After the establishment of the Jerma Chamber of Commerce, it not only attracted thousands of domestic businessmen or bosses to join and sign up, but even people from North Overseas joined in.

It is worth mentioning that after the Djerma Kingdom unified the North Sea, it finally determined its territory, which is a large island covering an area of 10,000 acres.

I don’t know how Kaji’s attitude is, but Fengzhi still feels that a country still has its own land, not to mention that there are large towns on it.

To move to it, you only need to hire workers to build the palace house.

At the beginning of construction, members of the Vince Mock family still lived on the fleet.

The Chamber of Commerce is in the middle of the island town, in a simple and quaint church.

The cost of joining the Jerma Chamber of Commerce has risen to 200,000 Baileys, and there is still no stopping momentum, and Fengzhi, as the president, feels that he needs to go up and say two words.

“Thank you very much for your enthusiastic registration, since you choose to be credited, then I will make some rules clear here.”

First, members of the Chamber of Commerce must not violate the law and seek substantial profits by relying on crimes such as selling meat, trafficking in human beings, and buying and selling.

Second, members of the Chamber of Commerce must achieve certain performance every year in order to continue to develop in the Chamber of Commerce, otherwise they can only be expelled from the Chamber of Commerce.

Third, pay taxes on time every year, do not have tax evasion, tax evasion, false accounts, etc., once found to be expelled from the Chamber of Commerce, you are prohibited from joining again for life.

Fengzhi said more than thirty things in succession, and the merchant below took out a pen and paper and carefully recorded it, lest he miss something and accidentally offend.

You know, joining the Jerma Chamber of Commerce and mixing with the increasingly valuable Prince of Wind Governance may not be able to become a famous family in the North Sea in the future.

In the world of merchants, it is easy to obtain as long as you have enough funds, status, and status.

Fengzhi said all this, but these are all duties that should be observed as a serious businessman, and there is no contradiction.

As for the last clause not to do any business with the Don Quixote family, it is clearly strongly targeted.

After all, a while ago, the Kingdom of Jerma and Don Quixote had a big fight.

But even if Fengzhi doesn’t explain it, they will have the same idea, who let Mingge’s tyrannical and cruel people do almost all things against human ethics.

If you want to live long, this kind of character is still as far away as possible.

Among the many businessmen interviewed, Fengzhi met a guy named Jobs Mayun and appointed the other party as the president of the Jerma Chamber of Commerce on the spot.

If nothing else, just for this name, he also wants to take advantage of the luck brought by the fame of the two rich people in his previous life to promote this person out of the ordinary.

Afterwards, in the next twenty years, Ma Yun still remembers Fengzhi’s past feelings for his promotion, even if he gives his hundreds of billions of Bailey hands, it is difficult to pay off.

This is a matter of later, after Fengzhi dealt with the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce, he then sent some shipwrights to the water capital to learn the technology of sea trains.

To make a high-speed train more than 1,000 meters long travel as fast as possible on the sea, there are more than a few technical difficulties to overcome.

This is also related to whether the Chamber of Commerce can develop rapidly in the future of a large number of maritime trade, and only by increasing the commercial routes between various places can it quickly develop its own brand.

The iceberg side has no secret about this technology, after all, after seeing the steel battleship, he has learned a lot from it.

Let’s think of it as a technical exchange.

The CP9 members lurking in the water capital saw the design drawings of the ship with great craftsmanship sent by Fengji, and immediately reported the relevant information to the world government.

As a result, news came from the government, saying that there was no need to pay too much attention to this matter, and it was safe to inquire about the design drawings of the world’s weapon “Hades”.

“I didn’t expect that you are already very good as a king, and even being a businessman is so talented, it really makes it shame to be a father.”

At the dinner, Kaji praised the performance of the near time of the wind rule.

“Cut! I hope that Brother Fengzhi can always be so busy, so that we can quickly catch up with you without time to cultivate. ”

Neji put down the meal in his hand and said to Kazeji.

“Impossible things, you are still too naïve stupid brother.” Fengzhi chuckled indifferently and sneered at each other mercilessly.

Before the hard cultivation was just to pass the time, in fact, Feng Zhi was mainly through constantly earning points to achieve a crazy increase in strength.

The normal cultivation speed is not even one-tenth of the speed of consuming points to increase cultivation.

Even if the strength of Iji and the others increases, then the wind rule is a hundred times higher.

Seeing the brothers comparing each other, Kaji coughed a few times and continued, “In a few days, it will be the time for the World Alliance Conference, and I hope that Kazeji can come with me.” ”

His idea is simple, that is, to take Fengji to the world conference to show his face and prepare for future networking.

As the heir to the king, Kaji demanded that Fengji not only have superb martial arts and talents, but also have good interpersonal relationships around him.

It is best to fancy the princess of a powerful country, so that the two parties will make a marriage contract, a strong alliance, and by the way, the marriage of the children will be solved, wouldn’t it be happy?

Fengzhi felt extremely speechless about this thought, and when he fought with Mingge before, how could he not see the state come out to support.

In the end, what he can rely on is not the blade in his hand and his own strong strength, so he is very disgusted to make these plastic friends.

As long as the strength is strong enough to the point that the world trembles for it, then the people who want to befriend you will definitely fill the street.

Fengzhi reluctantly agreed, then packed his luggage and planned to leave on time the next morning.

Before leaving, seeing that Iji and the others had initially awakened their domineering, they taught each other the art of dancing to avoid waiting for them to leave, and the Kingdom of Jerma was remembered by people with intentions.

According to reliable information, many national forces and even the navy are lurking near the island, ready to spy on the circuit communication technology here.

There are even people who buy a large number of household appliances, ready to take them back to study carefully and slowly, and strive for a high degree of restoration.

In this way, it will be themselves who will get rich, and they will no longer have to rely on others.

Fengzhi ignored this, this kind of household appliances involving mechanics and electricity, where is as simple as they imagined.

Even if it is successfully imitated, the shape function and quality must be its own advantage, otherwise the Apple mobile phone was imitated by so many mobile phone manufacturers in the previous life, how can no one surpass Apple?

Instead of worrying about this, it is better to bless the Kingdom of Djerma from being attacked by any armed forces during his absence.

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