Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 223 Chopper’s path (seeking for subscription)

Chapter 223 Chopper’s path (please subscribe~)


Looking at the untouched red thread, Zefa's face immediately showed a look of complete shock.

But the next second, a biting chill suddenly poured into his body.

"Frozen wind!" Chihong confided softly.

Before Zefa could react, a piece of frost had already spread along his crusher and invaded his body.


The cold wind howled, and Zefa's body suddenly became stiff due to the additional effect of the freezing wind.

"This is... Kuzan's ability!?"

Seeing such a strong sense of déjà vu, Zefa was suddenly shocked. He stepped hard on the ground with his legs, jumped back and distanced himself from Chihong.


Under the freezing power of ice, the crusher that originally emitted high-temperature heat also stopped.


Zefa, who stood firm, immediately raised his head and looked at Chihong opposite him with uncertainty in his eyes.

And Chi Hong did not choose to pursue the victory.

It can be seen from Zefa's terrifying blow just now that although he no longer has the strength of a general, he is at least above the Qibukai and below the top imperial lieutenants.

After possessing 8 badges, Chihong's basic strength has now reached the level of entering the Shichibukai for the first time.

Loaded with the divine beast template and able to use various moves of Freeze Bird and Lightning Bird, he could barely stand up to Zefa.

Fortunately, Chihong's goal was not to defeat Zefa from the beginning to the end.

All he wanted was to delay more time for his companions and prevent Zefa, a high-end combat power, from disturbing their fight.

No matter when, fighting with strong men is the fastest way to evolve the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates!

Thinking of this, his red eyes subconsciously looked at Chopper in the distance.

Although Nami was at his side to protect him, Chopper, who was surrounded by a group of naval admirals, inevitably suffered some attacks.

After all, his size is right there, making him a perfect target.

However, under the influence of pain, the crazy look in his eyes was gradually disappearing.

Then, a sparkling light was blooming faintly from the depths of his eyes.

"Little Chopper, you have to work hard!"

Seeing this scene, Chi Hong suddenly cheered for him secretly in his heart.

Nowadays, almost everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates has found their own path, except Franky who has just joined a few days ago.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the three powerful forces of Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji.

With the help of the fruit's ability, Usopp successfully embarked on a strange path that has never been done before or since.

Nami is also dedicated to the integration and application of weather science and Pokémon moves.

Robin also developed his mental power to an extremely terrifying level under the effect of meditation moves.

And as smart as she is, she has already developed a way to combine mental power with flower and fruit abilities.

Only little Chopper, although he has the blue wave ball to help him develop multiple transformations of fruit abilities, and he also has the magical property of fairy skin that makes his moves even weirder...

This ability may be pretty good compared to what he had before.

But placed in the Straw Hat Pirates, a team with monsters per capita, Chopper appears to be unusually ordinary.

Therefore, in order to prevent little Chopper from becoming the mascot and backup food of the Straw Hats, Red also deliberately wanted to find some ways for him to greatly improve his strength.

And strengthening the monsters under the blue wave ball is obviously a good direction!

Anyway, with Chihong's current methods, there is no need to worry about any sequelae that Chopper will have due to over-exploitation of the fruit's abilities.

Even the hidden diseases that cannot be cured in the Pokémon Center are only minor problems under the effect of the red sacred fire.

Red has been tested...

Although the sacred fire he controls cannot bring people back to life like the Phoenix King.

But if it's just "meat and white bones", for him it's just a matter of energy consumption and time!

The real-life battle with the navy not only allows little Chopper to gain more experience, but also effectively promotes his control over monster forms.

Is there anything more cost-effective in the world than this? !

"Hey! Kid! What are you looking at!?"

Just when Chihong was expecting Chopper to completely master the monster's enhanced form, Zefa's angry roar suddenly reached his ears.

Chihong turned her head subconsciously, but she suddenly saw Zefa, who had recovered from the effect of the freezing wind, looking at him with an angry look on his face.

"Ah, sorry, sorry~ I was just thinking about something!"

Seeing the expression of the former navy admiral who was already over seventy years old, Chi Hong immediately raised his hand and apologized with a chuckle.

However, his attitude of not taking Zefa seriously made the anger in Zefa's eyes even more intense!

Although he has retreated behind the scenes for many years, he is still a former naval admiral. How has he ever been so despised by his enemies! ?

All of a sudden!

Zefa also no longer thinks about what the red fruit's ability is.

I saw him raising the crusher in his hand again, his muscles tensed, and the aura on his body continued to rise.

"Arrogant brat! Don't think that just because you have obtained a powerful fruit ability, you can do whatever you want!"

“There are still many beings in this world that you should be in awe of!!!”

boom! ! !

The moment the words fell, Zefa's body ejected again, leaving a crack on the ground and flying towards Chihong like a cannonball.

"Crush the tornado!!!"

Zephyr roared angrily.

And when he came to Chi Hong, the crusher in his hand suddenly sounded a metallic sound of mechanism operation.

The huge crusher carried Zefa's power and smashed towards the red face at a terrifying speed.

The sound was so powerful that it directly swept the air to form a vortex of storm, as if it was going to completely knock down Chihong with this blow.


"What a domineering blow!"

Facing the impending danger, Chi Hong remained calm and stood there calmly.

The next moment, his figure suddenly flashed and appeared behind Zefa.

Chihong showed a disappointed look on her face, clicked her tongue and said:

"It's a pity...that object outside the body is still too clumsy for you after all!"

"What?! How is that possible!?"

Zefa's complexion suddenly froze when he saw the red figure accurately.

But under the influence of inertia, the crusher in his hand could no longer be controlled, and he could only continue to swing forward with the accumulated strength.

Rumble, rumble...

Like a thunderstorm of the god's wrath, a deafening sound suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

The impact force spurting from the crusher plowed a straight ravine directly into the land where the Tower of Justice was located, spreading to the sea in the distance.

In an instant, the boiling seawater poured directly down the ravine as if it had found a vent.

Zefa's figure also froze for a moment due to this blow.

To put it simply, it is a state of rigidity!


Although this is a very energy-consuming means of applying super power, it has to be admitted that...

On the premise that the opponent does not know the information, this move can always bring surprises to Chi Hong!


I saw the red wings spread out, and the whole person flew directly towards the sky behind.

The crystal blue wings drew two beautiful arcs in the air.

After pulling away from Zefa, a faint blue light flashed in his red eyes, and his tone became serious:

"Come and feel this familiar power! General Zefa!"

"Frozen Beam!!!"

Red instantly opened his sharp beak.

A bright and dazzling blue light suddenly bloomed in his mouth, gorgeous and magnificent.

As a frozen bird template, the power of the freezing beam is second only to the blizzard move. It not only has the obvious advantage of gathering speed.

In terms of attacking a single target, the effect it can achieve is even more powerful than the range-attack Blizzard!

The next second...

Whoosh! ! !

A blue beam of light suddenly shot out and hit Zefa's back.

There were no explosions or loud noises as expected.

When the blow containing the majestic ice attribute energy landed on Zefa's body, a flower of ice crystals bloomed on his back, spread all the way, and bloomed all over his body.

"Ze...General Zefa!?"

When the surrounding navy saw this, they immediately shouted in panic.

On the other hand, the crimson in the sky continued to flap its wings and stared warily at Zefa, who seemed to be frozen in time.

He is still self-aware.

In terms of defensive capabilities, after being enhanced by the machine many times, he may even be able to withstand attacks from generals.

But in terms of attack ability, his strongest attack now is only at the level of an ordinary emperor's deputy.

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