It was so powerful that Frankie could only bury this idea deeply in his heart despite the passage of time.

Seeing his junior brother acting so gloomy, Bingshan dialed Zong directly.

The next moment, before the phone was picked up, a dark and mysterious space wormhole suddenly appeared in the office.

Three figures walked out of the space wormhole one after another.

It turns out to be Red, the vice-captain who is responsible for all foreign affairs of the Straw Hats, Luffy, the captain who is suspected of being sidelined, and...

Nico Robin is one of the few people in the world who can understand Pluto's design drawings!

"Iceberg, they are..."

Seeing this scene, Franky's eyes were once again replaced by doubt.

Before Bingshan could speak, Luffy was the first to laugh:

"Are you the powerful boatman Franky that Chi Hong mentioned!?"

"It's actually a body made of steel, hey gay~!"

“This is so much fun!!!”

"Franky, will you be our partner!?"

Luffy, who was more direct and forthright than anyone else, sent an invitation directly to Franky without any unnecessary nonsense.

"Partner?" Franky blinked in shock.

Bingshan immediately explained:

"Introduction, they are the Straw Hat Pirates who have just arrived in the Capital of Seven Waters."

"Perhaps you should know their names."

"After all, there is a great pirate who can get a bounty of nearly 200 million beli as soon as he enters the Grand Line."

"And the ship that needs to be modified on the drawing just now is their current vehicle."

"Wait a minute~"

At this moment, Chihong suddenly reached out and interrupted Bingshan:

"Correction, the Meili is not a car!"

"She is a member of our pirate group and an important partner!"

"As for the rest, let me tell you."

Chihong grabbed the right to speak. He knew Franky's character very well and took out the head of the Draco again and threw it directly in front of Franky.

"As Mayor Bingshan said, we are a group of pirates, but we are not ordinary pirates."

"This...this is...!!?"

As the saying goes, a new trick can be eaten everywhere.

The scene of Ace carrying out public executions of Celestial Dragons around the world only lasted for ten minutes.

But every frame of it has already been deeply engraved in the minds of people around the world.

So after seeing the head of the Celestial Dragon, Franky instantly showed an expression similar to that of Bingshan in the morning.

Chi Hong stepped forward and said with a chuckle:

"As you can see..."

"We have the same enemy! And the enemy of our enemy is our friend!"

"Franky, you have the talent and talent of the world's top shipbuilder. Instead of going to the sea to make a name for yourself, you will stay in the capital of seven rivers and become a gangster leader..."

"Is this really the result you want!?"

Chihong stepped forward step by step, her words full of momentum and temptation.

A confident smile filled his lips as he looked at Franky.

"Franky, we are looking for outstanding shipwrights who can complete the evolution of the Mellie!"

"And your talent is exactly what we need!"

"You should have heard our captain's invitation just now!"

"But as the deputy captain, I will just repeat it for the captain..."

“Come join us!!!”

Red raised his head, his dark eyes shining like stars.

He said in a calm tone and extremely seriously:

"Whether it is the CP organization or the world government..."

"The enemy of our partners is the common enemy of the pirate group!"

"Let us gather our strength and penetrate this rotten world completely!!!"


After Chihong's invitation again, Franky finally realized that Luffy was not joking just now.

At this moment, he also recognized Luffy's identity.

In addition, the head of the Heavenly Dragon was frozen beneath his feet...

Everything seems to be self-evident.

Frankie suddenly fell silent.

It wasn't until a while later that he raised his head again and stepped on the Tianlong man's head:

"Forget it about partners or whatever."

"But if you have any shipbuilding needs..."

"Maybe for the sake of this thing, I can do some hard work for you!!!"

As the leader of [Frankie's House], Franky is obviously not so easily persuaded.

Even though he could see that Chihong and others' identities were unusual, he still declined Chihong's invitation.

Until Chi Hong opened his mouth and said:

"Don't you want to see the battleship you built yourself... bombarding and destroying Judiciary Island!?"

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