The appearance of Fisher Tiger directly caused a sensation in the entire world government.

Climbed into the Holy Land of Mary Joa with his bare hands, freed the Draco’s slaves, and caused the death of a full thirty-five Draco, and usually, a Draco beating may touch the admiral.

Now, thirty-five Draco are dead.

Fisher Tiger was directly on fire.

Although Charles Rohseng’s body was not found, he was still missing, and this black pot was properly carried by Fisher Tiger.

It’s definitely destroyed!.

The head of the world government, Wuxing, was angry and listed Fisher Tiger as the most wanted criminal, and all whistleblowers were given heavy bounties, and those who assisted in arresting or killing enjoyed benefits such as being a noble title in the government and being protected by high-ranking naval forces.

In the original book, Fisher Tiger’s bounty was 230 million berry, and now, his bounty has reached 800 million berry.

The confusion of the Holy Land Mary Joa continued, the navy continued to capture slaves, and was ordered by the top to kill the rebels on the spot, but unexpectedly killed a few slaves but aroused their ferocity.

Naval casualties also took place, and the situation continued toward signs of increasing intensity.

Feng Zhi was like a flying eagle rushing to the shadows of a tall building, and his heart blossomed when he heard the reaction of the world government, which is also thanks to Fisher Tegken’s justice, of course, the most important thing is, who will this black pot not give him?

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to successfully kill Draco without being detected by anyone.

“I owe Fischer Teg a sum for this matter, and I will have the opportunity to repay it in the future, I don’t know if he escaped the pursuit of the world government.”

In reality, Fisher Tiger was attracting high-level naval forces to flee in other directions, also to give thousands of slaves more time to escape.

Later, this incident was known as the “Mariacho attack”, and the news came out, which shocked countless large and small forces.

Unexpectedly, the leader of the Fish-Terran tribe was so deeply aware of righteousness, deeply felt the pain of the Fishman and human slaves, and climbed to the top of the Red Earth Continent alone, in order to make the action of liberating the slaves.

Therefore, even if the world government later gave a bounty of 500 million, most forces did not allow their subordinates to take orders.

Just being able to provoke the high-ranking Draco alone and calmly retreat is already a great man.

It is not advisable to have a way of ill-gotten gains, and such a great hero has not been much since the death of One Piece Roger.

In the middle of the Holy Land, in a golden palace.

An old man wearing sunglasses, standing up with a big belly, and a noble temperament is none other than the father of Charros Saint and Charulia Palace, one of the few Draco people standing at the peak of power, Rozwad Saint.

“! He actually gave me a son…”

Rozwald Saint roared angrily, and the high-ranking figures of the underground navy did not dare to breathe, silently watching him rebuke and curse.

“Is the Navy all your kind of waste? You can’t even beat a lowly fishman, what is the government feeding you waste for? I don’t care… In the future, I will kill all the fish people, and shoot them all on the spot. ”

The Warring States are helpless to this order, and as we all know, the Fish-Terrans live at the bottom of the sea.

Under the sea, which is the home of people, the advantages of human beings themselves cannot be brought into play at all, not to mention that fish people are ten times stronger than human beings by nature.

Even if the high-level combat power can be dispatched, most of the admirals, vice admirals and other figures in the navy today are capable people who have taken the devil fruit, and they have been cursed by the sea for life, and they are simply looking for death when they go underwater.

Therefore, under the grief and indignation of St. Rozwald, it is obvious that there is an element of bias and irrationality in making this decision.

“Got it… In the future, when encountering any fishman, the navy will kill the other party on the spot. ”

Sengoku perfunctorily agreed, of course, how to act, but also according to his will.

Even if the Draco are high and high, in terms of combat strategy, they are not needed to be reliable?

“Fisher Tiger must catch the other party, I want this guy to experience the taste of life is better than death.” Rozwald Saint took a deep breath and said with a fierce face: “Next, let me use all my strength to shoot all the escaped slaves, and leave no one behind!” ”

In the view of Rozwald Saint, if it were not for the mass exodus of these lowly slaves, Fisher Teg would not have been given the opportunity to kill Charros Saint.

He would rather everyone present die in exchange for his son’s life.

After all, the descendants of God, the noble Draco, are more important than any living being.

But now that Charros Saint is dead without a corpse, as his father, what Rozwad Saint can do is try his best to avenge him, which is bound to make these fish-Terrans pay a terrible price.

“Oops… Brothers are all dead like this? ”

When Xia Lulia Palace learned the news of her brother’s death, she was a little sad for a while, and she hated the Fish Race even more.

Even if the Draco do not have such deep feelings between them, they cannot tolerate noble clansmen being taken away by lowly creatures, and only they can arbitrarily control the life and death of others.

“Fishman Karate Shark!”

On the other side, Fisher Teg faced the joint attack of Vice Admiral Burning Mountain, Gumir and others, and also showed his fierce and surging strength to attack it.

The fierce and domineering fist burst out, condensing the water vapor around it, forming a combination of shark and dragon characteristics in front of him, roaring and violently rushing around, and suddenly a large number of naval soldiers were slapped to the ground.

Until now, Fisher Tiger is still not red and breathless, and the fishman’s natural strong physique and strength can support them to fight all day without rest.


The entire ship was hit by an unknown blow, but it was Fisher Tiger who had previously ordered several burly fishmen to rush underwater, gouging through many places of the ship and pouring into a large amount of seawater.

If these naval soldiers could be dragged into the water, the slave emancipation movement would undoubtedly have a greater repercussion.

“Too weak! You guys, it’s too weak! ”

The vice admiral, rear admiral, who was in battle, felt the contempt and mockery in the words of the other side, and broke out into an even more violent offensive.

However, in the face of absolute strength, this numerical superiority does not have much effect at all.

No matter how powerful the opponent uses, Fisher Tiger can be comfortable in battle.

Looking at the morning light that was about to be revealed in the sky, he felt that it was time to retreat, after all, the main purpose of this operation had been achieved.

The rest depends on the creation of those slaves.

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