Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 224 Who lives in the big pineapple in the deep sea (please subscribe)

Chapter 224 Who lives in the big pineapple in the deep sea (please subscribe~)

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as expected.

A few seconds after Zefa was hit by the freezing beam, several cracks suddenly appeared on the lifelike ice sculpture.

next moment……


Countless ice crystals flew out, reflecting colorful lights in the air.

Zefa, who was exuding wisps of steam, turned around and looked at Honghong solemnly.

Space transformation, teleportation, flight ability, plus the power of ice just now...

To be honest, this is the first time Zefa has seen a fruit with so many abilities!

Even if this is the power of a cherished fantasy beast species.

For a moment, even he, who had never admired the fruit's ability, couldn't help but marvel at Crimson's power.

As everyone knows...

Chihong, he is not a fruit ability user at all! ! !

After several rounds of probing, both sides have learned everything about the other's strength.

And next, is the real contest between Chihong and the former navy admiral! ! !

boom! ! !

As if agreed upon, the crimson in the sky suddenly flapped its wings.

The agile wind sound obeyed his call and instantly turned into countless sharp wind blade slashes, falling towards Zefa below.

And Zefa also directly raised the huge and heavy crusher in his hand, resisting the wind blade while stepping on the moon steps to the high altitude.

Although aerial combat is not his strong point, he is still a former general. He has long been familiar with small skills such as the Sixth Form of the Navy, and it can even be said to be an instinct of his body.

The two instantly entered a serious state and began to fight on the ruins of the Tower of Justice.

Suddenly, broken ice crystals, disordered wind blades and continuous artillery fire occupied the sky above the entire island.

the other side.

A steady stream of naval forces were like dumplings, crossing the Bridge of Hesitation and pouring crazily into the Judiciary Island.

However, what greeted them was a powerful blow from the Straw Hat Fleet!

"Wahahahaha~ Boss Chopper, this is a critical moment, I won't let you go!"

Bartolomeo, who looked like a demon, stuck out his tongue and laughed loudly.

The next moment, a black-purple energy wave suddenly surged out like a wave, overwhelmingly sweeping towards the navy ahead.

"Ah! What is this!"



"Mom! I want to go home!!!"

The evil fluctuations that can affect the enemy's spirit instantly put the navy who had just landed into a state of cowering.

The navy warriors who were originally fearless in the face of any strong man for the sake of justice, now under the influence of the evil wave, have transformed into "deserter kings", running towards the rear crying one by one.

Such a scene immediately made a group of sailors who had just disembarked from the ship stunned and confused.

On the other side, a group of funny-looking pirates, like circus clowns, also had ferocious faces and arrogant smiles on their faces. They released various Pokémon moves like magicians, giving the navy team a head start. Thrash.

Bucky, wearing a gorgeous cloak, crossed his arms over his chest and laughed wildly like a warlord:

"Give them all to me! Let the Navy have a taste of the power of our Straw Hat Fleet!!!"

"Boys, bring his motherfucker over here!"

"Boom the fuck!!!"

Even facing the naval force led by the Vice Admiral, the two captains of the Straw Hat Fleet were not afraid at all.

Because one of them possesses considerable strength.

The other one has a group of young brothers with considerable strength!

At Bucky's order, a huge artillery piece as big as a turret was immediately carried over by several pirates with fighting attributes.

Then Bucky bullets were stuffed into the muzzle one after another.

The next moment...

boom! ! !

The blazing fire suddenly enveloped the entire sea.

A naval warship that had just approached the coast was directly hit by a Bucky shell before it had time to put down the navy on it.

Thick black smoke immediately enveloped the ship. Under the power of the new Bucky bomb, the naval warship that had sailed through countless sea areas was broken directly from the middle and slowly sank toward the sea below.

Kizaru and Zefa, who have high-end combat power, are restrained by Luffy, Red and others.

There is not much difference in strength between the two sides, and it is not clear who will be the final winner in a short period of time.

But the battle under high-end combat power is completely one-sided.

Nami, Robin, and Chopper have almost rounded up all the generals in the navy.

Even veteran navy vice-admirals such as Huo Shaoshan could only be beaten passively in their hands, with no possibility of fighting back.

In terms of grassroots combat strength, although the navy soldiers have an overwhelming advantage in numbers, with the power of the Pirates of the Double Toto Pirates who have learned Pokémon's moves, they are like sheep that have accidentally stepped into a pack of wolves. There is no ability to resist at all.

In this battle, no matter whether Luffy and the others can defeat Admiral Kizaru in the end, the winner is destined to belong to the Straw Hats!

"Support! We need support!!!"

Navy Headquarters.

Counting the time, He thought that Kizaru and others were almost done with the matter on Judiciary Island. After answering the phone, he didn't expect that a urgent cry for help came from the other side.

But before the sound finished playing, a roaring explosion suddenly came from the phone bug.

Immediately afterwards, the phone caller who had just been picked up fell down and fell into a coma without anyone calling him.

"what's the situation!?"

A look of astonishment and shock suddenly appeared on Crane's face.

"Judiciary Island... something happened!?"

She murmured in disbelief, and inadvertently tore up a document on the table with her nervous palms.

Ever since she temporarily took over the position of marshal for a period of time at the request of the Warring States Period, she only felt that her life span was at least three years shorter.

One accident after another happened one after another, so that she, a veteran who had forced Doflamingo into desperate situations many times, felt a little overwhelmed.

The struggling eyes flickered in He's eyes.

After a while, she picked up the phone and quickly dialed a number.

"Garp, your vacation is over!"

"Hurry up and report to Marinefando's temporary office!"

"What!? I'm only on vacation for three days!" On the other end of the phone, Kapuhuan suddenly yelled:

"Mrs. He, why are you becoming as annoying as that bastard from the Warring States Period!?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" He frowned and shouted: "This is an emergency. Kizaru and Zefa... may have an accident!"

boom! ! !


Along with a huge black hand, the navy elite Vice Admiral Huo Shaoshan was slapped into the earth, and he fell into a coma.

Chopper, who transformed into a monster form, suddenly opened his arms and let out a roaring roar at the chaotic sky.

next moment……

His body suddenly began to shrink.

He was originally more than ten meters tall, but immediately returned to his normal form of only half a man's height.


Chopper, who had maintained his monster form for too long, suddenly staggered and shook.

But at this moment, a figure exuding the fragrance of violet suddenly appeared behind Chopper, and then hugged him who was about to fall.

"Thank you for your hard work, Chopper."

Under Chihong's instructions, Robin, who was always concerned about Chopper's condition, smiled.

Immediately, he took out a well-prepared medicine from his chest and fed it to Chopper.

Under the magical effect of Pokémon props, the fatigue on Chopper's face immediately disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, he suddenly opened his eyes and jumped out of Robin's soft arms without any greed.

"I succeeded!"

Little Chopper, who had transformed into his normal form, raised his arms cutely, with a child-like smile on his face.

The hard work of nearly half a month has finally come to fruition at this moment!

Stimulated by successive battles, he finally succeeded in mastering the monster form!

Although there is no comparison in terms of methods and strength with other members of the Straw Hats, he has finally mastered a way to quickly become stronger.

In a short period of time, he only had to follow Chi Hong's plan for him...

Continuously increase the time in the monster form, become familiar with the changing fluctuations as much as possible, and achieve the goal of entering the monster form without using the blue wave ball.

Sooner or later, he will develop his own super abilities like other friends!

Chopper is convinced of this! ! !

Boom! ! !

With the last blast of cannon, the last battleship of the Navy was completely sunk by Bucky.

So far...

Among the naval fleets that came to support Judiciary Island, except for the two powerful combatants Kizaru and Zefa, there was no one who could stand up and continue fighting!

A dozen vice admirals, dozens of rear admirals, commodores, and nearly 1.5 million naval soldiers including members of Judiciary Island...

With such a huge military power, it would be easy to destroy even a small country.

But now, they were completely wiped out by the strength of a handful of Straw Hat crew members!

Although there is still a big gap between the level of the Four Emperors...

But now the Straw Hats can be called the number one among the Four Emperors!

The evidence is...

"Rubber Rubber·Thunder Elephant Gun!!!"

"The Secret of Three Sword Styles·Dragon Group·Returning to the Nest!!!"

"Ji·Demon Wind Feet·Spicy Hot Pot!!!"

boom! ! !

At the peak of the Island of Hesitation, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, who had entered a state of hard support, burst out with terrifying momentum, stirring up the storm in the sky.

The waves kept rolling and roaring, as if they were beating drums to cheer for this battle!

After nearly half an hour of trembling, Luffy and the other three finally seized the opportunity and formed a triangle to intercept the inevitable Kizaru in the center of the battlefield.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, Kizaru's expression suddenly changed, and his body quickly began to enter the elemental state.

But the next second...

boom! ! !

Sanji, who had already guessed Kizaru's movements, instantly activated his fruit ability, and his body suddenly turned into a blazing fire, which suddenly bombarded Kizaru's body.

It's just that because of using the fruit ability many times and being eager to explode this time, he has very little power left, and even the power of this attack is not as powerful as he imagined.

But fortunately, Sanji's purpose from beginning to end was not to hurt Kizaru!


The jet-black leather shoes wrapped in armed domineering force suddenly stepped on Kizaru's abdomen, instantly kicking him out of his elemental state.

At the same time, Kizaru lost his only chance to escape the attack!


All of a sudden!

The ear-splitting dragon roar suddenly sounded behind him.

I saw that Sauron was wrapped in a thick ghost aura from hell, and the three long knives also emitted a bright metallic luster wrapped in the aura of armed domination.

Flames burned in the air, and thunder wrapped around the long knife.

The power of wind accompanies Sauron, and the brilliance of ice guides Sauron's progress...

Uh-huh! ! !

Silently, Zoro's figure suddenly passed by Kizaru.

A blow that was intertwined with Zoro's understanding of the way of the sword and Pokémon energy suddenly landed on Kizaru's body.

The sharp slashes brought by the steel attribute energy directly opened several wounds on Kizaru's back.

The blood was dripping, and a bloody stain was poured into the air.

Before Kizaru could realize the scars on his back, the power of elements such as wind, fire, thunder, and lightning followed his wounds directly and entered his body, continuing to destroy Kizaru's body.

And strange energies such as evil and ghosts began to incessantly invade his brain, making his thinking slow.

Zoro's blow could be said to have really blasted out all the power in his body.

Like Sanji, he had been able to respond to admiral-level attacks by himself one after another, and he was unable to deliver a second such powerful slash.

Judging from the results, Zoro is undoubtedly successful!

Because with such "modest" strength, he managed to inflict considerable injuries on the veteran navy general Kizaru, which would even affect his future battles.


That’s all!

With Zoro's current strength, it would be too wishful thinking to defeat Kizaru.

Although saying this makes Zoro and Sanji feel a little regretful for their hard work, the protagonists today are not the two of them! ! !

"Well done! Zoro Sanji!!!"

Boom! ! !

Luffy, in the fourth level of the God of War, grinned widely, making his face covered with flame inscriptions look extra domineering.

But he suddenly stretched his arms towards the sky!

There, the thundercloud that Nami had just used to bombard the naval battleship was formed.

Although there is not much thunder power left in it, it is a perfect environment for nurturing thunder! ! !

A blue light of electricity bloomed from Luffy's clenched fist.

Triple attack!

A general move that not many people care about in the Pokémon games...

In the real world, it has become an important channel for the Straw Hats and even members of the Straw Hat Fleet to master Pokémon energy!

In an instant, endless lightning bloomed on Luffy's arm, and the momentum became even more terrifying under the influence of the thunder cloud.

Seeing Zoro and Sanji's attacks affecting Kizaru one after another, Luffy, who seized the opportunity, directly entered the giant form with his arm out of thin air.

next moment……

Luffy's fist was like a giant mammoth rushing out of a dark cave. It suddenly flew out of the thunder clouds, and with unparalleled thunder power, it slammed towards Kizaru!

boom! ! !

Kizaru, who was affected by Zoro and Sanji's attacks, didn't react at all and was directly hit by Luffy's terrifying thunder punch! ! !


Luffy had a ferocious face and let out a huge roar.

And his fist seemed to be injected with magical power, and it actually knocked Kizaru away.

Its speed is actually enough to compete with him after elementalization! ! !

Boom~! ! !

The last representative building on Judiciary Island, the Bridge of Hesitation, was directly broken into two halves by Kizaru's impact.

Countless stones fell from the sky and fell into the sea below.

And Kizaru's body also fell straight into the sea after passing through the Bridge of Hesitation...

For a long time, there was no movement.



Zoro, who put away his dragon energy, landed on the remains of the Hesitation Bridge. He looked at Kizaru's huge splash of water with confusion and surprise, and his tone became incomprehensible.

After Sanji landed on the side, he also lit a cigarette. He took a puff first to calm his emotions, and then slowly said:

"It has ended."

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