Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 215 Meili evolves! (6k, please subscribe)

Chapter 215 Meili evolves! (6k, please subscribe~)

"Dark fruit?"

"It can plunder the abilities of people with abilities, and it can also allow you to have multiple fruit abilities at the same time!?"

"There is such a powerful fruit ability in the world!?"

Following a report from World Economic News, the eyes of countless powerful people around the world were instantly mobilized, focusing on the name [Marshall D. Teach].

"Jie hahahaha... So this is your power, Teach!"

"You really have eaten up all the limelight this time!"

Thousands of meters above the blue sky, dozens of small islands magically hover in mid-air, connected to each other through graceful waterways, forming a magnificent natural wonder.

Among them, in the middle and largest sky island, there is a huge palace with gold as the main color, which stands tall and majestic.

The golden lion sat on the throne in the main hall of the palace, looking at the black beard next to him with a half-joking, half-suspicious look.

After all, it was mentioned in the newspaper that the second fruit ability Blackbeard wanted to plunder was his Piao Piao Fruit ability!

Recalling the greedy look in Blackbeard's eyes when he and Blackbeard first met, Golden Lion was very sure...

Even if the content in this newspaper is biased, it is definitely not a nonsense report.

"a ha ha ha……"

A look of embarrassment suddenly flashed across Blackbeard's face as he was stared at by the golden lion.

However, Blackbeard, who is the best actor in One Piece, grasped his emotions instantly and came to the Golden Lion with a glass of soju. After maintaining a safe and polite distance, he poured the wine into him and said:

"Senior Shi Ji, can't you listen to the slander from outside?!"

"The two of us are partners who hit it off immediately!"

"Have you forgotten the tacit cooperation we had when we were killing everyone in Impel Down City!?"


Looking at the natural-looking black beard in front of him, the golden lion immediately groaned and picked up the wine glass in front of him.

All of a sudden!

He made eye contact with Blackbeard, who just raised his head.

The two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

Although a mere report exposed many secrets of Blackbeard, it also made Golden Lion more wary of him.

But who can become a legend without a bit of arrogance in his heart.

At least in the Golden Lion's view, the benefits Blackbeard can bring to him far outweigh the dangers he poses.

Blackbeard also needs the Golden Lion to provide a safe place and use his status as a legendary pirate to endorse himself, so that he can secretly recruit the criminals he values ​​​​under his command.

Because this time they were cooperating with Golden Lion, they used the special technology provided by Indygo to briefly cut off the communication equipment of Impel City, and then cleared the entire Impel City as quickly as possible.

With the combined efforts of the two of them, not even Magellan's poison could stop him at all.

In the end, the Golden Lion directly waved his hand and relied on the absolute convenience of the Piao Piao Fruit to bring all the criminals who were willing to leave with them on the third floor of the Push City back to their own Sky Island territory.

Generally speaking, the contents of this newspaper did not affect the cooperative relationship between the two people too much, except for making Golden Lion more wary of Blackbeard.

Even after learning that Blackbeard's dark power could rob others of their fruits, the Golden Lion valued this dangerous partner even more!

Time passes quickly.

In the blink of an eye, several days have passed since Red revealed Blackbeard's abilities.

I don’t know if it’s because of the recent big news that has broken out one after another, so that this report about the Dark Fruit, except for the concern of a few concerned people, did not cause too many waves in the world.

But at least...

The goal that Chihong wanted to achieve has been successfully achieved!

"A pirate who was once imprisoned in Impel Down appeared in the West Sea, knocked out a fruit user and took him away!?"

"I didn't expect the golden lion's endurance to be even lower than I thought!"

"Is it because you know you don't have long to live?"

In Labu's abdominal world, Chi Hong, who had just finished plowing the land for Usopp, received the information sent back from members of the [Akatsuki] organization, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised slightly.

As the saying goes, when you find a cockroach at home, it means that there is already a group of cockroaches in your home.

Now that the Impel City pirates can be seen, it means that Golden Lion and the others have already begun to move on a large scale.

"Xihai..." A flash of light flashed in his red eyes, and he immediately said directly to Xiao on the other side of the phone:

"Distribute this information to the black market, and then continue to observe the movements there."

"The navy and the world government have suffered setbacks one after another recently, and their ability to rule the sea has been greatly reduced..."

"At this time, it is a great opportunity for all kinds of demons and monsters to come out of their caves."

“I just don’t know who will be the one favored by the sea in the end?”

"What do you think, Luffy?"

Chi Hong suddenly tilted his head and looked at Luffy who was eating so much next to him.

Instead, Luffy got a confused look on his face: "What are you talking about, Red? You're babbling..."

"If you don't start it, Sanji's food will get cold!"

"Hey, hey, hey~" Looking at the captain who only knew how to eat, Chi Hong suddenly smiled helplessly.

He racked his brains to help Luffy suppress his future competitors, but this guy only had food and food on his mind...

He has paid so much for this family!

"This day has finally arrived!!!"

In the largest dock in the Capital of Seven Waters, everyone in the Straw Hats stood excitedly next to a huge curtain, their eyes shining with anticipation.

At the same time, a group of elite shipwrights from Carrera Shipbuilding Company slowly left the scene.

Although they were short of manpower, Bingshan also allowed them to participate in part of the Meili's transformation work...

But for the truly core secret areas, they were all created by the joint efforts of Franky and Bingshan.

"You guys got here really fast!"

Franky, who was standing on both sides of the curtain with Bingshan, saw the people in straw hats, and an excited smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Obviously, at this time, he was also very much looking forward to the moment when the new Merry was unveiled in front of the Straw Hats.

Frankie couldn't wait and grinned directly. His moving body made a sound like metal friction, and he glanced at everyone.

A smart look moistened his eyes.

"I have to admit, you are really a group of pirates that can bring about miracles!"

"I never thought that in this era, someone would be able to reproduce the [Ancient Weapon Pluto]..."

"But now, you have truly accomplished this!"

"It's an honor to be invited to be the modifier of this battleship!"

"The Straw Hat Pirates!!!"

Frankie and Bingshan suddenly put their hands on the heavy curtain.

The next second, the two of them worked together.

"If one day in the future, you become the pirate king and conquer this sea..."

"Get aboard this battleship that belongs to the king!!!"


The huge curtain fell instantly.

In an instant, a bright golden light shone in front of Luffy and the others.

Direct sunlight like a spotlight shines on this brand new ship.

The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was the bow of the King Meili's ship, glowing with brilliant light!

The certificate of kingship from the Pokémon world was embedded on the bow of the ship by Franky and Iceberg in a special way.

Although the entire hull is still mainly made of wooden structure, it has a special layer of metal ripples.

This is a special material specially developed by Wapol for the Mellie. It not only has the lightness and toughness of a wooden structure, but also has the hardness and durability of metal.

Even Bingshan and Franky, who have made great achievements in the field of shipbuilding, couldn't help but look at Wapol with eager eyes when they saw this brand-new material.

It's a pity that this material is extremely expensive, and only the wealthy Straw Hat Pirates are qualified to use it as the main material of the ship.

And this also made Meili exude the aura of a high-ranking person at this time.

However, in the eyes of the Straw Hats, this aura was quiet and peaceful, which made them feel at ease.

In addition to the change in appearance, for the Straw Hats, the biggest change in Merry at this time is her body shape!

The Meili, which was originally only a light sailing ship, has been successfully expanded into a large four-masted sailing ship under the transformation of Bingshan and Franky!

The volume is several times larger than the previous Meili.

It's even bigger than the Sonny in Chihong's impression!

Two sails with the logo of the Straw Hat Pirates on them suddenly fell down as the curtain disappeared, and the dark pirate flag fluttered in the wind.

The gentle sea breeze blew into the empty dock and blew over the surprised faces of the Straw Hats.

Franky and Bingshan raised their arms at the same time, making an invitation:

"Come on, everyone!"

"Give your battleship a resounding name!"

Although according to convention, the name of a ship is generally determined by the creator of the ship.

But after all, Franky and Bingshan are just the modifiers of the Merry, so the right to name it is still in the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"New name!?"

Everyone who was about to board the ship to experience the new features of the Meili was stunned.

Chihong grinned: "That's right."

"Now that the Meili has a brand new look, it naturally needs a brand new name."

He turned his attention to his partners: "Come on, everyone, let's think of a resounding name for our partners!"

"Let me take the lead~"

His red eyes flashed and he looked at the certificate of king above the head of the Meili.

This was the reward item he obtained from the Advanced Ball after conquering the Frozen Bird.

Now placed on the top of Meili's head, although the size may not be very suitable, its built-in effect has become the main source of Meili's momentum.

With a flash of thought, Chi Hong suddenly smiled and said:

"Since it is the ship belonging to the Pirate King, why not call it - King Merry!"


After hearing Chi Hong's idea, the Straw Hats were suddenly stunned.

Usopp nodded and said: "It sounds quite impressive...but why does it feel a little strange for no reason?"

"Maybe it's because it's so easy to understand!"

Zoro laughed and stood up. As a person with the ability to name the fruit, he seemed to have a say at this moment.

The eyes of everyone in the Straw Hats instantly focused on him.

"A ship that can be ridden by a king is already a ship of kings, so there is no need to elaborate further."

"So instead of being called a king, I think it's better to call it - Six Paths of Reincarnation - Meili!"

"To symbolize Meili's new life!!!"

"Hello!? Doesn't this sound too weird?"

When Sanji heard the name, he immediately frowned and retorted.

Then he pinched the cigarette with one hand, glanced at the huge hull, and then said with a smile:

"Such a beautiful hull, of course it must be equipped with a name named Meili!"

"Why don't you call me lovely lady Meili?"

"What a messy name you have!"

With Sanji taking the lead, the style of the entire Straw Hats suddenly changed.

Everyone began to put forward their own ideas.

For example, Nami's Storm Thunder Merry, Usopp's Vientiane Senro Merry, Chopper's Sacred Heart Merry, Robin's Walker Merry...

And Luffy’s-lion-tiger dog Merry!

Finally, after everyone punched Luffy on the head, the farce came to an end.

Luffy, who was covered in bruises, slowly stood up and proposed again with an aggrieved look on his face:

"If you don't like it, why don't I change it to another one?"

He clutched the big lump on his head.

Ever since Nami, Robin and others have developed armed Haki as their levels have improved, Luffy's mischievous character has often earned him a beating.

But this time, Luffy showed a rare look of thought.

Under the eyes of everyone who had no expectations, he suddenly clenched his fist with one hand and slapped his palm.


"Hey, hey, Luffy, you're not going to come up with some random name, are you!?" Usopp muttered in disbelief.

But Luffy suddenly turned his head, looked at the brand new Merry, and laughed:

"Freedom Miles Sunshine Meili!!!"


The Straw Hats, who originally thought that Luffy would talk nonsense again, were all stunned, and a look of thinking suddenly flashed in their eyes.

And the natural red color in it made her eyes tremble.

"Wanli Sunshine?! Isn't this the original name of the Sonny?!"

"This name is supposed to come from an iceberg!?"

The confused Chi Hong immediately said: "Luffy, why did you name the Merry No. 1?"

"Ah?" Luffy scratched his head and smiled in confusion:

"Because we want to become the freest existence in the entire sea!!!"

"We want to travel with the Mellie to every sea area in the world, to every island, and to see all the sunrises and sunsets in the world, right?"

"Then why not call it the World Sunset?" Chopper, who didn't understand human culture very well, immediately asked curiously, but was directly covered by Usopp on the side.

Nami on the side was shocked and said: "Luffy! This is simply your most cultured episode!"

"Freedom and thousands of miles of sunshine?" Zoro repeated Luffy's suggestion, and then raised the corner of his mouth: "It sounds very good."

Sanji also nodded in agreement: "At least it's much stronger than someone's Six Paths of Reincarnation!"

"It sounds like your 'lovely lady' is very powerful."

"Sure enough, there is never anything serious in the head of a curly eyebrow!"

"What!? Bastard! Do you want to fight!?"

"Oh?! Who is afraid of whom?!"


Sauron instantly drew out his long knife: "Don't think that a fruit power can make you continue to be rampant! Sooner or later, I will chop off your legs myself!"

"Oh?" Sanji frowned: "I hope someone's slash can be as hard as his mouth!"

boom! boom!

"You two! Have you had enough trouble!!!"

Nami punched them hard twice, and Zoro and Sanji, who were quarreling for a moment, hit each other with their heads, knocking the two strong men who were already comparable to the Shichibukai into the ground instantly.

Then she looked at Robin again: "Robin, what do you think?"

Robin smiled when asked: "I think as a crew member, it is a good idea to listen to the captain's thoughts occasionally."

"What's more, Wanli Sunshine sounds very similar to my meaning as a traveler!"

"Does Robin also agree?" Nami finally turned to look at Chi Hong:

"So Chihong, what do you think of the name Freedom Wanli Sunshine Meili!?"

"My thoughts?"

Hearing this familiar name, a hint of emotion inevitably appeared on his red face.

Then he smiled slightly at Luffy:

"My thoughts... Of course, I will listen to whoever has more words!"

"Luffy, are you sure yet!?"


Luffy showed two rows of white teeth, put on his straw hat, opened his arms to the Merry and shouted:

"Then it's decided!"

"From today on, Meili's new name is——"

"Freedom Miles Sunshine Meili!!!"


The moment Luffy's words fell, a piece of sacred brilliance suddenly bloomed from the hull of the Merry, pouring onto the faces of the Straw Hats.

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, a flash of excitement suddenly flashed in his red eyes.

Although he had previously speculated that the modified Mellie might be able to start the evolutionary rules of the Pokémon world, but when all this appeared in front of his eyes...

Chi Hong inevitably became excited.

In this sacred light of evolution, the outline of the Meili also changed slightly.

This scene also made Frankie and Bingshan, two designers who personally participated in the renovation of the Meili, look extremely shocked on their faces.


The light of evolution goes as quickly as it comes!

After just a few seconds, everything became calm again.

But when everyone turned their attention to the Meili again, a look of wonder flashed in their eyes.

Even if it is red, it is no exception!

I saw that from top to bottom of the Meili at this time, even though the appearance did not change much, I don't know why, but it gave people a natural feeling!

The momentum is natural and vigorous, domineering yet free and easy!

It's almost like a creation conceived by nature, and it doesn't look like it was made by human hands at all.

The King's Certificate, which was originally forcibly placed on the bow of the ship by Franky, now turned into a real crown and was placed on Merry's head, fitting perfectly.

In the bow of the sheep-head ship, there is a pair of white wings, like wings of freedom, carrying the dreams of the partners to fly to more distant heights at any time.

"Everyone, long time no see!"

At this moment, a light voice suddenly came from above everyone's heads.

Chihong and others immediately looked up at the source of the sound.

In an instant, a young girl wearing a small crown on the right side of her head and a misty cloak, covering her face with a hazy look, fell from the sky and landed in front of everyone.

"Who are you……"

"Little Meili!!?"

Seeing the hazy girl in front of him who was completely different from the previous image of the ship elf, Chi Hong, who knew the rules of Pokémon evolution, was the first to react and asked in shock.

The girl crossed her legs and smiled.

Obviously she didn't show her face to everyone, but people could feel the joy and excitement in her heart at this moment.

"Of course~"

Little Meili, who was standing at the boat rail, turned around gracefully and cutely in front of everyone, and said with a naughty smile:

"Is there a second ship spirit in the Straw Hat Pirates!?"


It was only then that Luffy and the others realized what had happened and screamed in shock.

Immediately afterwards, everyone showed off their magical powers and came to the deck of the Freedom Wanli Sunshine Meili. They happily chatted with Little Meili in a new attitude.

We haven’t seen each other for half a month. Everyone misses Little Meili very much and wants to communicate with Little Meili.

At the same time, Chihong quietly stepped behind everyone, put her consciousness on the screen of the machine, and began to check Xiao Meili's new attribute panel.

[Pokémon: Freedom and Miles Sunshine Merry (Ship Elf Form)]

【Level: 32】


[Character: Naughty (+Attack-Special Defense)]

[Attributes: ghost, super power]

[Characteristic: Floating]


【HP: 121】

[Physical Attack: 92]

[Physical defense: 77]

[Special Attack: 120]

[Special Defense: 100]

[Speed: 78]

[Total: 588]


[Pokémon: Freedom and Miles Sunshine Mellie (Ship Form)]

【Level: 32】


[Character: Naughty]

[Attributes: steel, flying]

[Characteristic: Ancient Activity (Pokémon with this trait, when carrying a driving energy source or the weather is sunny, all attributes except HP will increase to a certain extent. The increase in speed is 1.5 of the increase in other attributes) times. )]


【HP: 126】

[Physical Attack: 120]

【Physical Defense: 112】

[Special Attack: 83]

[Special Defense: 70]

[Speed: 77]

[Total: 588]


"Sure enough, after the evolution, Meili's strength has improved by quite a bit!!!"

Looking at Meili's new attribute introduction, a satisfied smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her red mouth, and she murmured to herself in her heart.

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