Bite! Complete the system mission: Kill Draco.

Complete: Kill one of the Draco, including the Charros saint.

“Ding! The 100,000 evolution points have been credited, and the 100,000 graded lottery will be rewarded once. ”

When Fengzhi heard the system prompt, he jumped up from the ground excitedly, but the female emperor on the side was a little puzzled, why did Fengzhi’s reaction look a little excited?

This big war, for Feng Zhi, but has great benefits, directly facing the three admirals of the navy, in fact, Feng Zhi is also injured, but the injuries in the body heal quickly after the self-healing factor breaks free, and returns to its peak state.

Even under the action of the extreme evolution cell, he could feel that his strength had improved a lot.

The whole process is a bit difficult and cumbersome, but the benefits are obvious.

The 100,000 evolution points added to the previous savings are nearly 120,000.

Not only can you strengthen any C-level ability to B-level, one step closer to the level of a general, but you can also exchange a large number of weapons and equipment, of course, the most important thing is the number of 100,000-level lotteries.

This is literally equivalent to a buy-one-get-one-free benefit.

The three sisters of Boyahan Cook glanced at Fengzhi, and then cautiously spoke: “Sir, can you really take us away?” ”

“Of course!” Fengzhi glanced at the poor boyahan, but the corners of his lips slightly curved.

The current female emperor is like an orphan with a miserable life, living on the street without anyone taking them in.

“I… I want to follow the adults. ”

Boyahan Cook is still young, not as hot and unrestrained as when he grew up, and it is already a lot of courage to say this.

This made Fengzhi touch his cheek, guessing that the other party was attracted by his handsome and dashing appearance?

“I regret to tell you that now that naval support has arrived, you have missed the best opportunity to escape.”

Human slaves are not like fishmen, who can survive by jumping into the sea, and to escape here, they must take a boat and row out of the sea as fast as possible.

When the three sisters of Boyahan Cook heard this news, their eyes once again showed a look of horror, as if they no longer wanted to experience that kind of dark prison life.

“Don’t worry, for your sake, I can let you disguise yourself as a personal maid and follow you, and whether you go or stay afterwards depends on your own plans.”

These words rekindled the hope of the three sisters in life, who have been accustomed to the ugliness of human beings in recent years, and they are extremely grateful for such kind acts as Fengzhi.

It seems that there are not only bad guys in this world, but also good people, just like Lord Fengzhi.

Kazeji ignored the thoughts in the three sisters’ minds, took the three of them, evaded the patrols and searches of naval soldiers along the way, and even performed magic and moon steps, holding one in each hand, Boya behind him, and arranged it in his room.

Of course, Fengzhi has no other meaning… Purely because it will not be arbitrarily searched and arrested by naval soldiers.

As the hiding place of the three boyar sisters, it can be said that it is more than enough.

Knock knock!

At this time, there was a knocking sound at the door of the room, which instantly aroused the vigilance of Fengzhi.

Signaling that the three sisters of Boya were spoken, he walked to the door with the Tianli Divine Sword, and through the domineering induction of seeing and smelling, he knew that the other party was his father, Gaji.

“Fengzhi, you don’t know, Draco was killed and made a mess outside, don’t go out if you’re okay….”

Before he finished speaking, Gaji saw the three sisters of Boyahan Cook sitting on the bed, looking a little strange, which was why they appeared in the Fengji room.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and couldn’t help but sigh: “Alas… It seems that the son has really grown up. ”

“Sorry! Excuse me…”

Kaji exited the door in amusement, not feeling anything wrong.

Although the thirteen-year-old is too young, the men of their Vince Mock family are born with different developments, which is nothing, but they didn’t expect Fengzhi to have this kind of interest.

The vision is also very unique, one of them is a little older than his vision, and he will definitely be a woman with a beautiful posture in the future.

Thinking that Fengzhi didn’t just bury his head in penance, he felt a little relieved.

It seems that it is time to find him a princess of the kingdom for a rectification marriage, and strive to marry this kid before the age of eighteen.

After appeasing the three sisters of the female emperor, Kazeji walked out of his room, previously as an assassin, but now, as a prince of a country.

After walking out again, Feng Zhi on the road did not have much interest in meeting the rest of the Draco members, and besides, the death of Charros Saint was already a bombshell, and no matter how many incidents it was, it was not good.

“Hey! Did you guy see my brother? ”

At this time, an orange-haired woman wearing a Draco costume and sunglasses led the pug and said haughtily to the wind and toe.

“I didn’t see it!.”

Kazeji stopped and replied with a perfunctory salute.

“Why don’t you dare look up at me?” Seeing that the other party kept his head down, Xia Lulia Palace looked more and more dissatisfied.

Charros Saint disappeared, and his father did not want to believe that the other party was killed, so he sent himself out to find it together.

For the waste wood brother, Xia Lulia Palace is a little indifferent, and the dignified Draco people can be killed in their own base camp, even if they die, they deserve it.

“This… You’re so ugly, I don’t want to see your face. ”

Fengzhi accidentally said what he thought, but because the speed of speech was too fast, the other party did not react at once.

“Eh… I mean the noble face of adults, and I dare not look directly at them, for fear that adults will blame them. ”

These words, Fengzhi, who has watched countless TV series, can say it casually, and he feels very admirable for his eloquence.

“Count you kid acquaintance, in this case, Miss Ben will give you the opportunity to follow me to find my brother.”

Sure enough, as long as it is Draco, it is difficult to resist the set of sneakers.


Fengji spat out a mouthful of blood, startled the other party, and then perfunctorily said: “Sorry, because I just participated in the battle, my internal organs have been seriously injured, if I continue to be with adults, I am afraid that I will die in front of your eyes.” ”

Charulia Palace was shocked, and seeing that the other party did not look like a fake, she turned away in disgust.

Draco, as an aristocrat who has mastered wealth and power to the peak, is very taboo about the word death, and when he sees the dying appearance of Feng Zhi, he is afraid of touching his own mold, and quickly urges the other party to leave.

“Really… What about the genius with the most demon talent in the North Sea cultivation? Unexpectedly, even the lowly Fish-Terrans couldn’t beat them. ”

Hearing the other party’s complaint, Kazeji wanted to step forward and slap the other party a few times, but Charros Saint had just died, and it was when Draco was most sensitive, and he didn’t want to attract the other party’s attention too much.

“Sooner or later, one day, destroy all of you Draco!” Fengji hid the killing intent in his heart.

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