Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 248 Usopp, you must get rid of the evil king!

There was no time to catch up with Usopp, who was ideally cheering for Luffy, so what happened next...

It was directly the first battle meeting held by the Straw Hat Pirates in the absence of the captain and deputy captain.


The captain and deputy captain here actually mainly refers to Chihong.

After all, Luffy~

Everyone who understands understands, but it’s useless to talk to those who don’t understand.

The meeting began, and Robin, who was entrusted by Red to serve as the temporary commander, took the initiative to arrange combat missions in the near future.

In addition to achieving the goal of killing Blackbeard in this battle, Chihong and Robin also implicitly expressed the second goal of this operation...

That is to fully integrate Brook into the Straw Hat crew!

It is true that with the emotional bond between the Straw Hats and Rab, Brooke has sincerely joined the Straw Hat Pirates.

Even Chihong has been focusing on cultivating Brooke in recent days, directly raising his level to level 50.

But not like others.

Because Red had eliminated Moriah and his gang in advance, Brooke's participation seemed too pale and had no emotional basis.

Therefore, creating a battle that can give Brooke a greater sense of belonging has become Robin's top priority.

A thoughtful look flashed in Robin's eyes.

She raised her head and said to everyone in her intellectual and gentle voice:

"Chihong said that the members of the Nine Snake Island Guards are not weak."

"Every female warrior among them has a strength of at least level 20 or above."

"In this case, the more than 3,200 ordinary pirates can be left to the internal legion of Nine Snake Island."

"Coupled with Sanji's support from the sky above Nine Snake Island, there is no problem at all!"

"As for the Black Lion Alliance pirates between level 10 and level 30...Usopp, can your Zerg Legion be okay!?"

Robin raised his head slightly and asked Usopp.

Usopp rubbed his chin for a while and then said:

"Just...pirates below level 30?!"

"Although the number of strong people is a bit large, I think there should be no problem."

Usopp, who has always been unconfident, did not boast.

But Robin, who already knew his character, understood...

When Usopp says he is unsure, it means that if the target number or strength suddenly doubles, he may be a little unsure.

That is to say...

Usopp wins for sure!

"Very good!" Robin directly understood Usopp's answer, and then smiled directly:

"Then, Nami and I will solve all targets between level 30-50!"

"Zauron, go deal with that being whose strength exceeds level 60!"

"Brooke, Chopper and Franky..."

Robin turned his gaze again, looking at the arrangement he had already drafted in his mind, and said:

"Sanji has already eliminated one of the 50-60 strong men."

"Among the remaining targets, you and Sanji each choose one and strive for a quick victory!"

"Yes, Miss Robin!"

Brooke, who was stared at by Robin, straightened up immediately and answered seriously.

Franky and Chopper next to him also showed understanding expressions and nodded in response.

At this point, except for one special being, all the troops dispatched by the Black Lion Alliance have been divided up by the Straw Hats.

Without any hesitation, everyone jumped directly from the Meili in the air and headed towards the location of their respective goals.

On Zoro's side, Usopp also specially sent two gravity unicorns to help him find the target.

"Then Robin, I'll go there first!"

Usopp, who received the task of cleaning up the trash fish, stood with one foot on his mount.

But just when he was about to say goodbye and start taking action, Robin suddenly stopped him again!

"Wait a minute, Usopp!"

As he spoke, Robin slowly took out a shabby bounty order from the pocket in his arms, and then raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a sinister smile that made Usopp shudder.

"Usopp, have you forgotten that you haven't received your mission target yet!?"

"Ah!?" Usopp blinked in shock, "Isn't my target those trash fishes!?"

"No, no, no~" Robin shook his finger lightly, with a sweet but inexplicable smile on his face.

"Those miscellaneous fish are the targets of the Zerg Legion!"

"As for your target, of course it's someone else!"

As he spoke, Robin threw out the list in his hand, making it fall smoothly into Usopp's hands.

"What's up here is your mission goal this time!"


Usopp opened the bounty notice curiously, and immediately saw a man wearing a white and brown fur coat with two slender pointed horns on his head.

Robin smiled and explained:

"This is your target!"

"The man who enslaved several kingdoms more than ten years ago and is known as the most terrifying criminal in the world - [Evil King] Aballo Pizarro!"

"The King of Evil!?"

Usopp's palms trembled and he looked above at the extremely evil criminal who had been offered a reward of "540 million beli" even more than ten years ago.

On the back of this reward order, there is information about the evil king that Robin had written in advance.

Island fruit ability user!

It can assimilate its body with the entire island and control everything on the island.

The disadvantage is that it takes a certain amount of time to assimilate an island each time, and after assimilating with the island, the damage suffered by the island will be transferred to the ability user.

However, looking at the horrific results of the evil king's war above, Usopp's forehead was instantly sweating.

"Wait... wait a minute, Robin!"

"You don't mean to say... this evil king is not on the Nine Snake Island!"

"But in the sky island below us!?"

"Smart!" Robin praised with a smile.

But Usopp, who has always been unable to accept praise, is unusually calm at this time.

After all, this is not difficult to analyze.

Compared with the Nine Snake Island that requires a long time to assimilate, of course, the island they are familiar with is more worthy of assimilation.

But in this way, Usopp not only has to release the Zerg Legion to suppress the huge number of pirates.

At the same time, he has to deal with the terrifying evil king alone!

Subconsciously, Usopp wants to find some excuses to seek help.

But Robin seemed to have guessed what he was going to say, and before Usopp could speak, she smiled and said:

"Usopp, before Red and Luffy left, he specifically asked me to remind you of one thing."

"Usopp, don't forget that you are the Straw Hat Pirates' top sniper!"

"The fruit ability and the insect army are only an increase in your strength, not a shackle that imprisons you!"

"You are already a mature strong man!"

"Let go of everything and prove it to the world with your own strength!"

"Compared to the insect swarm, Red said that he hopes you can be given a new title by the world-"

"G·O·D Usopp!!!"

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