The thirtieth day of the unification of the North Sea by the Kingdom of Djerma.

Because of his talent and political decision-making in governing the four nations, Kaji intends to give him some power to help him manage the sea.

I heard that the North Sea is very unpeaceful, and at every turn, there are pirate groups that specially rob those passing ships, and even the Kingdom of Djerma is not spared.

So he decided to start with the power of these pirate groups first.

Single-handedly leading five hundred elite soldiers, Fengzhi began to carry out a clean-up operation against the surrounding pirate groups and stabilize the domestic security environment.

This time he didn’t use Jericho missiles, this kind of thing is used to destroy several pirate forces, a bit of a good knife used on chopping vegetables.

Almost without even having to use skills, when encountering an unlucky pirate group, they are often smashed into the entire ship by Fengzhi’s fist before they have time to escape.

Then the pirate group in the entire North Sea was stunned and frightened by the wind and withdrew from this sea area, and even some people simply changed their careers.

Anyway, as long as it’s not a pirate doing anything.

Seeing that the pirates are so knowledgeable, and even in order to avoid their own pursuit and killing, there are actually many people who pick up rags for a living, and Fengzhi is happy and relaxed.

Take out a thousand points and exchange many electrical appliances in the previous life in the system mall, and Fengzhi plans to promote it in China first.

As the eldest son of the Vince Mock family, his family’s assets are considerable, and tens of millions of shells are used in the processing and manufacture of these electrical appliances.

In addition, he also took out tens of millions to install the electrical system in China, so that every household can use sockets.

Spending so much money at once is a loss on the surface, but when electrical appliances are integrated into the lives of the people in the future, the return will be a hundred times.

Commercially, considering that it is not very convenient for people in the pirate world to record time, Fengzhi developed watches, which are divided into two styles: luxury goods and simple goods.

Rich families go out to compare, naturally invest a lot of money to buy watches, even ordinary people can have one.

In addition, the clothing and clothing of this world seem to be very modern, and Fengzhi, with his memories of his past life, painted thousands of hot-selling skirts in his past life, attracting domestic women in a short period of time.

Fengzhi also wants to take advantage of his high reputation now, and he is a little sorry for himself if he doesn’t take it to wait for the opportunity to hype.

With the name of “Devil Fruit”, he personally participated in the cultivation and research and development of tropical fruits, picked them and carefully carved them, and the shape is very similar to that in the Devil Fruit Guide.

After these commercial methods were launched, they quickly spread in the North Sea and were emulated by countless merchants.

In this way, the kingdom forces under the jurisdiction of the Djerma Kingdom can skyrocket to dozens of times this year.

When Kaji saw that Kazeji was so attentive, he rejoiced and released the power in his hands one after another, letting him do his own thing.

The three Iji brothers knew all day that cultivation, if they wanted to govern this country, they would still have to rely on wind governance in the future.

The changes on this side of the North Sea seem to have formed a tide, spreading towards the four seas.

In addition to the inconvenient promotion of electrical appliances and other things, trade items such as watches, skirt jewelry and other trade items have been praised by the masses.

Doflamingo heard that the current tax revenue of the Kingdom of Djerma was almost five or six times more than his own, and his eyes were extremely hot.

He risked his own death to rely on the criminal acts of selling arms and selling artificial devil fruits to earn his current income, but he did not expect that he was quickly surpassed by hostile forces by commercial means alone.

In anger, Mingo directly announced that Dressrosane banned these things, and violators imposed huge fines.

This kind of brutal and unbearable behavior has aroused strong disgust among the people at home, but they only dare not speak out.

Having seen the end of resisting Brother Ming’s forces, these ordinary people who have no power can only endure it silently, secretly cursing that Brother Ming will step down sooner or later.

A series of policies in the Kingdom of Djerma continues.

With the full support of King Kaji, Fengzhi transferred a lot of funds and talents and established a military research and development base.

Anyway, in the system mall, the price of these things is very low, it is better to let them play a role in this era.

The first technological innovation is in terms of weapons, the firearms used by the Jerma soldiers are single-shot, the magazine capacity is small, the accuracy is not high, and the power is limited.

Compared with the Navy’s guns, they are much higher, but their weapons are no different from garbage waste.

Spend a small number of points to exchange 98K, AK47, MP5 and other submachine guns and assault rifles, design drawings are submitted to the military test base for study, and the specific gun products are tested on the spot by their soldiers.

The result is amazing, thirty rounds of ammunition fired continuously, able to shoot steel plates dented, if placed on the battlefield, is undoubtedly a nightmare for the enemy on the opposite side.

Until he came up with a sea weapon from the past life such as a steel battleship, Kazeji went directly to the water capital to cooperate with Shi Chang Iceberg, who specializes in building ships.

Iceberg took a preliminary look at the design principle of the steel battleship, and was immediately shocked, and expressed his willingness to manufacture a batch for free, and the reward was to obtain the right to sell and manufacture such ships in the future.

As a sign of sincerity, he also promised to take 20% of his total annual sales profits as a reward each year.

Fengzhi feels good, it should be a contribution to the development of the world’s transportation industry, anyway, you can count money to cramps when lying in the back.

Then he proposed to Iceberg the “Sea Train” cooperation project, which not only has the latest regulations and regulations, but also solves the world problem of inconvenient maritime trade.

Iceberg feels that this proposal is quite good, the market value potential is very considerable, and it is also good for the future development of the water capital.

In addition to lamenting that Fengzhi had many novel ideas and unique ideas, Iceberg felt that he was really old, and even lost his business talent to a thirteen-year-old ghost.

After finalizing the cooperation goal, Iceberg ordered all his employees to stop and start to concentrate on the project planning proposed by Fengzhi, and other orders were temporarily released.

Hearing that Fengzhi was going to establish the Jerma Chamber of Commerce, Iceberg indicated that he was the first to join, and the rest of the merchant bosses enthusiastically signed up.

Everyone can see that the series of decisions recommended by Fengzhi can bring terrifying and amazing profit income in the future, and whoever does not join in time is a fool.

These merchant bosses actually mainly wanted to learn the business methods of wind governance, so they later stipulated that they must pay 100,000 Bailey to join the club, which could not stop the fanatical eyes of these people.

Hold your thighs from the moment the other person is a child.

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