Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 249 Usopp: Excessive expectations will only become a burden to me!

Even though he has followed Chihong to learn his thick black skills from a very early age...

Even if he knew that what Robin conveyed was just the professional words that Red used to motivate the Straw Hats every day...

But after being forced to drink some hot chicken soup, Usopp inevitably became excited.


"Do I really deserve such a title?"

Usopp knew very well that with his low self-esteem and timidity, he would never be able to have the domineering qualifications of Luffy and Zoro in his life.

But he also remembered what Chihong told him...

Once a person can successfully admit his own weakness, he becomes invincible!

"I hope Hong Hong's vision is right!"

After taking a deep breath, Usopp immediately waved his hand and released countless insect swarms, flying towards the direction of Nine Snakes Island like a dark cloud in the night sky.

With the presence of special detection insects and command insects, the Zerg Legion can still complete its mission brilliantly even without Usopp's guidance.

"Then let's go to the ground without any worries!"

Dark green fluorescence flashed in Usopp's eyes, exuding a heavy aura of vitality.

The powerful and accurate Haki released, Usopp quickly discovered the figure hidden on the sky island.

"Is that you? The evil king Abarro Pizarro..."

The huge metal-like carapace of the giant one-horned fairy suddenly opened up, but it let out a silent flutter of wings, carrying Usopp and flying quickly towards the target.

At the same time, on the empty island of the Black Lion Alliance.

It is different from Nine Snake Island, which is shrouded in shadow and trapped in the pain of war.

The sun is shining brightly here and the breeze is gentle.

Although the area managed by pirates is somewhat chaotic and dirty, overall it can be regarded as a safe place.

In the center of the island is also a palace with a huge black lion head sculpture.

At this time, in the palace, the evil king who was responsible for guarding the house held a voluptuous beautiful pirate in his arms. He was being fed by the beautiful pirate and showed an expression of enjoyment.

"This is how people live!"

Abaro Pizarro, who had been pushed into the town like hell for decades, sighed with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

It is different from the free Blackbeard Pirates in the original work.

In the Black Lion Alliance, because the leader is still the Golden Lion, the atmosphere between superiors and subordinates is very serious.

This also caused pirates such as the King of Evil who were closer to Blackbeard to hate the Golden Lion's rule more and more.

In contrast, Blackbeard didn't show any expression.

Or rather, this is exactly what he wants to see!

The more these powerful pirates dislike the Golden Lion's actions, the smoother it will be for him to instigate rebellion in the future.

"It would be great if the Golden Lion and Blackbeard never come back~"

"That way I can enjoy this life forever!"

Aballo Pizarro, lying in the gentle land, grinned evilly.

However, at this moment, a voice that surprised him suddenly came from the window of the palace.

"Then I'd like to congratulate you!"

"Because your wish has come true!"

"Huh!? Who!?"

The evil king suddenly looked stunned when he heard this voice.

Being interrupted from his good time, he quickly pushed away the beautiful woman and looked out the window angrily.

Immediately he saw a man stepping on a giant insect, pointing a strange slingshot weapon at him.

"What are you..."

The King of Evil was about to ask, but the person outside the window didn't give him a chance to speak, and suddenly let go of the slingshot in his hand.

"Must-kill·Improved Uki bomb·Dragon and Phoenix appear auspicious!!!"

Words like blessings came from Usopp's mouth.

Before the Evil King could react to what was happening, a red bullet engraved with the patterns of a divine dragon and a fire phoenix suddenly passed by his eyes and struck the wall behind him.

Just when the King of Evil thought that Usopp was a crook...

A heart-stopping energy fluctuation suddenly came from behind him.

boom! ! !

The next moment, without giving the Evil King any time to react, a mighty explosion suddenly came from behind him, swallowing him directly like a ferocious beast.

The entire palace was suddenly enveloped in a blazing fire, and then the originally majestic palace collapsed with a loud noise.



The raging fire clung to the ruins of the palace, forming a pair of flying divine dragons and fire phoenixes in the air, making faint roaring and chirping sounds.


Usopp took off the scenery with one eye and looked at the palace that had turned into ruins, but the vigilance in his eyes did not relax at all.

But at this moment, a slight roar suddenly came from the ground beneath his feet.

All of a sudden!

A pillar of earth suddenly rose into the sky and turned into a huge hand in mid-air, grabbing in the direction of Usopp.

"I knew it wouldn't be that simple!"

Faced with the sudden change, Usopp didn't panic at all. The Unicorn under his feet suddenly burst out with a magical light, and then turned into a silhouette at an extremely fast speed, taking Usopp away from the huge palm. s attack.

Super-type moves - high-speed movement!

As the ace Unicorn cultivated by Usopp, he has already asked Red to help bring it into the Pokémon world and match it with some practical moves.

"Annoying bugs!"

At this moment, several huge potholes suddenly appeared in a high mountain on the island, placed on the mountain like a human face.

It is the fruit of the evil king's ability - to assimilate himself and the island!

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now and assimilated the island under his feet in advance...

The explosion impact just now did not just cause him some pain!

After transforming into an island, even if the island itself suffers damage, it will still be sensed to his body.

But to the island, Usopp's attack was equivalent to burning his body with a cigarette butt.

Rumble, rumble~

Seeing Usopp easily escaping his pursuit, the Evil King immediately gathered a huge palm again and pursued Usopp.

"It's really haunting!"

Seeing this scene, Usopp also frowned slightly. While observing the surrounding environment with his sense of sight, he used insect energy as a transmission signal to control the rhinoceros to avoid the pursuit of the evil king.

In an instant, the land, rocks, forests, and lakes on the entire island seemed to be alive, constantly emerging from every corner and launching various attacks against Usopp!

The ability of the Island Fruit showed its due power at this moment!


"It's useless, little bug!!!"

"As long as you are still on this island, you will never escape my grasp!"

The Evil King, who had just been attacked by Usopp, instantly changed his identity and turned into a huge mountain face, playing a hide-and-seek game with Usopp on the entire sky island.

Facing the overwhelming attack, Usopp didn't dare to deal with it.

After all, the opponent is much stronger than him, and with the help of such terrifying fruit abilities, he is simply not someone at his level that he can deal with.

Every time he thinks about this, Usopp can't help but feel strange...

He always felt that Chihong always had confidence in him inexplicably!

He was even trained as a strong man like Zoro and Sanji.

Obviously there are still so many outstanding people in the Straw Hats.

Whether it's Nami who plays with the weather, or Robin who is agile in attacking, or Chopper who has multiple transformation forms, Franky with a body of steel, Brooke with a soul skeleton...

Usopp never thought he was that good.

Not to mention the Straw Hat Pirates in this world of geniuses!

Including the achievements he has achieved now, all of them came from the help of other partners.

"So...Chihong, you bastard, don't trust me so much for no reason!!!"

"You're really putting me under a lot of pressure!!!"

Whoosh! ! !

The strengthened unicorn drew a half-moon arc in the air, and once again escaped the "nose hair attack" composed of trees.

But at this moment, Usopp, who had been chased for a long time, suddenly controlled the rhinoceros to stop.

Under the bright sun, Usopp's figure was stretched out, leaving a tall shadow on the island.


The huge body tilted slightly, as if the evil king had raised his head.

His empty but extremely bright eyes flashed.

The evil king grinned and laughed mockingly:

"Why didn't you run away? Little bug!?"

"Is it possible that you are still thinking about how to escape from this island!?"

"Then I can tell you for sure... you can give up this unrealistic idea!"

"With Lord Golden Lion's ability, now I can also move freely in the air!"

As if to prove that what he said was true, under the control of the evil king, the entire island suddenly rose more than ten meters in height, causing Usopp to almost be hit by a raised spike.

Looking at Usopp who was forced to take off again, the King of Evil laughed again.

But the next second, the mountain where his big face was attached suddenly spewed out a stream of hot magma.

The mood suddenly turned sharply and became serious. The King of Evil Government made a low buzzing voice:

"it's useless!"

"I actually destroyed the alliance's headquarters base while I was guarding the island..."

"No matter what happens today, I want you to die on this island!"

"I've already remembered. You are Usopp, the bug from the Straw Hat Pirates who was offered a bounty of one billion and eighty million beli not long ago, right!?"

"Lord Blackbeard even specifically mentioned your name to us! There seems to be some dispute between you two..."

"If I can bring your head to the adults, I will definitely be able to make up for my mistakes and gain greater rights!"

"Then...say goodbye to this world! Kid!!!"

call--! ! !

Two huge mountain palms roared towards Usopp's direction under the control of the King of Evil.

But at this moment...

"Have you finished talking?!"

"I didn't expect your last words... to be quite many!"

Usopp, who was standing on the horned fairy, slowly raised his head, with a faint smile on his face, and Gujing said calmly.

Excessive expectations always bring pressure to people.

But at this moment, even Usopp didn't know what the principle was...

All of Red's expectations for him would miraculously turn into the source of motivation for him to climb to the top!

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