Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 213: Promoting the City University Incident (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 213: Advancing the City University Incident (please subscribe~)


The calm sea surface was like a huge rock falling into the water, and suddenly a huge wave broke out, and the water waves rose into the sky.

I saw a pirate ship appear inexplicably on the sea surface, squeezing the sea water around.

The exciting undulating waves washed over the pirate ship and rocked it left and right, causing the pirates on board to turn pale with fright at the sudden turn of events.

And near this pirate ship, there is a large frozen field.

With a few crashing sounds, Kidd and his gang, who had mysteriously disappeared from Loas Island, suddenly appeared here.


The remaining thunder and lightning was still destroying Kidd's body, causing him to wail in pain.


It was only then that Kil and other senior members of the Kidd Pirates reacted and quickly shouted in panic.


Kidd, who fell to the ground, slowly woke up from the pain, and suddenly saw a pair of classic sneakers appearing in his sight.


"W-who are you!?"

With the help of Keir, Kidd, who had fallen into a state of paralysis, stood up hard and angrily questioned the person in front of him.

"Then I'm really sorry~"

"After all, I'm just an inconspicuous trainer from an insignificant pirate group."

Red came to Kidd with a smile on her face, a calm smile in her eyes.

After hearing the owl's report, Chi Hong didn't wait much, and directly followed the eternal pointer of Royas Island and pursued it all the way.

He has obtained a green badge and his basic physical fitness has reached the level of an elite naval vice admiral. With just a little effort, his electromagnetic floating speed is infinitely close to the speed of sound.

Just in time, when Chihong arrived at the port of Loas Island, he saw his target Eustace Kidd bullying a passerby.

"By the way..."


Chihong suddenly stopped and looked at Kidd and others opposite with a kind face.

"You just said...who are the trash pirates?"


The bright electric light once again shined in the red palm.

Kira and other ordinary pirates were so frightened that they helped Kidd back away.

Realizing that Chi Hong was quite powerful, they quickly took out their weapons and confronted Chi Hong after they opened a safe distance.

However, at this moment, Kidd stretched out his hand to stop his subordinate.


"You are no match for them!"

Having personally experienced Chihong's ability, he now knew that his subordinates would never be his match.

Kidd's eyes darkened, recalling Chi Hong's words after appearing on the scene, and an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Wait a minute! Are you a member of that Straw Hat Pirates!?"

"I didn't expect that you still have some brains?!"

Red grinned and responded to him calmly.

"..." Upon hearing this, Kidd's eyes suddenly flashed with a scarlet color of hatred.

But he also realized that Chihong's strength was extraordinary, but he finally suppressed his impatience and said with deep eyes:

"It seems that I underestimated you!"

"I never thought there would be someone as strong as you on the sea!"

Kidd, who still had the power of thunder and lightning left in his body, stood up forcefully and looked at Red with wary eyes.

But Chihong smiled calmly: "There are many things in this world that you haven't thought of."

"It's just a pity..."

"You have no chance to think carefully!"


Kidd, who felt inexplicably uneasy, suddenly widened his eyes.

But before he could react in the paralyzed state, Chihong had already raised his sharp claws and released the roaring power of thunder, aiming at the many pirates behind Kidd.

boom! ! !

Without any warning, Chihong suddenly used the power of the lightning bird and blasted the endless thunder towards Kira and other pirates!


Seeing this scene, Kidd quickly shouted loudly.

But the terrifying power of thunder was not affected by his shouts at all, and flew in front of the Kidd Pirates at a rapid speed.

Although Chihong's basic strength is at the level of an elite lieutenant general...

But with the blessing of the Lightning Bird template, the attack intensity he can unleash is already comparable to that of an entry-level emperor and deputy-level expert!

Facing today's Kidd Pirates, it's all a dimensionality reduction attack!


Under the dazzling thunder, Kira and others instantly let out a tragic cry.

But then the screams quickly weakened.

It wasn't because the thunder that destroyed them disappeared, but because under the destructive thunder, Kidd's subordinates fell to the ground one after another, covered in charred black...

Completely lost the breath of life.

"Kira!!! Everybody!!!"

The dazzling laser light shone on Kidd's face, illuminating a pair of extremely desperate eyes.

"Now... you should know who is the trash pirate group, right?"

At this moment, Chihong's mocking laughter suddenly came.

Chi Hong has no intention of holding back against the Kidd Pirates, a group of guys who are constantly killing people everywhere just for their reputation.

Kidd, who heard Chi Hong's voice, suddenly turned his head and turned his cleft eyes to Chi Hong.

"Damn bastard!!!"

"I want you to die!!!"

Kidd, who saw his partner die with his own eyes, was instantly blinded by hatred.

At this moment, he even forgot about his paralysis.

Under the violent mood swings, Kidd suddenly felt a domineering aura.

It was the domineering and domineering aptitude hidden in his body.

However, such a weak domineering domineering power, not to mention the red who has super power to protect the soul and brain, even Usopp and Chopper in the Straw Hats will not be affected by this level of domineering domineering. harm.

The tyrannical momentum swept out like a storm, stirring up the surrounding wind and clouds.

But this scene, which was enough to shock most pirates, resulted in a sudden sparkle in his red eyes.

“It’s really good~”

"Magnetic Fruit + Overlord Color Dominance..."

"Well...he is quite a character."


"When you grow up, you will be the leader of the [Akatsuki] organization."

"As for now..."

A mysterious purple-pink light suddenly bloomed in his red eyes, looking across at Kid who was activating the fruit's ability against the pirates.

In an instant...

Kidd's movements suddenly stopped.

Although on the ghost island two years later, Kidd burst out with the power of a top lieutenant after awakening from the fruit...

But now he is just a pirate who has been rewarded with a bounty higher than his own strength because of his cruelty.

His domineering qualifications may make him more difficult to control than others, but that's all!

One of the leaders of the extremely evil era, the Kidd Pirates, has completely withdrawn from the stage of history.

However, Kidd's name will continue to spread across the sea in another form.

A few days later.

After less than half a month of research and preparation of materials, the transformation of the Meili finally officially began on a sunny morning.

"Don't worry, Merry!"

"I just fell asleep for a while, nothing will happen."


In Carrera Company's largest shipyard, everyone from the Straw Hats stood on the bow of the Meili and stepped forward one after another to comfort little Meili who was about to undergo transformation.

Although it has been confirmed that the modification of the hull will not affect the existence of Xiao Meili...

But after all, it is a large-scale "surgery" and the duration will not be too short, so neither the Straw Hats nor Little Meili are actually that peaceful inside.

"Don't worry, everyone!"

Meili, who knew the importance of this transformation to her, nodded vigorously, and then looked at the designers and shipbuilders of this transformation:

"I'll leave everything to you two."

"You're welcome!"

Bingshan responded politely immediately.

Although this was not the first time he had come into contact with Meili, every time he saw such a clear ship spirit appearing in front of him...

He couldn't help but be shocked in his heart by the identity and methods of the Straw Hats.

Franky, on the other hand, showed absolute confidence and carelessness in this regard.

"Hahahaha! Leave everything to me, SUPER!!!"

"I guarantee that this will definitely be the most super+super ship in the world!!!"

"Everything is up to you!"

At this time, Luffy also had a solemn expression on his face, entrusting the Meili to Bingshan and Franky.


Feeling Luffy's fiery eyes, Bingshan and Franky also nodded seriously.

Bingshan said with relief: "With the materials you provided and the existence of the person with the ability to swallow the fruit..."

"The renovation plan for the Meili will not take more than half a month at most!"

"It can be completed just one week before the arrival of Aquaragna, the God of Water."

The Gods of Water are a strange natural phenomenon in the sea area where the Seven Waters Capital Island is located. It is a huge tsunami that can cover the entire city.

Although the buildings on the island have been reinforced with special materials and technologies, they will not be afraid of being washed away and baptized by tsunamis...

But when it comes to the transformation of the Meili, there is no room for any surprises in this kind of thing.

It's a pity that what the Mellie has to undergo is not an ordinary transformation. There are many environmental factors and tools that only Carrera's dock can achieve.

Otherwise, Chi Hong really wants to put the transformation of the Meili in the safe and harmless world of Labu's abdominal cavity.

In this way, the long-prepared Meili transformation plan finally officially started.

However, perhaps it was the Straw Hat gang's previous live broadcast of the execution of the Draco on Sky Island that really opened a new door to the world.

It is obvious that the world has not yet recovered from the two major events of [Sky Island God Slayer] and [Whitebeard's attack on the Navy Headquarters].

Another major event that shook the entire world, and no one expected it...

happened! ! !

Peng! ! !

"How can this be!?"

In the relocation of Marine Fando, Sengoku, who had resigned as marshal, angrily stood up and looked at the information that had just been delivered in disbelief. The relaxation and comfort on his face were no longer there.

Opposite him, the temporary marshal He also had a face full of anger.

Before their heads could think too much, a rapid ringing of the phone suddenly interrupted the atmosphere between them.

Looking at the ringing phone bug, He hesitated for a moment, but finally picked up the phone bug's receiver.

"Warring States!!!"

As soon as the bug picked up the phone, there was a deep and angry roar.

Hearing this voice, Crane's brows suddenly frowned.

Knowing the identity of the person opposite the phone bug, she immediately replied:

"Lord Wu Laoxing, I am the temporary marshal of the navy, Crane!"

However, the phone bug continued angrily:

"Don't talk to me about these useless things!"

"I know Sengoku is on your side!"

The phone bug continued to roar: "Sengoku, you still think the World Government has lost enough people!?"

"Do you know how much harm your incompetence has caused to the government!?"

"After completing the relocation of the Navy Headquarters, select a new Navy Marshal for me immediately!"

"Don't put a mess of a guy in charge of the navy!"


The phone caller was hung up hard by the other party.

Warring States and He were left standing in the quiet office, speechless one after another.


Sengoku raised his arms and wanted to say something.

But He directly interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "I'm fine."

She was already well-informed and her mood was not affected by Wu Laoxing's ignorance.

Because at this point in time, there was a more important thing that she needed to deal with.

Crane spread out the information on the table.

Several dilapidated photos instantly caught their eyes.

At the top of the photo, there is the gate of Impel Down City.

It’s just that the door of the deep sea prison was originally closed...

The picture shown in the photo is completely ruined!

A large number of corpses of prison guards and marines lay on the ground, bleeding into rivers.

Warring States frowned and came over with an unbelievable look on his face:

"Why are these two guys hanging out together!?"

"What exactly is going on!?"

I saw him picking up a photo that was buried under the photo of Impel Down.

On the photo, there are two men and a group of prisoners.

It's just that when these guys were photographed, they were all suspended in the air and flying away into the distance.


"Golden Lion, your skills are really inferior!"

"You won't lose strength again after fighting me, right?"

Above the boundless sea, a small island is suspended among the high-altitude clouds.

And on this small island, there was the unpleasant laughter that belonged exclusively to Blackbeard.

I saw an extremely arrogant look on Blackbeard's face, laughing and mocking the golden lion who could be said to be in control of his life at this moment.

The golden lion, which was always wary of Blackbeard and suspended higher in the sky, glanced at him haughtily.

"Kid! If I were you, I would never laugh so loudly!"

"Aren't you afraid of accidentally attracting the navy's pursuit team?"

Having said that, at this moment, Golden Lion was actually a little surprised that he and Blackbeard...

He actually broke into Impel Down City and brought out a group of extremely vicious criminals!

With the addition of these powerful men, they might really be able to...

Complete those plans that only existed in your imagination!

Of course, the premise of all this is...

He and this guy whose name has the same [D] as Roger can continue to cooperate!

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