Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 209 All for Meili (seeking for subscription)

Chapter 209 All for Meili (please subscribe~)


At this moment, under Red's aggressive eyes and persuasive words, even the tough guy Franky had to admit...

He was moved.

Memories that have been sleeping for a long time suddenly appear

But even so, he couldn't inexplicably abandon his family and join a pirate group of unknown origin.

Even though this pirate group seems so mysterious.

In the end, this conversation could only end hastily with Luffy's disappointed look on his face.

Even Robin, who came specially to translate Pluto's design, didn't even see a single hair of the blueprint.

But it doesn't matter.

The head of the Celestial Dragon is enough to prove the Straw Hat Pirates' position.

Robin, an archaeologist wanted by the world government, can also help them see different possibilities.

The rest requires Franky and Bingshan to explore together to identify the authenticity.

Chihong believes that in the end they will make the most correct decision.

In this way, the Straw Hat Gang quietly settled in the headquarters of Carrera Company in the Capital of Seven Waters.

At night.

The soft waves gently caress the coast, and each surge brings peace and tranquility, as if time has stood still at this moment.

The Capital of Seven Waters, which had been busy all day, finally became completely quiet at this moment.

However, under this quiet night, several figures suddenly passed quickly across the rooftops of the Capital of Seven Waters under the shining of the moonlight and stars, only to disappear into the dark night in an instant.

Bang bang bang~

A man in a strange cloak knocked rhythmically on the door of the tavern.

After a while, the wooden door opened, and a strong man with a cow-haired hairstyle looked around twice, then immediately stepped aside to let the two people outside the door pass.

In an instant, a strange space door suddenly appeared. The tauren pushed open the air door and led two guys in strange clothes in.

The space door slowly closed.

The two cloaked men also immediately took off their hoods and masks.

Astonishingly, they were CP9 agents placed by the World Government in the Capital of Seven Waters - Rob Lucci and Kaku.

The minotaur is naturally the other agent who was dispatched besides Kalifa - Bruno, the Gate Fruit power user!

The place they were in at this time was an alien space created by the power of the Menmen Fruit.

In this space, it is enough to ensure that their conversation will not be eavesdropped by anyone.

"What happened!?"

As soon as the space door closed, Bruno, who was in charge of liaison work, immediately showed a puzzled look on his face and asked his two colleagues.

As the strongest person in this five-year lurking mission, Rob Lucci's eyes suddenly flashed fiercely.

He raised his head and said to Bruno word by word:

"There's an emergency!"

"Today...we saw Nico Robin, who is wanted by the World Government, at Carrera's company headquarters!"

"Nico Robin!? The devil's son!?"

Bruno's expression changed.

The next second, he suddenly remembered something: "Wait a minute!"

"I remember that Nicole Robin, she should be the last survivor of O'Hara..."

"Information says she is an extremely dangerous being who can read ancient texts!"

"Doesn't it mean..."

"That's right! That's Nico Robin!"

"With her ability, she can perfectly help us decipher the contents of Pluto's design!"

"Now the location of Pluto's design has been determined, and it is on Franky's body."

Kaku on the side nodded seriously:

"Barry suddenly transferred us to handle other work in the morning, which wasted a lot of time."

"Now we urgently need to get in touch with the above to determine the next course of action!"

"I see."

Bruno nodded immediately, and then immediately took out a miniature phone bug from his body.

But before he can press the quick dial button...

But a big hand suddenly appeared from behind him, and under the shocked eyes of Lu Qi and Kaku, it grabbed Bruno's neck.

"As expected of an agent of CP9!"

"To find such a hidden place..."

"But now, it's mine!!!"

Peng! ! !

A direct mental shock from Chihong instantly stunned the brain of Bruno, who was of average strength. He rolled his eyes and passed out.

And this also indicates that the only way to leave this alien space has been completely cut off.

The red face that walked out of the extra-dimensional cave had a friendly smile on its face, but its eyes were constantly scanning Lu Qi and Kaku's bodies as if they were looking at the merchandise.

Ever since he discovered the two of them at the dock during the day, he had already left a spiritual imprint on them.

Under the guidance of the spiritual imprint, he also successfully used the different-dimensional hole to find this place.

"Are you... Nico Robin's companion!?"

After seeing the red figure, the expressions of Lu Qi and the two men suddenly changed, revealing expressions of extreme shock.

And the next second, the eyes of the two of them flashed fiercely.

Lucci and Kaku looked at each other.

As professional agents, they have a perfect rapport.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, the two people's bodies instantly turned into two swift black lights, maximizing the speed of Six Style Shave, attacking toward the mysterious red.

No matter what method Chi Hong used to find this alien space that only Bruno can open...

But from the moment he stepped here, it was already clear that he was an enemy of the World Government!

And when dealing with heretics that may have an impact on the plan, they have only one choice...

That is to completely eliminate it! ! !

However, facing the sudden attacks from Lu Qi and Kaku, Chihong just smiled indifferently:

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're going to attack me as soon as we meet. Do you think you're worthy of being a violent organization under the World Government?!"

"It's really unreasonable~"

The red eyes of Crimson Red, who had a crimson badge and had already become stronger, suddenly flashed.

Before the two of them could get closer, a line of deep purple venom suddenly flew out of his palm and swung towards Lu Qi and the two in front of him!


A harsh sound broke through the air.

Lu Qi's eyes widened. Feeling the danger, he immediately stepped forward and rose into the sky, avoiding the impact of the evil poison chain.

"Attention, Kaku!"

While avoiding the attack, Lu Qi did not forget to remind his colleagues behind him.

But behind him, Kaku, who was slightly less powerful, heard Lu Qi's reminder and realized the danger was coming, but it was already too late.

Kaku, who had no choice but to pause in the air, shouted helplessly:



With the dull sound of a hard object colliding, the chains condensed by toxins instantly circled around Kaku's body as if they had consciousness.

In the blink of an eye, he was completely bound by the evil chains.

Seeing this scene, Chihong couldn't help but clicked her tongue:

"Tsk tsk tsk~"

"The most powerful illusion among pirates is truly worthy of its reputation!"

"You actually dare to hold on in the face of poison-type moves. I'm really tired of living~"

As if in response to Crimson's words, Kaku's skin, which was bound by evil poison chains, suddenly turned into a deep purple poisoned state.

Only a few seconds passed, and his vitality quickly dissipated. He fell directly to the ground, with a painful expression on his face, and struggled violently.

Lu Qi, who used Moon Step to fly into the air, also looked shocked for a moment.

"Is it...is it a toxin!?"

"But how could it be so fast!"

He looked at Kaku on the ground in disbelief.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Where are you looking, Lucci!?"

"What!?" Lu Qi's eyes suddenly widened.

The next second...

Brilliant thunder suddenly bloomed behind him, forming a sharp thunder gun at an extremely fast speed.

puff! ! !

Without giving Lu Qi any chance to dodge, Chi Hong, who teleported over, directly pierced the thunder spear in his hand into Lu Qi's body and penetrated him!

The terrifying power of thunder surged out, raging in Lu Qi's body!


Lu Qi, who was shrouded in thunder and lightning, immediately let out a fierce scream.

And just when his consciousness was spreading due to the pain in his body, a pair of strange eyes suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Be loyal to me, Rob Lucci!"

It was like the devil's whisper echoing in Lu Qi's mind, turning into countless insects eating at his brain.

In an instant, Lu Qi suddenly realized something and his eyes widened, and his body twisted as hard as he could in an attempt to stop the power in his mind.

But no matter how he resisted, under the absolute suppression of strength, he could only be eaten away by the power in his mind.

[Pokémon: Rob Lucci]

【Level: 49】

[Gender: convex]

[Character: Arrogant (+Special Defense-Speed)]

[Attribute: evil, normal]

[Characteristics: Go its own way (highly unified thoughts and actions, will not fall into chaos)]

[Skill: Empty]

[Experience value: 0/7437]

[Total attributes: 793]

A few minutes later.

Chihong in the alien space turned off Lu Qi's attribute interface and couldn't help but feel emotional.

Who would have thought that CP9, who cornered the Straw Hats in the original timeline, would feel so weak now!

The total combat power is only 800 points, let alone in front of the three powerful forces of Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji...

Now even when facing Usopp and Chopper, he may not be able to perform well!

This is true even for Rob Lucci, the strongest member of CP9, not to mention everyone else in CP9.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Red's mind.

He raised his head again and glanced at the row of [Akatsuki] organization members in front of him wearing red clouds and black robes and whirlpool masks.

Chihong grinned: "Fortunately, the crimson badge brings more energy recovery rate, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with this group of world government elites."

With sharp eyes flashing, Chi Hong slowly took out a list from his arms and said seriously to the elites trained by the World Government in front of him:

"Next, your mission is to disrupt the attention of the world government and navy while operating in the name of the [Akatsuki] organization..."

"While you're at it, collect the materials above or related information for me as quickly as possible!"

While speaking, Chihong handed the list of materials compiled by Franky and Bingshan to everyone in the [Xiao] organization.

That's right.

Although Franky did not agree to join the Straw Hats, he was unusually touched by Red's proposal to "bombard Justice Island with a ship he built himself."

After repeated research with Bingshan and confirming the identity of the Straw Hats, Franky finally agreed to the Straw Hats' participation in the transformation of the Merry.

On the paper that Chihong handed over to the Akatsuki, various world-famous rare metals and woods were listed in detail.

Many of them are precious materials that even Bingshan, the president of Carrera Company, have difficulty obtaining.

Even the trunk of the treasure tree Adam can only be regarded as an upper-middle grade in this material list.

This shows how difficult it is to collect!

However, Chihong believes that this is definitely not a difficult problem for the world's top agents of the [Akatsuki] organization.


These materials are just the basic materials needed to upgrade the Meili!

It's a rare upgrade for the Merry. Everyone in the Straw Hats hopes that the Merry's body can be equipped with the world's strongest materials!

At the very least, you must have enough defensive capabilities to withstand the attack of a general!

So after collecting these precious materials, they still need to let Wapol fuse and upgrade these materials.

Although this will take a lot of time and energy, it's all for Mellie! ! !

Time passes slowly.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

During this week, several major events occurred in the world.

One of the most eye-catching ones...

Naturally, it was the resignation of Navy Marshal Sengoku!

With the tacit understanding of the world government and the navy, they put all the blame on the Sengoku.

Taking his incompetence as the root cause of all these changes, he finally performed a trick of Zhou Yu hitting Huang Gai in front of outsiders, and "forced" Warring States to resign voluntarily.

Until a new naval marshal is chosen, Lieutenant General He of the Naval Think Tank will be temporarily in charge of all affairs of the Navy.

With Sengoku's resignation, the entire Tianlong public execution incident seemed to have come to an end and came to an end.

It's just that all this is just an explanation performed by the world government and navy to the world.

In the Marshal's temporary office, Marinefando was split into two.

Temporary Marshal He was sitting on the main chair, and on the sofa next to him was the new member who had just joined the think tank - Sengoku.

He saw Crane pushing the material in his hand forward, a deep look flashing in his eyes.

"So... I really have no choice but to agree to Whitebeard's trade application, right!?"

Suck it~

Warring States held up the hot tea and exchanged identities with He.

"Now that it is confirmed that the Whitebeard Pirates will return to the new world, there is no point in continuing to imprison those pirates."

"If we can replace Flying Squirrel and other naval officers, it will be of great help to the current navy."


"Are you really sure you want to hand over Blackbeard to Whitebeard!?"

"Anyway, his current status is that of a commodore in our navy who has repeatedly accomplished extraordinary feats..."


After Warring States finished speaking, the entire temporary office fell silent instantly.

It was not until a long time later that He rubbed his wrinkled brows and sighed helplessly:

"So this is the pressure you bear every day, Sengoku!?"

"No wonder you always say you are envious of that idiot Garp..."

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