Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 214 Red’s methods (seeking for subscription)

Chapter 214 Red’s methods (seeking for subscription~)

"Blackbeard and Golden Lion...actually cooperated to attack the Deep Sea Prison!!?"

In the early morning, the morning light like a sharp sword pierces the dark night, making the world bright again.

The red face that had just bought today's newspaper from the newspaper bird showed an indescribable look of shock.

"This world is really becoming more and more incomprehensible to people."

After reading the entire report, he expressed such emotion.

Next to him, Sauron also frowned following Crimson's words:

"I remember Chihong that you mentioned that at the bottom of the deep-sea prison, there are many horrific criminals who have left a terrible reputation in the world."

"Now these criminals have been rescued by Blackbeard and Golden Lion..."

"Their power is probably comparable to the so-called Yonko Pirates, no! Even more powerful than the Yonko Pirates, right!?"

"That's not the case."

Chi Hong closed the newspaper, shook his head and chuckled:

"Those who are truly strong, few would choose to succumb to others."

"Not to mention the old and frail golden lion and an unknown black beard."

"Even if they...succeeded in getting through the top and bottom of Impel Down City."

As he spoke, his red eyes flashed.

To be honest, Blackbeard jumped out again and again and caused major events that became more and more grand each time, which made Chihong have to wonder if this guy really has any great luck.

After all, judging from the fact that the pirate world has such a thing as a lucky fruit, even adding a hidden setting of luck will not make people feel out of place.

Just like the storm that suddenly appeared when Roger was surrounded by the golden lion fleet.

The only problem is that now this guy who seems to be carrying a lot of luck is already at odds with the Straw Hat Pirates!

Chihong tapped the table gently, and pursed the corners of her mouth slightly, making a thoughtful look.

"Blackbeard can no longer be allowed to continue to develop. It seems that it is time to find something for this future hero."

With his thoughts settled, Chi Hong immediately waved his hand, took out a phone bug from a mysterious hole in another dimension, and then started dialing skillfully.

After just a few rings, the phone was picked up instantly.

Before the other person could speak, Chi Hong took the lead and grinned and said:

"Mr. Morgans, I have a big free news here. I wonder if you are interested in listening to it!?"

at the same time.

New world, aboard Moby-Dick.

The Whitebeard Pirates, who had just picked up Jingudo and other pirates, were holding a celebration banquet for everyone on the deck.

Although this confrontation with the navy caused heavy damage to the Whitebeard Pirates.

But being a pirate is a profession where you keep your head above your waistband.

Especially for such a large pirate group, the death of a partner is not something too bizarre and serious.

Grief has been left in the past.

As the freest beings on the sea, they still have to continue singing loudly for future adventures.

In the crowd, Marco held his wine glass high, his feather-like hair fluttering gently in the sea breeze, and cheered:


"To the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates!!! Cheers!!!"


All the pirates responded in unison, with smiles on their faces.

Thinking back to the naval hero Garp who was knocked away by his father's blow during the transaction with a look of disbelief on his face, they felt inexplicably happy in their hearts!

After all, just a few days ago when Whitebeard was seriously injured, they were bullied by two guys, Garp and Sengoku.

In the end, if their father hadn't supported his seriously injured body and activated his ability again to trigger a tsunami that drove away the navy's pursuing warships, they wouldn't have known how long they would have been able to escape.

But now, everything is different!

Dad's injuries have completely disappeared, and his strength has increased significantly as a result.

From the surprised expression on Garp's face just now, it is enough to see how terrifying the change in dad's strength is!

This old guy obviously came to trade with the Whitebeard Pirates on behalf of the Navy, but in the end he insisted on giving some color to the Whitebeard Pirates after the transaction...

In the end, he was directly knocked away by Whitebeard's concussive power, which scared the navy warships and immediately fled to rescue the naval hero Garp who fell into the sea.

Even though it was just a simple duel, at that moment, the entire sea and sky seemed to be torn apart by two gods!

And Whitebeard, who finally won, perfectly echoed his title of "The Strongest Man in the World"!

And all of this is thanks to Brother Ace's mysterious pirate group.

The banquet is in full swing.

As the biggest contributor to this crisis, Ace was often drunk by his friends.

In particular, Jin Guduo, the captain of the 11th Squadron who had just been rescued, became even more ferocious after being drunk.

After all, judging from the results in this morning's newspaper, if Ace hadn't brought back so many mainstays of the Navy, the Whitebeard Pirates would be eligible to trade with the Navy...

He was very likely to encounter the Golden Lion and Blackbeard who broke into Impel Down City in his weakest state.

With the hatred between them, the possibility of him surviving can be said to be very slim.

In fact, another hidden purpose of this sudden banquet is to eliminate the fear and uneasiness in some people's hearts through this playful and festive way.

In this way, a grand banquet was held all day and night.

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that Marco woke up from the crowd of people lying on the floor to the sound of a newspaper bird.

After habitually paying for today's newspaper, he immediately had a brand new World Economic News in his hands.

But before Marco could completely sober up, his eyes were attracted by a huge title on the cover:

【Shock! The world's first person with dual fruit abilities may be born! 】

The photo on the cover is none other than the hated former partner of the Whitebeard Pirates - Blackbeard! ! !

In the newspaper photo, Blackbeard, who had lost his arm, was wearing a navy justice cloak stained with bright red blood, with a cruel and arrogant laugh on his face, holding a prison guard's neck with one hand.

The traces of wear and tear on the cloak due to the battle made Blackbeard look like a hero who had returned from hell and was about to burn the whole world with his anger.

have to say.

Photographers in the Pirate World have always been so passionate about the art of photography.

Of course, what surprised Marco was definitely not the dark and handsome photo of Blackbeard.

"No wonder Blackbeard, the bastard, wants to get this fruit power even if he wants to betray the pirate group and kill his companions!"

"It seems that this guy has been planning on using the Dark Fruit's power for a long time!"

Marco's eyes suddenly flashed with light under his lenses.

Realizing that this information was very important, he clutched the newspaper tightly and walked towards Whitebeard's room.

Soon after, a meeting among the top brass of the Whitebeard Pirates was held in Whitebeard's captain's room.

The room covered by Whitebeard's huge figure still seemed so empty and huge even if it contained all the squad captains.

Whitebeard sat on the captain's throne with a serious look on his face, completely gone from the happiness and joy he had at yesterday's banquet.

As the host of the meeting, Marco spread out today's newspaper so that everyone could read the contents of the newspaper.

In this newspaper, all the information about the special natural devil fruit, the Dark Fruit, is recorded in detail!

These include features that prevent ability users from activating abilities, absorbing and converting fruit abilities, and being unable to become elementalized.

And this is the method used by Chihong to suppress Blackbeard's "luck"!

Even in this information given to Morgans for free, Red also listed the fruit abilities that may be plundered by Blackbeard.

The first one to bear the brunt is naturally the Shock Fruit of Whitebeard, who is known as the most terrifying power in the world!

The second is the Piao Piao Fruit ability possessed by the Golden Lion who is currently working with Blackbeard!

Then there are a series of powerful fruit abilities such as fusion fruit, soul fruit, poison fruit, surgery fruit, shadow fruit, sweet fruit...etc.

From top to bottom, Chihong listed a total of ten fruit abilities and gave a brief introduction to each of their abilities.

It can be said that this newspaper not only introduced Blackbeard's dark fruit ability, but also revealed some information about the fruit ability that is unique to the strong.

Of course, the overall tone of the entire article is still focused on introducing the ability of the Dark Fruit, and based on the inference above, Blackbeard's next action goal is briefly speculated.

It can be said……

From the publication of this newspaper, the dark fruit ability that is so mysterious to people in the world will no longer be covered at all and will be completely exposed to the public's vision.

At the same time, it also showed the world how terrifying this fruit's ability is!

At Chihong's strong request, Morgans even polished the pen himself, and at the end of the report told a wonderful scene in which all members of the Blackbeard Pirates will have powerful fruit abilities in the future.

The whole article is impartial and just like a simple popular science article.

However, when this information fell into the eyes of some interested people, it immediately became different.

For example, the Whitebeard Pirates at this moment!

"Dad! We can't wait any longer!"

In the silent captain's room, Ace suddenly stood up from the table and spoke seriously to Whitebeard.

In fact, he had already known the information in the newspaper from Chihong's mouth.

It's just that at that time, they had been preparing a live broadcast plan to encircle Wei, rescue Zhao, and rescue the Whitebeard Pirates, so no one took it completely to heart.

Even Chihong never thought that Blackbeard would be able to get comeback opportunities one after another in such a desperate situation.

The content of this report also successfully awakened Ace's memory.

While others are still shocked and wondering whether such outrageous content in the newspaper is true...

But he had already started to say to everyone:

"Dad, Chihong once told me some information about the Dark Fruit, which is almost the same as what is in this report!"

"We must pay attention to this matter!"

"Blackbeard used to be alone."

"Now, he has gathered around him a group of top criminals who escaped from the deep sea prison!"

"Once they gain various fruit abilities under Blackbeard's ability, they will definitely become a force that cannot be underestimated!"

"Instead of waiting until then and regretting it, I think we should immediately organize manpower and collect information about Blackbeard now..."

"We must definitely kill him before he truly grows up!!!"


After hearing Ace's words, Whitebeard exhaled two streams of hot white breath from his nose and nodded in approval.

Although in the eyes of the truly strong, domineering power is the power that overrides everything!

But it is undeniable that powerful fruit abilities can also cause headaches.

What's more, killing the traitor Blackbeard was what they had to do.

Without too much hesitation, Whitebeard turned his head:

"Marco, go to the underground black market and issue a wanted order worldwide in the name of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Any information related to Blackbeard is true. Reward: 100 million beli!!!"

"If we can find Blackbeard directly and provide accurate location information, we will be rewarded..."

"One billion Baileys!!!"

"Yes! Dad!"

After receiving the instruction, Marco immediately nodded and walked out of the captain's room to arrange relevant matters.

The white beard in the captain's room continued to arrange the work content for the other captains.

Even without mentioning the ability of the Dark Fruit, Blackbeard, who has now won over many strong men, is a force that cannot be underestimated.

Whitebeard, who had almost capsized once, was extremely serious and serious at this time.

And at the same time.

Naturally, the information published by Chihong in the World Economic News cannot only affect the Whitebeard Pirates.

Wano Country, Onigashima.

Kaido, who had just learned the information about the Dark Fruit from Jhin's mouth, was sitting on the throne of Yousen. At this moment, his ferocious face showed the look of thinking that belongs to a wise man.

"A fruit ability that allows you to freely plunder fruit abilities!?"

"I never thought there was such power in the world!"


Kaido suddenly spoke in a deep voice, causing Jhin, one of the three major signboards representing "Fire Disaster", to immediately lean over and listen.

"Find a way for me to contact this Blackbeard, and ask him if his fruit ability can rob the ability of animal-type ability users!"

"I looked at the fruit abilities written in the newspaper, but all of them are superhuman."

New World, Cake Island.

"Well, well, well~"

"It's so interesting!"

The aunt was lying on a huge soft bed, drooling at the corners of her mouth, looking at the newspaper that was enlarged to match her body shape.

"You can actually plunder other people's abilities for your own use!"

"Katakuri, hold a tea party for me, and be sure to invite this Blackbeard to attend!"

"Also...ask him if he is interested in becoming my 42nd husband!"

"Well, well, well, well~!!!"

Suddenly, a burst of laughter from an old woman who yearned for her husband suddenly sounded in the sky above Cake Island, causing many men living on the island to tremble in their lower limbs and become inexplicably nervous.

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